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Everything posted by 643

  1. I just made some fresh popcorn
  2. Oldschooler, my heads not in any books and havn't been. I was told this by 2 different scouts upon asking about him since he was from our area, I can't remember the kids name and not gonna spend the 10 min it would take to do the research. Not calling no names but one of the scouts I questioned was with SD and the field at Blinn is named after him, the other was the scout that signed my son. I ABSOLUTLEY don't see where I critized any boys trying to get to the next level. This is not just 2 cents worth its a whole 2 bits worth.
  3. Didn't know the Houston paper no longer does this, I have all the clippings from them. Just the other day I mentioned how many SOs per ins pitched my son had and I was all but called a liar until I offered a small wager and could produce the facts. This in itself would help the kids that have been overlooked as its another tool that could be used and it was used when my son played HS ball.
  4. Surley in the end he was offered a 'full ride' but will be willing to bet he wasn't offered a full ride from the beginning but who knows. Some of these recruiters n coaches will give a used car salesman a run for their money. What you hear and what really occured is the question or at least this was true with our endevor.
  5. When my son played (98), every week it was in the Houston paper along with other stats. They would cover 5a thru 3. Sorry to say but our local paper (Bmt) is severly lacking in both HS and Lamar games with NO linescores. Been that way for a cpl of yrs.
  6. If I post it you can pretty much 'take it to the bank' A good part of a pitchers speed comes from the 'trunk' as thats where the power comes from. So being tall n lean with a little 'junk in the trunk' is good.
  7. Big school v/s small does matter in pitching and hitting and IMO dont matter in the least in fielding. I am a firm believer in playing UP to your competition. If you remember back a cpl of yrs back their was a kid in 1a> Colmesneil (I think) with some GAS that several Pro scouts shyed away from with the reason being he was in 1a school allthough he still went early and ended up strugling a yr or 2. You can take a star pitcher or hitter in 1a and most (not all) will be ave at best at a 4 or 5a school. Just my 2 cents.
  8. I don't think you'l find many 1st yr players on a 'full ride', lots of 'books n tuition'. Probally find 15-20 players on each D1 team recieving a pc of the pie. With Juco you'l probally find at least 20 recieving some form of aid. I think there are more than a few schools that can and do come up with some extra $$ when needed, from where, that I can't answer. A really good coach is not only good at coaching but also at recruiting and bargaining with potential players. My son signed in the early session (Nov)with Lamar for books, tuition n fees, the money Coach Gilligan saved on room n board was used on another signee or 2 for whatever he wanted. You can pretty much count on any local kid getting only books, tuition n fees. That being said, is the reason you will find more than 11.? schollarships in D1s. But as I said earlier they seem to come up with extra $$ when needed. I would think that room n board would somewhat match the monies spent on books tuition n fees.
  9. TVC184 you are correct, all are looked at acording to potential or projected growth. I do know they look at things you wouldn't think of including parents size (frame), shaving, among other things. The oddest thing I thought (at the time) was told to me by a local scout for the Rangers was a pitchers trunk (butte).
  10. I was at the last game and will say if HJ plays clean this time it could very well be a upset. You take back a cpl of errors on key plays in the first game and it very well could have been a big diff in the score.
  11. To adress a cpl of points here, I agree on the exposure, as I posted on the 'best CF thread', "if a woman wanted to get preg, without exposure its not gonna happen" unless as you said of a guy with a 95mph arm. Lots of other players get noticed when a scout comes to see a peticular kid play and just because your team sucks >as has been said here, don't mean squat as they don't care about the team, score or your record just the players. I do know of several instances where this very thing happened, one of which was a game where 50+ MLB scouts, crosscheckers and even a few teams GMs came to watch the 'best hitter in JUCO' >Albert Pujols< hit in a JUCO playoff game and what they saw was him go 0-4 with 3Ks, just so happened the freshman throwing was my boy, they also saw my sons catcher hit 2 bombs which brought him within 1hr of the JUCO record which he broke a week later in the JUCO World series. BTW the kid playing first base on my sons team is now the coach for HF who also hit a cpl of BIG flys in the series. I have said before you never know who is in the stands. In my previous post I refered to being trapped in a D1. I was refering to a kid 'breaking out' after his first yr which many do with a better program, then what, he's trapped. I wasn't refering to a 1st, thru 4th rnd pick and your right about Bruce but him signing with Tulane was a great bargaining tool as is someone 5th rnd on, signing with both. There are MANY players that are projected to go in the early rounds that the MLB scouts steer away from because of thinking they are 'unsignable' You had mentioned "finding a JUCO to take him" if he were to sign with both (as he can) he can pick his JC and not have to find a place. This one thing could mean getting drafted of not. Another point is say a kid is drafted high and can't come to terms on a contract he can go to a JUCO and hopefully improve 'his stock' and sign before the next draft, not so going into a D1 or 2 as he's 'trapped'. Seems as if lots of people are misinformed about JUCO and consider them Sub to a D1. There are several JUCOs that are baseball factories and if you check where the D1 and 'Pro' players come from there are many in MAJOR D1s and in the 'pros' that came from JUCOs. I havn't checked the background of Lamars players but I'm sure more than a few came from JUCOs.
  12. Since Jaspers field was not in playable condition they came to HJ the first go round, where will the next game be. IMO it should be a HJ also as the schedule says. Jasper could have 'rained out' but elected to come to HJ for the game. They gave up the home field advanage, why should HJ give up theirs.
  13. First to adress the '5 tool player' you are correct the minors do have some '5 tool players' BUT not many TRUE 5 tool players, the one that comes to mind is Josh Hamilton (1st pk) who was a pitcher in HS with a + fastball and the other tools not many others have. From what I have been told by both MLB scouts and their crosscheckers, it depends on whos doing the rating. As far as signing with a major JUCO, I know for a fact if a highly rated player signs with a D1 only, it more or less says he's not signable and therefore most MLB clubs won't waste a pick on someone they think is not signable. Clubs have been burnt on this several times, another that comes to mind here is Beau Hale, he was drafted by the Yankees early and had signed with Texas but not a JUCO, there are others, I know for a FACT he was offered 100K and elected to hold out for more. I also know that the Yankee's boss told the scout doing the negot he wasn't getting a penny more and let him go to school, it worked out for Beau. There have been several players that have 'broke out' (my son) after there first yr in college, if at a D1 he's trapped till a Jr and lots can happen (and has) till he can go Pro. I get most of my info from being there. Most players and parents don't know a player can sign with both D1 and JUCO and that too is a fact as my son did in 98. As far as saying Dishon is better at LSU>>now what if he got drafted say in the first 5,6 rnds how many JUCO will have scholarships left in June, just because he signs with a JUCO dont mean he has to go, but its very good insurance. BTW if he's lucky enough to be drafted and elects to go to school and God forbid 'falls on his face', he can tell his kids he was a drafted player.
  14. Although I havn't seen Dishon play but once this yr. and hearing he has signed with LSU, it would be in his best intrest to also sign with a major JUCO and make his mind up in the off season.
  15. Just because someone has been recruited or not don't mean squat. Its kinda like a woman wanting to get preg, if she don't expose herself its not gonna happen. Any recruiting taking place as a senior STARTED when someone noticed talent when they were a Jr or before. All kids should realize when they hit the field someone could be watching. I was at a JUCO game in Kansas visiting my son and while in the stands I commented to a coach about a kid from Newton on his team, whereas he told me he had people in our area looking for him. When he found out who I was, he told me he had watched my son pitch as a Jr. in a Bi District playoff game @ Lamar and the only reason he didn't try and recruit him was he didn't think he had a chance and he also didn't think he would play in Kansas. So kids be AWARE you never know who's watching.
  16. Have to disagree on a '5 tool player' if he was a 5 tool player he would go first rnd.Not many '5 tool players' in the minors much less HS and college. BTW unless things have changed since my son played JUCO they have 16 scholarships a yr.
  17. For a Jr check Roebuck for HJ out, his hitting has been off somewhat but coming around. He has had 2 runners thrown out at the plate but BOTH were cut (???) a few feet in front of the plate and would have been a strike and no dought would have both been OUT. In both occassions the cut-off man was OUT of position. Watch for him next yr to excell in the OF.
  18. The reason the rule is in place is SAFTEY, making contact is one thing and malicous contact is another. This could very well ruin a players chance on making it to the next level. You guys aren't in the BIGS yet. Its been a cpl of yrs for me but thinking the rule says 'if ball is in flight to' or 'having the ball' a fielder may block base. I was at the game at HF and will say the batter should have swung the bat. The catcher was in his position when the pitcher commited to the plate (started his windup), this is when he "stupidly" jumped out in front. HF had already >>outright<< stole home and from the way it looked and the way it was handled it was the first time this had happened to both pitcher n catcher. Another smart move by the HF coach, as he was taught by one of the best coaches in baseball. This comes from a HJ fan.
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