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PNG Proud

SETXsports Staff
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Everything posted by PNG Proud

  1. Griff????? U still alive???
  2. I went this afternoon (Sat). Water was ugly, wind was howling, waves were crashing...really tuff fishing. Only caught 28 trout........ Not really. I only caught about 6 and kept 3. Had ya going though, huh?
  3. That's not very encouraging...I was going to go tommorrow.
  4. I've never seen a Mirrordine lure. Is it like a Mirrorlure?
  5. I did too. He wasn't always the person to outdo you but he always knew someone that had. Sometimes he had to stretch pretty far for the story too. You could say, "I caught a 8.5 pound bass this weekend on Rayburn". His response would be, "That ain't nothing. I have an uncle whose sister-in-law knows a guy that works with a man in Houston and he caught one at 10 pounds the same weekend on a Zebco 33". HEY! I KNOW that guy! LOL
  6. Actually, My wife and I went to the jetties this morn (Thu) and left at 1pm. We caught 2 really nice reds, 2 spanish,1 triple tail (a bit too small), 2 drum and kept 19 sizeable trout. I didn't want to stay out in that heat any longer for 1 more trout. Had a box FULL of fish. All on shrimp. The artificial guys just weren't catching, that I can tell. I think Sat. I'll be going offshore. It's time to go diving!
  7. lol he is like that though. sometimes he will catch a bass and you can tell its not over 5pnds and he will say its 7 or 8pnds. Also, he'll always out-do you. "Oh, your snapper is 12#? Mine looks like it's about 12 1/4#!" I used to have a friend like that.............used to.
  8. That's my bait of choice for sure.
  9. I went out this afternoon, and there was some serious swind blowing right down the channel. Fished Lighthouse Cove, but water was muddy. I didn't dare run to the jetties in that chop.
  10. I thought French was Co-Champs...not outright state Champs.
  11. Duly noted my friend.
  12. It really was. I can't wait to get back out there.
  13. All you PNG fans are right no doubt they go to state this year, too! ;D That's an idiotic statement to an innocent comment. What kind of crap was that???? Ouch i felt it was a rather creative jab at the perpetual optimism of PNG fans. And no i must disagree on it being idiotic crap and i felt it was quite innocent itself. It's people like you who fuel the unfortunate all "PNG Fans are snobs" stereotype. Quite the contrary. It's people like you who take an inoccent comment and twist it up to make it seem that I was impying something that I wasn't. My comment was only exposing a coaches view on the value of 7 on 7. It had nothing at all to do with optimism or anything else related to PNG. You just chose to take it that way. It just gets old after a while.
  14. They are NOT stitched in. If you look at it now, you can easily tell that the ones on the field are much lighter colored than the "Stitched in" ones on the outside. They have already faded quite a bit.
  15. Made a trip Sat afternoon. Not to the jetties tho...too rough. Caught 39 trout (kept 15), 5 reds (kept 1), 1 flounder, 1 mangrove and 2 drum. Not a bad 4 hrs.
  16. All you PNG fans are right no doubt they go to state this year, too! ;D That's an idiotic statement to an innocent comment. What kind of crap was that????
  17. I do remember Coach Long commenting back in 99 that one of the biggest aids in the Indians success that yr. was 7 on 7
  18. Lighthouse Cove has been hit-N-miss. The tide is the key, and even THAT has to be just right. But when it is.....WOW Haven't had much success on the jetties yet this yr., but I'm going tommorrow, so we'll see.
  19. Is the Sportsman back open at the 4 way stop? They carried live shrimp before the store was just about carried away by Ike. Sportsmans is closed since Ike. There is a place on 365 between West Port Arthur Rd. and 69. (not sure of the name but it is pretty close to W. Pt. Arthur Rd.). Does anyone know if Causeway Bait is up and running? The place on 365 is called "Luck in a Bucket". The ph. # is 736-3486. It's a good idea to call 1st. In fact, it helps him when you call in advance, so he'll have a feel for the need of shrimp. I think they open at 5 or 5:30
  20. Man, the trout fishing is pretty awesome right now. Is anyone else catching??
  21. DUDE! You had me all excited. I mis-read your subject, and I thought it said "Ran OVER Roland Martin. Personally, I find him very obnoxious.
  22. Man, ain't that the truth. Especially after playing basically 2 games, back to back, without a break!
  23. Keep them coming. Where are you getting the info? Radio?
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