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PNG Proud

SETXsports Staff
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Everything posted by PNG Proud

  1. [quote name="BMTSoulja1" post="858153" timestamp="1285515939"] [quote author=PNG Proud link=topic=73515.msg858151#msg858151 date=1285515831] I think Jags D will fair better than PNG's did, but still not enough to contain all of Liv.'s running threats.  They can't leave receivers totally uncovered like we did either. Liv wins by 10 [/quote]Livingston will need to watch our home run hitter as well. I know they won't stop him because they give up a lot of yards and your RB Bertrand had over 100 yards against them... [/quote] Soulja,  scoring on them wasn't the issue.  It was trying to figure out who had the dang ball.  VERY deceptive for certain.  I could be wrong about it (Heck, I've been wrong about my injuns all yr.)  I just think that we were able to score more than you guys will, thus my prediction.  Don't ask me to eat crow either way though...I'm still pretty full right now.
  2. No one is ever happy on here.  You should know that by now!
  3. I'm not concerned at this point.  Nor should Livingston (LCM or Central) be too confident either.  There's a LOT of football to be played, and as usual, it will most likely come down to the last week or 2 before it's clear who the winner(s) is.
  4. I think Jags D will fair better than PNG's did, but still not enough to contain all of Liv.'s running threats.  They can't leave receivers totally uncovered like we did either. Liv wins by 10
  5. [quote name="biaplayer" post="857710" timestamp="1285467841"] i will size it up for you in a nutshell, offense can move the ball but it looks like coach is set on running up the middle and only passing when neccessary! I will say the one handed reception by nelson in the back of the endzone was probably the best i have ever seen in my time, defensively we are absolutely horrible, the only team we may beat is nederland and that is questionable. You give up 500 yards  of  offense and you deserve to loose. Hunter Knox is  really the only brightspot on the defense, DJ is a beast but is never in place to be a force. i really think that they need to put gizzi back on defensive side of the ball. he was only targeted about 4 times on offense and i dont think that warrants him being there on offense. AS i see it if we cant outscore them then we will lose, Livingston scored on every possession except the one where we stripped the ball. The only punt of the game was from us. It seemed like everytime we had them in a pinch the qb stepped up and made big runs. Coach needs to win the lotto and hope for someone to show up on defense because it doesnt exist, i cant remember or want to the last time we gave up 500 yards, but on a good note the offense appears to be balanced and we can get to paydirt. Special teams is another area that needs work. I would hate to be at practice next week knowing that you have to face a team that can throw the ball, and to  think i thought we could stop the run oh my god. I will have to change my picks for playoffs appears we wont be there [/quote] It's not really THAT bad.  We'll be fine,  you'll see.
  6. [quote name="PURPLE 4EVER" post="856591" timestamp="1285420053"] And.... The flag boys from Dayton had to get a fluid IV from dehydration.  They must have ran three miles back and forth on the track celebrating all those points. Working on the video now so the BH fans can relive this special night. Just want to add.... Freshmen Dayton 20 BH 0 JV Dayton 28 BH 0 Varsity Dayton 54 BH 0 Add em up.... Dayton 102 BH 0!!!  And... We still haven't released out Ponies on you yet!!!! [/quote] OUCH!  Gonna be a long yr. for the Hill. looks like.
  7. I'm gonna hold my prediction on this game for a few days.  So far, I'm not doing too hot this yr.  :/
  8. And Chase Bertrand had 183 yds on 27 carries and 5 TD's.  Don't you think our coaches knew about Mays?  You just can't stop someone like him by arm tackling.  He's a great runner.
  9. That was a nerve racking game to watch.  The turning point, IMO was Liv's ability to stop us on that one 3 and out.  They got the ball back and score to take the lead.    Liv's 2 runners were quick, and deceptive.  We were tackling the wrong guy all night, while the guy with the ball ran around at will.  They didn't HAVE to throw much, but were effective when they did. Another heartbreaker for the Indians...3rd loss in last minute, for a total of 10 pts.  Sux
  10. Congrats to Livingston!  WOW!  What a running game.  And that running game makes it so they don't HAVE to pass much,  but when they do....TD!  I'm exhausted!  What a great game.
  11. AWWWWWW.      Do ya'll have classes together too? J/K  couldn't pass that up. Wanna fill us in guys?
  12. [quote name="bulldawg64" post="854565" timestamp="1285284508"] wasnt it quinton jackson [/quote] Yeah,  that sounds good too! 
  13. [quote name="Lionfan" post="854519" timestamp="1285277163"] The Lions have a little surprise in store for you injuns can't reveal it just yet but by the middle of the third quater injun fans will be saying where did that guy come from? [/quote] OMG!!!  Please tell me it's not the return of "CLAYTON JACKSON...CLAYTON JACKSON STILL ON HIS FEET"!!!  [img][Hidden Content]; As it turned out,  it was "Clayton Jackson...still on his back!
  14. [quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="854223" timestamp="1285252299"] In the future, please refrain from typing in all caps. Thank you. [/quote] Thank you AAW
  15. The "south 20"  IS where the band is....better start at the North!
  16. [quote name="Old61Eagle" post="853982" timestamp="1285204649"] [quote author=Knoddy1 link=topic=73268.msg853929#msg853929 date=1285201105] SORRY HOOK EM BUT 1990 WAS 27 - 0 NEDERLAND...KIP MCFARLAND WAS QB FOR NED...I WAS THERE ...OUR PLAYERS RAN THRU YOUR RUN THRU SIGN AT HALF TIME... OUR BAND PLAYED CHEROKEE ALL NIGHT....REMEMBER ????? [/quote] I don't remember what year it was but I think the Bulldogs ran through our sign before the game started.  We got the ball first and scored but then that was all we did and we lost something like 27-7.  I know after that game we had our principal and others stand by our signs so that would never happen again. [/quote] And Burnett was one of Ned's asst. coaches at the time!  :)
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