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Everything posted by 643

  1. 3 deer taken off our place Sth of Kountze, very little movement in the early morn due to moon phase.
  2. Best Fall ball in Texas is run by Mike Rutledge @ Bayland Park, thinking it starts close to Nov 1. The ony requirement to play is NO football players as he wants kids 100% dedicated to baseball.
  3. I stand corected, missed the 10 1/2"
  4. Thats for sure a big one BUT wont be a record, Tillman Hophair(sp)? caught a 13'6" gator in the Texaco ditches in the early 90s? The reason I know this is I did a lifesize mount on the gator and to top the mount off was a full bodied Whitetail in the mouth of the gator. I have no idea on the weight but was 13' 6" without a dought.
  5. I have trained a few using the book 'Hey Pup Fetch it up' by Bill Tarrant, its about 400+ pgs of good stuff from a puppy to hunting situtations including 'force training'. I would steer away from all Wolters books (waterdogs) and go with Tarrants, you most probally will have to order from Books a Million or the likes of. A close friend is training a 6 month old dog now and still uses the book he recomended to me 10+yrs back along with another. I'll talk to him and see what I can come up with, BTW his dog is 7 months old and is now taking 'blind triples', but works his dog at least once a day along with constant 'inside the house' training.
  6. Saw the litltle clip on the Redsox site of the last pitch and will say it was a very 'DIRTY' hook to say the least, and would have been hard to hit with a tennis racket.
  7. Thanks for the follow-up on K, I was about to call today and get some concrete info.
  8. I among others @ HJ hope this is NOT true, if so Ned just got the best from HJ, he's one of the most dedicated and focused players I know playing today in HS ball.
  9. The spots we fished were in his book, thers is 2 spots for the Tenaco, one is the old rig site and the other is a well head, marked lots of fish at both, the fish at the well head came up to say hello. We fished it after the other and after we had our limit. We made a drop there so Rik could bring the fish to the top for his GS to see and see he DID.
  10. Went down to Freeport to help Rik Jacobson with his grandsons first trip out. Ran 19 miles to the old Tenaco well and was limited in about 10-15 min. Water was BLUE >>a first for me this yr, and a first time aboard a 33' World Cat, nice ride lots of room.
  11. Thanks for this, good to see how our local guys are doing and where their. I feel lucky to have gotten to watch all but a cpl before this part of their career. thanks again
  12. Shhh, we've only had 1 on this yr and don't want anymore. I know some target them and I truely hope they get them or at least feed them well so as to keep them OFF my Snapper holes.
  13. I have the utmost respect for the players, its the horn blowing, look at me I'm the best that ever walked on a field type stuf I cant stand, and I think Im not the only one that has noticed it displayed here. You and a few others put WB in a league of thier own as with the comments on no team less than 5a is worthy of EVEN playing WB, as was discussed here also. I have several >friends that played for WB over the yrs along with a cpl of coaches and in no way they had the attitude that has been posted by some. BTW I dont have 8 boys, just 2 and this old fart helped both go on to the next level with BB schollarships with JUST 1 going on to play Pro ball and can say and back up, I have helped more than a few others go on to the next level be it with advice, recommendation, or setting up a tryout, so you could say I'm all for the players. Whats on your resume other than sitting in the stands rooting for the home team. I do congratulate the boys in their accomplishments but to say "If it would have been a all WBs varsity team they would have won with ease" is exactly what I'm talking about.
  14. It was Clay Hensley who give up the bomb to Bonds.
  15. Not sure about their org. but could be on DL and not show on that roster, maybe another level, could be called a paper suffle to stay within MLB guidelines.
  16. Ran 50 out last week and no blue water, close but not BLUE.
  17. I dont fish in the cut, I also wade but I have caught more on the other side> Beaumont side in Bay and Galv side in the gulf. Havnt fish in the cut in several yrs and was with lites.
  18. Did his Bro go to Seminole State in Ok??
  19. The only time I fish the bay side is in the fall after a cpl of cold fronts and ONLY on week days. This time of yr on a outgoing tide I would be on the Gulf side and my preferance is the Galv side. Thro into the cut and let current bring around to the 'eddy' for some nice trout. This is NOT a place to take children as its very dangerous with the current.
  20. You need to shoot me some #s, I'll trade you some off Galveston or Freeport I wont be using while boats at Sabine.
  21. When rating pitchers they dont care if you dont finish the 60 or do it in 1 minute, the only thing they want you to lite up is the gun. Its not hard to get 5+MPH with a change of mechanics if theres a problem>>if not and mechanics are solid the only way is thru age and strength development which the better scouts are good at projecting.
  22. Probably couldn't come to terms on money and endorsments with the media so thats why you didn't see them. If you check back there has been no talk about the games since the first one>> I'd be willing to bet they were 2 n out, once out of the area, somewhat like the smack talking before the games WB played after district, 2 n out then also and NO post after that also, that is until the 'smack talkers' started this one. You can take my 'smack' to the bank and I'm just a home school drop out.
  23. After a fight with a 30-40lber I dont see how this fish was moved off the bottom, I have used the boat to pull big AJs away from rigs but I dont own a reel that has enough drag to do this with a Grouper of this size.
  24. I have the #s on all of them, most are good at holding bait and a occasonal Ling.
  25. I most certainly agree BUT I have found out if you mention anyone thats been out of school a cpl of yrs>>> your to old to post, not to mention that the new kids mentioned here could have held Pete Rose hittless, and the position players mentioned could have taken Nolan Ryan deep anytime they faced him.
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