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PNG Proud

SETXsports Staff
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Everything posted by PNG Proud

  1. PN white Seniors are coming around. Trying to learn a new system takes time. Still working on the conditioning part too. We'll be ok though. We do have some hosses though.
  2. Raiderman, I saw no "smack" in this post. He only gave his opinion of how the teams mgith turn out. Don't make something more out of it than there is. Sounds like you're trying to stir the pot already. Watch it.
  3. The board knows that you're just there to spy on the Pups....... SSSSSHHHHHHHH!
  4. Hey! I've got my contact in! I don't know what the prob is, but it just keeps rejecting me.
  5. I tried multiple times to re-register, but appearently I can't enter that secret code right.
  6. Perhaps the black facemask is better at cutting down on glare.
  7. Went to the jetties this morn. After that storm yesterday, the water is not nearly as pretty as it was, and the fish were hard to find. What a difference a few days makes. :-\
  8. 643, I think I would call Austin, before I'd beleive that. I just don't think the jetty to jetty comment is correct. There was too much stink about it several yrs. ago when it all went down.
  9. Went again Sun. eve. This time the tide wasn't moving outlike before, so we headed to the jetties. Kinda rough heading out, but worth the trip, as we boxed 23 nice keeper trout and 1 red. Had a bigger red break off after a 3-4 min. fight. Also lost several large trout too. Too bad the sun had to set so fast, or we woulda caught that limit easily.
  10. It's my understanding (according to the people in Austin [but it was several yrs. ago]) that you do not have to have a license to "possess fish". "You only need a license to FISH", was their exact words. It's your right, as a Texan, to possess a legal limit of fish. Which is why they don't normally check your license at the dock. Therefore, if you fish in a private pond, and transport them on state roads, you should noat have to produce a license, but you might get busted for having undersized, or too many, fish.
  11. Went fishing late yesterday (Fri) in the channel. Good outgoing tide. I met up with my brother, who lives in Illinois, but works on a boat out of New Orleans. I picked him up off of his boat, drove 1/2 mile, and caught 12 really nice specs, and 1 flounder. Not a bad few hrs.
  12. I know that I went up there a few weeks ago, near the dam...same thing. Couldn't buy a bite. But then, I'm more of a structure fisherman, and the deep water bass thing, I am no good at. That's when I go salt water fishing!
  13. On the flare issue, don't forget that they DO expire, and the Coasties will also check to make sure they are up to date. However, if they are not more than a yr. past experation, then they are still acceptable, unless you get stopped again in the future, and you haven't updated them.
  14. Did you find alot of big weed lines? If so, were they in close or out 95 miles or so. I'm heading out to a place called triple rig. It's 95 out in about 190 ft deep. Saw a Marlin there last year. Caught all the AJ's you could handle along with my first Wahoo. We saw NO sizable weedlines at all. It was pretty calm too, but it had been windy for a few days before that, so they didn't have time to bunch up good.
  15. It wasn't easy, trust me.
  16. I went 95 miles out last Wed. Caught all the AJ's you could want, but had to come in clsere to get snapper. The biggest was 14#. Had 1 barraccuda, and 1 big king. No ling or durado. I think were a bit too far out for those, actually. It was a great day overall. My son tried this morn. (Sat), but made it out as far as the 18 mi. light before turning around because of the 4-5' seas. The weather channels were lying, since at the SAME TIME, they were reporting 3' at the bouy 30 mi. out. Man, they are horrible some times. Good Luck
  17. The confusion also comes from the fact that, yes, several yrs. back, you could fish the TX side of the East jettie, and, in fact, STAND ON the LA jetties, as long as you fished on the TX waters...all with a TX license only. But, as stated above, the laws were changed, so that now, the reciprical law applies in the "rivers & lakes" and all the way through Sabine (including the channel), up to the point where land stops. At that point, in the middle of the channel is a imaginary line, and the East side is TOTALLY LA and the West side is TOTALLY TX. The limits apply to the point where you land (trailer your boat) the fish. So, even though you may have a LA license, and have fished in LA waters, when you hit the TX docks, you had better have a TX limit (size and creel) otherwise, you are subject to fines. Now, if this makes you feel any better... Last week my wife and I were fishing the LA jetties. It was a scorcher, so we decided to ride around and cool off, so we slowly cruised out to the closest rig on the East side, and we were met there at the same time by a LA warden. They asked if we had fish, which we did, and asked if he they could board my boat. I said sure. He checked our fish ("Nice reds", he said) and our LA license. When he was through, I was using my trolling motor to get us back to his boat. His partner copped an attitude and said "STAY OFF THE TROLLING MOTOR''! O.K., Fine! Handled it yourself there big boy (I thought to myself.). As he got closer, his partner, in my boat, reached out and grabbed the rail of his boat, at which point a rolling wave seperated the 2 boats and SPLASH! in the water he goes! He managed to hang onto the rail, but looked like a cork, bobbing up and down in the water.....gun and all! I didn't laugh in front of him, but I sure did later, as did his partner. Thought you'd enjoy that
  18. This morning, as I was headed offshore, I noticed that the bridge still had some sections missing that ties the 2 sides together, but on the way back in, it was connected, so they made some good progress today.
  19. I know it didn't, but the operator was available by hailing him on ch13. You just had to give him ample notice.
  20. It's a big overpass type bridge. with a hump in the middle. I don't know what you call it, but it will be pretty tall. gonna miss the draw bridge......not many left I like the drawbridge too, but just imagine the mainenance and manpower dollars spent over the past 40 or so years to keep it running 24/7. You could have bought 3 real bridges (just guessing).
  21. They LOVE gold spoons. But like posted earlier, when they're schooling...ANYTHING will do.
  22. Walter Umphrey pier is pretty wasted. No fishing there for a while. Besides, the construction company that's building the new causeway bridge has taken over that entire section, including the parking lot, and they have eliminiated the ramp on the South side of the causeway. The North ramp is still accessible though.
  23. O.J. Simpson also had bowed legs when he was small.
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