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Everything posted by 643

  1. I know I have checked history on a Bouy on Bouyweater where it read 1.5 wave height when I was actually there and it was more a 3' ave. heres todays offshore of Sabine. Nice... Pretty cool to watch wave hts when a hurracane is approaching. [Hidden Content]
  2. Unless they (MLB) changed when they did away with the 'draft and follow', the MLB offers the rest or all you college within 2 yrs of the end of your MLB career depending on your contract, IF you make AA ball.
  3. You must have not seen Chip Ambres run, and he came from YOUR school.
  4. I'm a big Proponant of JUCO ball but the article is misleading as it refers to once he withdrew his letter we contacted him. Unless there has been a change in the NCAA rules wereas a player can sign with both a D1 and a JUCO, why didnt they go after him earlier>>signing date for JUCO. I know in the past when you sign (not verbal) with either, other schools in D1 or JUCO can't talk about attending unless the ones you have signed with releases you. Just asking thats all.
  5. Yrs back you could guarentee if I leased a rice field it was gonna be a wet winter, with water every where. Thats why I quit.
  6. Mark played MORE than a little!!
  7. Awesome, He'll love it, and should expect to play 80+ games a yr. Congrats to him and his family.
  8. I know he wasn't a outfielder but Joe Morgan WAS taught to be a Second baseman thru hrs and hrs of fielding ground balls. I was told by a MLB scout conerning Chip Ambres "We dont care how he hits, we want to see him run" Now I know I'm old and this quote was made while some here were pooping green, BUT some MLB teams still rate speed over other tools.
  9. Hey Homer I played in a ALL Golen Tri tourn for French High School hosted by the YMBL before you were even a thought, and yes it was a long time ago 36-37yrs to be EXACT, and if I mite say the game remains the same, just a few names are gone, some have changed but the ARROGANCE of WB (FP) is still there as you and a few others remind me every day by these kinds of post.
  10. I'll bet a dollar to a donut YMBL would do in a minute, they have in the not so recent past. Thinking the Ump assoc. would help in any way possible.
  11. Good for you!!! and good for the boys.
  12. Sounds like you had a large time. I wish I only burnt 35 gall with a 80 mile run, I could fish twice as much.
  13. Homer I surely dont know as much as many others on this brd especially the WB crowd and NO I did not go to a WB game, infact the last time I was at WBs field my son no-hit them and that is a matter of fact and if I'm not mistaken the WBs asst now was the asst then for our team (96 HJ)!!! Although with my complete ignorance to this game I was smart enough to put >>> 2 <<< sons thru college, both on BB scollarships and 1 of them in Pro ball. Just whats your baseball background HOMER?????????????? Come on now give me just a few of your referances.
  14. I know the ages of Big League and have for 30 yrs the very reason it was created was that PONY ball had a place for kids to play after 15 y/o but not LL. If you will look back at the post concerning WB I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to see>arrogance< plain and simple.
  15. Hail man, you and the others need to take your blinders off, and surely you know what blinders are, they are to keep a Donkey looking str8 ahead. Its fairly simple, since you ARE the best in the area and looking to go on, I was refering to your compt level or your opponants. You mite take a LL affilated team to Houston and get by BUT you will never get by Houston in Pony>>no way. Most of the teams you will face for a start is teams who ONLY have no other options but LL, Silsbee, Tyler Co, Buna, Kirbyville so its kind of a shoe in for you. You and others have talked against 'playing down' but what is it when you look at the above teams that play LL. You mite ?? have a cpl of boys that could make the cut on a Mike Rutledge type Houston Pony team. I'm not saying LL is inferior but the majority of the better players do not play LL. When I refer to 'Pony' I'm speaking of the organization not the 13-14 age group. LL is good for kids 8 and under after that go play PONY or BABE RUTH
  16. Thats a tough break no dought, and IMO the rite move by the Big Timers coach, thats playing % baseball. In this case it went the other way. Looking at the name of the tourn it doesn't look to be put on by LL baseball as its called Triple Play Baseball Mid-July Classic. I had thought I read in another thread it was a Big League team which is LL. The boys on the Baytown team seam to be too spread out to be a LL team. Just asking thats all...
  17. This post should have read Pitchers>plural, as there have been more than one at several schools, with the resources available today v/s 8-10yrs back, you really cant fairly judge a player from then v/s now. IMO it would be like comparing Ruth and Bonds.
  18. Typical quote from most WB fans, it just didnt start been that way long as I can remember and I'm 54, if you really don't think they are the best ever, just ask any of them, they will give you 101 reasons why they are. In 'Big League' unless they have changed the rule IF you win the coach can drop players and pick up new ones at every level BUT will they, and how far will they go if they dont. IMO "Little League" sanctioned teams at all levels have been getting less talent due to the 'spin-offs' in the bigger cities. Although loaded with local talent No way would this team get out of Houston if in Pony ball>>NO WAY and that is FACT. This post was in NO way ment to be disrespectfull of any of the >>>players. I truely hope the boys do win and are able to continue. I have known K Roebuck (HJ)since 5 and can say he's one of the most dedicated, focused player I know. Where are the players from or is it a Bmt W/E team with a few others??
  19. Shrimping season opened last nite at mid nite, the CG has been patrolling just offshore of the La waters which is 3 miles and the season has been open there. La water goes 3 miles offshore and beyond is Fed., Texas water goes 9 miles and beyond is Fed. The CG has been patrolling at nite just outside La waters to watch for the shrimpers that mite venture a little to far out or to far West. I'm thinking the Asian shrimpers we encountered KNEW they patrol at nite and was shrimping while they slept, there was a article in the paper of this a cpl of weeks back of the CG working the La waters at nite. PNG Proud >>if he was cleaning his nets I'm a Pentecost Preacher.
  20. At times I think the same on the recruiting, there have been a few local boys that were told they didn't have the talent for a D1, I'm speaking of 2 that are now in Pro Ball and there are probally more. I do respect Gilligan as one of the best coaches for pitchers in the nation, but it does seem as if he lets some really good kids get away. I have no idea why unless he didn't think he could get Anthony. NCAA rules may have changed on dates a coach can talk to and sign a potential player, I'm thinking although a verbal commitment was made I dont think they can put it in Ink till Nov ?? and I would not be surprised if the Fazio family recieved a call a little before the early signing period. Who knows he could have heard something from a 3rd party, he does have ears and eyes all over it seems. In our case, my son signed with Lamar in the early Nov period, early the next spring we went to a tryout in Ok for JUCO when we returned we went to a Lamar game within a few days, when Coach G saw us he came over and proceeded to voice his STRONG disaprovall of me taking my son to Ok for a tryout, I still wonder how he found out, although IMO it was none of his buss, that day I lost the respect I had for him. I personally know another boy that is one of his pitchers now that the EXACT same thing happened after the boy went to Panola for a tryout, except he made a call to the boys house on that occassion, he gave both boy and dad a tounge lashing on the phone. I still will tell anyone he's one of the best pitching coaches in the nation but thats all.
  21. Sam, I told my dad (82)about you n your son, I didnt know if he would remember you, he sat a min and smiled amd said Sam was a little slow off the mound at times but was probably one of the best in the area at that time. Told me to tell you and yours congrats and the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Go to where we met and thank the guy that runs the place. All the best W
  22. I thought you went to San Jac out of HS and then transfered??
  23. In 2002 the Draft and follow was in effect and a drafted player had to sign within a week after their season or go back in the draft, how was a signed player able to play in this game, and if not I guess these players were not included in the pool of players to be selected. I really quit following JUCO ball as close as I had been from 98-2001 and things have changed since, I guess when NJCAA sanctioned a All-Star game it put a kink in the games you played in. BTW hows Ryan and his new baby??
  24. No one called anyone a liar, but when it was refered to as a JUCO all star game IMO it would include all JUCO players. Another point is how would a signed player play in this game as he looses his amature status when he signs, or were they not included and if so how could it be considered a allstar game. I'm not wanting to take anything away from what you did or acheived. The JUCO All-Star game is new and I have a son that played and pitched in 2 JUCO World Series games in 99 and 2001 and there was absolutlly NO JUCO allstar team PERIOD in 99 or 2001, reason being 2 players on my sons team won the 'BigStick' award, one of the boys still holds the record for most HRs hit in JUCO, Jeremy Havard from Ned was on the all tourn team that was picked in the 2000 series. My question if there was why wasn't any of these kids picked to play in a JUCO all-star game, maybe they wern't good enough.
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