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IMO the rut here in S E Tex is winding down, my reason being is the 2 bucks we've (not me)taken were seriously run down, 1 of which went str8 to feeder, although alone its only concern was the corn, he ate for a while before ever raising head, his hip bones were a good sign of his run down condition, a nephew took his first doe, she looks to have been bred a cpl of weeks ago as the fetus was about 2" long. I did watch a 17" buck eat with several other deer for a while, he also looked to be run down and not to concerned with the girls....
[quote name="WTB" post="701953" timestamp="1257727821"] If Anthony Beard plays baseball for Lumberton your looking at a very good staff with Beard, Bell and Erickson. Beard was throwing in the mid to upper 80s as a Sophmore. [/quote]Hmmm, is this a 'scare tactic' if true he should be in the low 100s as a senior..... ::) ::)
Its a little harder than most think to get a MLD program started UNLESS you have a several 1000 acres or better, in Hardin Co we have 1 pasture of 1600 acres that is under the LAMPS and 2 more of 500 and 900 both are under the Gen season rules. This is our 3rd yr under LAMPS, the main reason we went with it is we were seeing multiple mature does with no fawns, the reason being it was a typical E Tex lease BEFORE we acquired it and if a buck stood up it was shot>> plain and simple, just not enough bucks to go around. This leads to late breeding which in turn leads to more spikes doing the majority of the breeding, which inturn due to late breeding leads to more spiked horned bucks at 1 1/2 rather than a forked horned buck. If you remember back when we had a 1 buck limit, this was a direct result of the ratio of 1 1/2 bucks being taken over mature bucks, I don't remember the #s BUT it was very lopsided. I do know this to be a fact as the TPW biologist did 1 of the surveys at our processing plant for 3 yrs running, I had asked the reason in the second yr, was told he (bio) thought the above but wasn't sure at that time, the third yr he had the #s and was almost sure we were going to 1 buck after that yrs surverys were in. IMO I wish we would have gone to the antler restriction at that time. If your not far the restriction, look what Miss has done this yr, they have been requiring a min of 4 points, this yr they have gone to a 12" inside spread OR a 15" main beam length. They changed this because the old restrictions wasn't protecting the 1 1/2 yo 4 points and allowing the spikes to live, this in their opinion will protect ALL 1 1/2 olds. I'm in one way glad to see the change BUT on the other hand I'm thinking this law will let bucks mature that will inturn bring more $$ to the property owners >>>SAME as what has happened to some in the MLPD programs...
While searching for Flounder I'll watch my back for the byrds....
Jason and Chris, thanks for trying to get a very important point across, and comming from you SHOULD speak volumes. A cpl of VERY important things you pointed out was getting exposed in the fall before the players senior yr along with the college coaches having a 'bird-dog' in the stands. I also would like to say some out of state schools are abit leary of recruiting players that mite not be comfortable away from home and mamas home cooking, I was told this by a cpl of coaches from Kansas when they saw my son playing in Kansas. I didn't know the colleges are putting on 'prospect camps' now, I went to a cpl of sites of schools my son went to and they do infact have dates listed, things have sure changed since I was a parent in the stands. Thanks for what you 2 are doing and getting the word out. BTW Chester86 I played at EO from 62-66... Walter Moye
Got it and thanks, thats what I've been hearing, just havn't acted on the info....YET. The next time I go I will be on the N end on the La shoreline BUT watching my back....
Where did you get the specks?? We havn't got but 1 keeper the last 2 times, now reds n flounders is a diff story. We havn't ventured far out in the lake, staying mostly on the S end and the ship channel...
I've been out some, specks on the N end under birds when the lakes calm and off points on La shoreline, we got a 3 man limit of nice reds at the jetties last Wed morn along with 7 flounders in the channel the biggest at 23 1/2, and was surprised we got NO specks from anywhere South of the causway. A friend has been running up Blacks Bayou n gettn a few specks n reds on tops. BTW we caught all xcept 1 flounder on black gulp 'swimming mullet'.
I copied n pasted a thread I posted in June of last yr, now it seams as if Obama is following Bushs lead on the MPAs. Heres what I posted last June, followed by a link to the new assult on sportsman..>>Our Texas President is in line with the Enviro Wackos to shut down MAJOR fisheries including the Flower Gardens among MANY others. Heres a link to a free site with info on all Texas outdoors, both hunting and fishing along with other topics very much related to what we here have grown to enjoy. This is a highly moderated family site with 30,000 members, you will have to register and takes about 3 mins. This link will take you to the thread concerning Pres Bush and what he about to do. [Hidden Content] another taking you directly to the petitions site [Hidden Content] we need your help in keeping the gulf open for our kids and grandkids, if this petition passes the entire gulf will be Zebra striped with no fishing zones including fishing for anything from the beach out. thanks in advance>> now heres the new poop>>> [Hidden Content] BTW CCA has been seen 'hand in hand' with the PEW foundatation on SEVERAL issues concerning our RECREATIONAL FISHING RIGHTS by doing what they can to get us OFF the water...
[Hidden Content] check Jeff Moyes resume although it fails to mention he had 2 JUCO world series starts along with another apperance with 2 different schools, had several 1 on 1 workouts with Nolan Ryan and Orel Hershiser while with the Rangers org, 2 of his college coaches played Pro ball, with 1 of them pitching 13 yrs, another is a Minor lg coach now for Kanasas City, he has had some of the best pitching instructors in the game and easly conveys what he has learned to his kids, the #1 reason is his wife is preg and he could use the $$...LOL
Bmtball I do respect and appreciate what Chip has done helping boys to the next level, I have posted the same on this and numerous other threads. I have had close friends boys on, and followed the team since day one, just not as much as of late because of the above mentioned. I always thought they were a 'shoot for a D1, JUCOs OK and the MLB would be a bonus' type of team, not one as you mentioned and yes there is NO dought you would have to solicit players from outside Texas much less the GT, just to be able to compete. For me though, I admired Chips original idea of helping our local boys get to the next level>>>>college....I'm done....BTW I appreciate what your doing also
The reply from ESPN2 is exactly what I'm speaking of, I would love to go to their facility and watch the AZ and Ca boys practice along with OUR SE Texas boys just tell me when. With the roster shown it and a bankroll to solicit the best players from SEVERAL states it would or should be a guarentee of 100% going to the next level be it JUCO, D1, D2, or MLB would it not ?? You also speak of exposure as I have when I came here a cpl of yrs back, your 100% correct as I have said "thats the #1 reason good players go nowhere", kinda like a woman trying to get preg if she don't expose herself its NOT gonna happen. What happened to the team that HAD all SE Texas area players of not so long ago, I guess they 'spread their wings' although I would call it something different, are ya'll going South of the border scouting in the near future. Seems as if a roster could be filled with somewhat local talent as Mike Rutledge does with the Houston area boys, check his % of players going to the next level and get this its on the players dime, he has been doing this for 20+yrs. I would much rather see a local boys exposed and go to a lowly JUCO but what we do see is local boys being passed up to get some exposure for some yahoos from AZ or Ca so they can attend a D1 as it looks better on the >>SE Texas<< Sundevils resume.....I do aplaud Chip on what he does BUT.
The Sundevils find the best talent. Period. Yea, kinda like George Steinbrenner does... Don't hate us, 'cause you ain't us! The Sundevils organization is first class top to bottom. Ain't no haten going on here, Yankees are first class also BUT on a somewhat larger stage, just proves my point DEEP pockets get who they want>> most of the time<<, till someone better comes along and that seems to be what has happened to the Sundevils in the past cpl of yrs. This is NOT my 2cents its a a whole two bits worth....
The Sundevils find the best talent. Period. Yea, kinda like George Steinbrenner does...
It's amazing to me how many pro players can NOT bunt, most college teams can and will bunt 1-9. There are a few local HS teams that play % ball and will bunt when the situtation dictates afterall its baseball 101....BTW there is a huge diff in the execution of a bunt for a basehit and a sacrifice, some just don't get it...
Great job, is a roster available, was wondering how many Golden Tri boys are on the team....
I checked the web site out and did see some local guys with their take of both deer n hogs along with some really nice deer taken by the rest. I don't mean to hijack your post but I'm offering some Archery hunts also here in Hardin Co, will be 150 per day with only Does and hogs. Will be over feeders, food plots or both, should have no problem with seeing and having game inside 40yrds.
A few months back there was a few sighted in Lumberton and in a well populated area......
bulit, first let me say I'm NOT knocking what the sundevils have accomplished, they would still get some quality players if it were not BANKROLLED. With the economy the way it is, it would be fairly easy to go to various leagues and solicit the better players, would it not? Bottom line is MOST of the players would play at the next level with or without the sundevils. There are SEVERAL elite teams that are NOT bankrolled that have 90+% of the kids going to the next level with 60-70% out of the 90% going on to play Pro Ball, they too go and solicit the better players, they TOO have payed coaches as do the sundevils but most all are NOT bankrolled by anyone, they have fundraisers or sponsors just as the local leagues and select teams around here have. Seems as if they are more than a few that want to TAKE CREDIT for a player advancing even tho the player played for them a yr or 2, or EVEN a cpl of games, you seem to forget about the achievments before hand. You have discredited professional coaches or instructors on a cpl of occassions, I really have to ask why, AFTERALL, they have been AND played where most want to go, I guess they didn't learn anything in their venture....BTW I'm NOT affiliated with ANY select org...or you? ? ? Again there IS a new kid on the block....
No way would I put a 22'er in Kieth Lake but thats just me, the ramp at Esters is open BUT we went in to check it out early in the spring and hit a pipeline at the entrance of the ditch in a 24'er. For me I could be fishn by the time I drove around to Esters but it all hinges on where your starting from I guess. If you go to Kieth lake have a paddle a long pole and try and launch and take out on HIGH tide, oh yea better have a stainless prop but most all boats now have them....
If your gonna fish the North end, I would put n at Port Neches Park, if fishn the South end or the jetties I would go to the Sabine Pass '4way' turn left n go to the end of the rd. The ramp at the Causeway could get dangerous with a hard moving tide....
bullit, how many legit tryouts have the Sundevils had and if they were not bankrolled how much would it cost to play for them, do they NOT have pd coaches, As far as them being the 'premier' org, you need to look around as there's a new kid on the block...
Oldref, all the above is good poop, a few things that have been working for us> shrimp are good BUT all fish love m, we have been getting away from the non-target fish by using croaker or finger (size) mullet at the jetties, BTW we have been getting most of our nicer fish on Gulf side of the La jetties, this IS in La waters. Most of the times we're finding the nicer specks along with some slot reds using very little weight, almost 'freelining' the bait, thro to the rocks and let your bait 'skirt the rocks' just keep it up off the bottom all the way to the boat and repeat. There are fish to be caught under a popn cork BUT we have been getting the better sized fish deeper, last w/e we was 3 fish shy of a 3 man limit with only 1 fish under 18". Areas around the causeway bridge have been good for specks, reds with some flounder lately also but will have to deal with smaller fish at times. The La side of the lake has been hot early in the morn, also with a outgoing tide fish the drains BUT BEWARE don't go past the entrance as you'll be in La. If I were to target only flounder this is where I would spend my day. Hoping you have 'Tite lines and screaming drags'....
Thanks PhatMack, I had no idea about the program and will say that IS a good reason and would be worth quiet a bit more than out of state tution as was previously stated.
Shows how much you pay attention, Coach Landry has been a head coach in this area for atleast the last 8-10 years or so. Yea I do pay attention, as a matter of fact I'm a friend of the family, along with he and my son were roommates in OK in '98' and neither pd out of state tution. I also know when he started coaching.....so carry on...