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How much does speed matter in the outfield??
643 replied to davidortizfan's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Agree on speed, more so in the highers levels of ball. If you can run , they will teach you the rest. -
Lanes a good guy to have as a pitchn coach, excellent player in HS and college, comes from a Bb family.
I heard the exact same thing the yr Coach Landry took over and I commented "You don't need but a cpl of good players with a good coach" and that they do have. Something I have learned over the yrs is Never Never underestimate your opponant.
Is Lane McKeller still helping coach there ??
Whats the Fazio boy dads name, the reason being is I played with a Sam Fazio many yrs back. His dad owned a store off Washinton Blvd, lived on Glasshouse close to the old Fairgrounds by the old Pony field in Beaumont.
90% of the fish are in 10% of the water, and caught by 10% of the fishermen.
I was looking for HF to slip in the back door this past yr, although I don't know the players I can say they do have one of the best coaches in the area for as little time as he has been coaching. He was my sons roommate @ Seminole St, and partly responsible for him being recruited there. Coach Landry was taught the 'Old School way', plays % ball, was a 'proven player' and he will have his players ready for whatever comes their way. I as a HJ fan have the ultimate respect for you guys coach, be glad you have one thats 100% dedicated to Baseball.
My dad and I manage a little over 3k acres here in Hardin Co for a group of men (owners) from Miss. Last yr we (they) planted 8 plots with the smallest at 5 acres and the largest 30 acres with Winter Wheat and White Clover, the deer kept the wheat mowed down and hardly touched the clover. The wheat never got over 2" tall and the clover went to seed. These were planted in late Aug. with a lrg hopper-spreader with seed and fert mixed. One thing to take into consideration is be sure and plant all you can in a given area or the deer will wipe you out before you get a good stand. A grown WT will eat 3% of their body weight dailey. Next yr we will plant 2 30 acre plots with Soybean and high fence it till the beans start to show then drop the fence. I have attended 2 seminars concerning feeding protien pellets and both said no plots while feeding protien so as the deer will eat the highest protien available, thats why we were going to go with the 'beans' next spring, and the wheat in the fall.
If your stalking deer in E Texas you must be part Indian.
has anyone ever seen fiberglass just peel???
643 replied to crazy_cajun02's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Read it this morn on 2cool -
You are absolutley correct on the out of state coaches thinking kids would'nt play out of state and some have stop recruiting out of state players. I was in Ark City Kansas when mine played there (2000) and asked the coach (Kent Shelly)from Johnson Co Kan about a kid from Newton on his team. He told me he had someone in our area watching local players and how he was somewhat apprehensive of recruiting players from out of state. When he found out who I was he told me he had went to watch my son pitch in a Bi-Dist game at Lamar in 98 but didnt think he had a chance at him as he had signed with Lamar and then ended up at Seminole jr college. I have said before about the exposure>if a woman wanted to get preg she HAS to be exposed, once again dont wait on something you want to come to you, GO GET IT. Heres the link again of every Juco in the nation. [Hidden Content] All I have to say is your late BUT not to late, if all else fails pick you out a school and go and walk on the first sem and then hopefully you will get a offer after they see you play. I do know they'll have some kids on a work program to help out on expenses. Another lead is [Hidden Content] check and see if they still are having their showcases, this is a pay showcase, mine was invited and was told our fee had been waived. I'm thinking it was a cpl of hundred but IMO would be worth it if your above ave in talent. They will evaluate you and send your info and films to colleges that pay them to do their recruiting. After the showcase we got the videos and the info they had forwarded, it wasn't long he started recieving letters from major D1s along with JUCOs. Hope this mite help you some and hope you all the best.
Thompson Omega 50 Cal 4Sale. This gun is a cpl of yrs old, in excellent shape and a proven killer. It is a 'In-line' Black Composite stock with a stainless barrel, has a 3x12 BSA sitting on it. Also have some Pryro and bullets. Gave 399 for it @ BPS will take 250. If interested pm here.
Wet Dreams is the name of my boat, now I don't know about the 'Sabine Stalker' but the other board is [Hidden Content]? have been a member since day 1. Probally the biggest outdoors brd in Tx with 25,000 members
For the next yrs seniors, Kyle Chapman Pony in Bayland Park (Houston) puts on a Fall season ran by Mike Rutlege that is one of the best showcases in Texas. This is not affilated with Pony Ball, they just use the cities park for the games. Mike has ran this Fall program for 10+ yrs and is comprised of about 8 Houston teams with some of the best players in the Houston area, he has a spot for a Golden Tri team but I think the last yr a local team played was in the fall of 97. One of the requirements is you NOT play HS Football as this is dedicated to showcaseing future baseball players. They do have some HS teams but there are a few that are VERY select teams. I know the team my son played for (Lone Star) was made up of players recommended by MLB scouts among others and 90% of all players on this team went on to College and will say more than 1/2 went on the the professional level from this ONE team. EVERY game there were several scouts there both college and MLB scouts, I even saw coach Gilligan there on a cpl of occasions. After the 10 or so games they pick 2 allstar teams from this league to go to Blinn for a 3 game series, from this series they cut 1/2 and then fly to Dallas to play big Ds best, then return to A&M to play the best from the SA area. Mike Rutledge is known to have one of the most consistant best teams in Texas, is well known to all scouts and college coaches and has been to the PONY World Series SEVERAL times. IMO I would NOT go unless I had the best players in the Golden Tri. and surrounding areas or you will not get past the 5th inn. I used to have a contact # for Mike but its been several yrs and would recommend contacting Kyle Chapmans league for info. Once again no football players allowed, only players dedicated to continuing their career in BB.
Super Gold Baseball....Jake Rowell LC-M/SUPERGOLD TEAM
643 replied to KFDM COOP's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Congrats to all. -
Crazy Cajun, would you be called 'Sabine stalker' on another brd, 'Wet Dreams' here.
643 replied to crazy_cajun02's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Hopefully our lawmakers wont lay down for the NMFS, did notice we will be required to use non-stainless circle hooks inside St water soon. I really wish the state would classify Snapper as a game fish so the commercial guy will have to peddle their fish somewhere else. -
snapper ruling......we'll see how this holds up..
643 replied to crazy_cajun02's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
For your info the CCA took the side of the commercial fisheren by supporting a drop in thier size limit to 13" and giving them a 365 day season to continue to rape the Gulf by supporting the IFQs. They used to be only able to fish the first 10 days of each month but now they can fish till they reach the quota set by the NMFS, all done voluntary>>what a joke. They also (CCA) put all the blame on the shrimpers, but what the fail to see is shrimping is at a all time low. I feel like PNGproud it pisses me off to even talk about it. JOIN RFA -
Everybody wants to know why ?? was passed up but its not the player its the parents not exposing their kids, now I'm NOT speaking of a kid that throws in the 90s or one that has 6.0 speed. The Tx Allstar game is not really a showcase per say, as look whats going on at the same time>>College WS, to soon after the draft, most MLB scouts are running around trying to sign players, now the game the Texas Prof scouting assc puts on is the ultimate. Been a few yrs but it was held in Arlington and Houston with alternating yrs and most were JRs. Size don't really matter that much in college, my son played with a guy from Ok in college that was 5'8" but threw in the low 90s, was in upper 80s in HS. IMO parents wait till the boy is a Sr. and should showcase the summer after his Jr yr so as they can be followed during the Senior yr. Best bet for any unsigned player is to pay the first Sem and try and walk on and hopefully will get a offer the second semester, have seen kids get some compensation by doing work on the field. I have sat and visited with my sons college coaches and noticed a pile of videos on his desk from potential players. NEVER NEVER wait on something to come your way>>you go get it.
You have to be EXPOSED and most of the time in the summer after your Jr yr or before. If you wait till your a Sr >your late. With us it started with a 'MLB Scouting Bureau' camp in Lufkin and was then invited to a 'Baseball Factory' showcase among others. Most of the 'showcases' are for a fee and although it was free for us, I will say the above mentioned was a good one as they rate players and forward their findings along with a video to schools who pay them for their services (and many do). Don't EVER wait on something to come to you, the exposure is out there you just have to go get you some. Go to njcaa.org there you will find a list of all JUCOs along with their website, there should be recruiting info there. On the MLB site there is a listing of the try-outs for the 'Scouting Bureau' but seems as if they have cut back on the camps they put on.
Heres a link to find all drafted along with search options. [Hidden Content]
Must have missed something here (MUD), my congrats go out to all local players and their >>families, just commented on Richey, another dedicated player having reached a goal that came from yrs of hard work. BTW since you have no idea about me I will say and can back up "I have helped more players get to the next level out of HS and have been called on on more than a cpl of occasions for advice on college and pro ball than you know have played in both combined...
Congrats to Brandon Richey, same guy a local college coach said didn't have enough talent to play D1 ball.
BC's Stringer in the MLB draft that begins today
643 replied to Bobcatfan4life's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Go to MLB and look for 2007 draft tracker, gives round by rnd along with several search options. -
643 replied to hj_hawk_60's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Sorry thought we were talking about K Angelle, I did read the scouting report on the Houston boy aweek or so ago.