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Mike has a reputation that allows him to get who he wants on his team and as said one of the most influential guys that I know. Thats why I recommended on another thread on the WB boys going there in the fall to play but they would have to expand their team somewhat so as not to get embarrased. I dought any kids on Mikes teams has played in any Little League santioned team in yrs. He is so respected by college coaches he could call most any coach asking to play tomorrow and they would have the field mowed, chalked and ready for his teams arrival. hes been doing this for 10-15 yrs I know of.
Best pitcher to ever come out of your school?
643 replied to txsundevils's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Not to argue or discredit BUT it was in no way affilated with JUCO, was probally a 'in-house' game -
Best pitcher to ever come out of your school?
643 replied to txsundevils's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
There was NO JUCO backed all-star game then, when I heard of a JUCO All-Star game just the other day I thought >>not, and I went to the JUCO site and did infact see where this yr they held the first. I'm sure the All Star game came about when they changed the signing rule, whereas used to MLB team had a deadline on signing players drafted the yr before after the current or extended season ended. It would have been impossible to do before because if signed he would give up his amature status and therefore not be able to play and IMO the MLB team would not let him play. -
Best pitcher to ever come out of your school?
643 replied to txsundevils's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
I know there were more that hit than I mentioned, but I only was speaking of kids, coaches I personally know, with no hearsay or second hand info. Out of all the pitchers that play college ball its a small % that even pick up a bat. You are rite on the big schools with top prospect pitchers but not all, I cant think of one from Lamar but there could be. -
I wish they would confiscate the 4 boats as the law says they can, its truly sickening to know that the criminals of this type along with some Comm guys have a long track record of this type. I'm fairly sure the CG will be and have been busy with the opening tonite at midnite. It used to be easy to catch the Comm guys fishing early, but now the NMFS has gave them a free pass to fish 24/7/365 with a voluntary quota (A JOKE) and even dropping their size limit to 13". They (NMFS) lay all the blame on shrimpers and none on the comm guys. They lowered our (Rec) limits and gave the comm guys a free pass to steal, or poach.
Who will be the best team in the area in 2008?
643 replied to utguy09's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Your NEVER gonna get any respect from Houston, even if you beat them like a drum, they can come up with more excuses or reasons than any WB fan can. If you check some of these threads on WB you will find they have already made a excuse just in case they do get beat by a lesser size school and havn't even took the field YET. -
Hey Sam, is this team "Slam' headed up by Mike Rutledge?? I know he has for yrs taken some of the best in the Houston area on the road to showcase the boys. I've never met anyone that is as 'hooked up' as he is with major D1 schools and Pro scouts. I know in our case, my son was placed on a 'invite only' team in Rutleges Fall league by a Rangers scout. From what I've read it sounds like the Rangers now do their own thing with prospects. Mike was and probally still is over the Kyle Chapman Pony @ Bayland Park and has made SEVERAL trips to the Palimeno World Series. Wherever and whoever he plays for I wish him the best of luck, and to you my friend >>enjoy the ride.
Ran out of Sabine Thurs to some rocks about 46 miles, on the way out noticed a cpl of shrimpers with the outriggers down at 41 miles. Although I was a mile or so from them I figured they had the riggers down for a better ride. Got a 6 man limit of snaps along with a cpl of kings, on the way back in we ran up on them again but this time our course was gonna take us within a cpl of hundred yrds. When we went by the first boat I noticed his nets were in the water and he was without a dought shrimping, continued on and the next boat we passed was in the process of bringing nets on board. There were 4 boats, all Asian and all shrimping, on our way back we ran up on the CG at 20 miles offshore anchored. I made a call 'for a radio check' and then went to another ch per request at that time I reported the shrimpers and told CG if they run 19 miles at 145 degrees they would catch them culling. I followed up with a call Fri morn to the Sabine CG and was told although he could not give the perticulars the situtation WAS handled and thanked me a cpl of times for the call. I'm going to SP today to fuel my boat and then by the CG station and hoping to see 4 shrimp boats tied to the CGs dock.
Best pitcher to ever come out of your school?
643 replied to txsundevils's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Hmmm I must know you and you must know me as I'm one of the boys you mentioned, Dad. I'm trying to "figure it out" what school did you go to and I mite remember.. Yes I do know of the games mentioned and was at all be it local, Houston, Dallas or Waco or where ever we played. -
IMO theres no such thing as playing down unless your speaking of 1a v/s 5a.
Best pitcher to ever come out of your school?
643 replied to txsundevils's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Pitchers dont hit in college for the liability factor, the only one I know of was the Houston kid that went to the Angels and was a major player in them winning the series. I was told by a Padres scout that was a requirement of his attending Grayson Jr College that he hit when he pitched. I personally know of a cpl of big league players that quit pitching to hit, the latest is Adam LaRoach with Pitt. He pitched his first yr in JUCO. -
With whats been said, nobody in less than 5a (just in the area of course) can beat WB and the non believers really dont want to play them because they would have to swallow their pride if they did play and admit to all WB is the best. >> I think a reality check is in order here. In the spring of 96 a 4a Jv team beat WBs Jv at WB, in fact it was a no hit, spanking, I really wish they would have got back together again as a varsity team. I think your coach Moe was a ast on the 4a team that yr.
Dont matter in the least what % This is a great news for a local boy and family. Congrats to Anthony and Sam hard work and dedication paid off!!!!
Best pitcher to ever come out of your school?
643 replied to txsundevils's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
HJ was in 4a in 97-98 ONLY so I dont see where you could have faced Mitchel and Moye as there were 3-4 yrs between them. HJ never faced Floyd, Sullivan, Fletcher, Cooskey, Bucholz, or Tate, >> just Girdley, Stutes. I dont remember who PNG threw in 97 in the Bi-dist, but do know they threw Stutes in 98. HJ could have faced Floyd or Sullivan in the Ned tourn but for sure no others mentioned here. -
There used to be (70-80s) a tourn put on by the YMBL (I think) were all teams play somewhat like the basketball tourn they have today but not divided. This tourn was held at the old French HS field and drew large crowds.
Best pitcher to ever come out of your school?
643 replied to txsundevils's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Jeff Levin was the coach at AC and thinking he's still there, my son and I had a talk with him after a Scouting Bureau tryout and will say he was at the top of the list on schools we were interested in because he was a professional pitcher. I was told by a MLB scout to look into schools with a X pitcher as a coach, at that time there were a few schools that were interested in my son with X pitchers or a bonifide pitching coach. These coaches and scouts recruit players on what they see in them NOT were they play. You take for intsance Josh Hamilton, he was the first pick in the 99 MLB draft, this kid threw in the mid-high 90s consistantly , had outstanding stats, but was drafted as a hitter, and never pitched again. If Clay had not gone to AC he possibly would never had made it as a pitcher. BTW didn't Mitchell try and 'walk-on' at San Jac and then transfer. -
Big league to play in State Tourney
643 replied to wg88pitcher's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
When they get thru with the 'Little League' tourn someone should take this team and play in Mike Rutledges Fall league in Houston. The only rule is any player can not play football. They play at Bayland Park in Houston and is probally one of the best showcaes teams in Texas with max exposure. When we played there, after the fall season he will pick a All-Star team to travel with. Will say all the boys that made his cut went on to play at college and at least 1/2 went on to play pro ball. Mike used to keep a spot open for a Golden Tri team but you had better have the best in the area to even compete. -
Best pitcher to ever come out of your school?
643 replied to txsundevils's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Didn't Heath Totten pitch at Kelly in 98?? He was a good one. -
Best pitcher to ever come out of your school?
643 replied to txsundevils's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
I must have misread the topic of this threadI sure didn't meen to take away anything from the Mitchell boy but I think you could cover a wide variety here. Wade pitched @ Seminole and was drafted and signed as a pitcher, dont matter what he did in HS. I really dont see where you can take anything away from a drafted player no matter when in a players career, as its a recongized talent from the highest level of baseball. Also I went to the JUCO site and did see they now had their FIRST all star game. -
Best pitcher to ever come out of your school?
643 replied to txsundevils's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
No disrespect to the Mitchell boy, IMO he was above ave but to say he was one of, or the best would be a stretch. You had 2 boys come out of there the same yr 95-6 ?? that went on to Seminole jr college and one played Pro ball for the Yankees for a cpl of yrs, both played under Lance ?? before he went to Orangefield. The Mitchell boy wasn't ever drafted in his playing days, if my failing memory serves me correctly. -
Best pitcher to ever come out of your school?
643 replied to txsundevils's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
What All-star game are you refering to?? No such thing in JUCO ball. -
Eating to many Kings will make you glow in the dark, or so I've been told
Been to long to remember and the answer is probally both. If you remember the Pony field you got to be a old fart.
I end up cut up on most a trips offshore from one thing or another mostly from Gill plates, teeth or ?? I wil first wash my hands with soap, then rinse well with Peroxide and finish up with a soak in Epson salt. Although from what I read Vibro is more prevelant in the bay systems I take no chances offshore.
Roebuck, he can hit, run, judge a ball and has a big GUN, but he's somewhat short on front teeth. A 'Skills n Drills' graduate.