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PNG Proud

SETXsports Staff
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Everything posted by PNG Proud

  1. Oh, and by the way, I used to be a union member too (when I worked at the plant). How did that happen???? No training at all. All I had to do was...Pay dues!
  2. Requiring masters is a good thing, that should eliminate a bunch there. Requiring a masters is stupid and ignorant. Are you telling me that if there was a coach/AD without a masters that did a great job at another school as a coach/AD and would be the best fit to come in and get PNG back on track that you think it's a good thing you don't hire him because he doesn't have a masters? Get off your high horse. That's ridiculous! I'm fed up with this kind of talk. Look, a school district has a right, as a representative of the people, to set requirements as they deem important to them at the time. Does a masters make them a better coach? Of course not. But I bet a WHOLE BUNCH of you folks are union members, that perform a craft. Does being a union member make you a better craftsman?...NO it doesn't, regardless of what the union tells you. What that means is that you bought a book, and now you can operate under the union label. I know many very skilled craftsmen, including myself, who have turned down offers to join the union, but they aren't less of a craftsman because of it either. With that being said, there are still companies that will ONLY HIRE UNION CRAFSTMEN...PERIOD. Why? Because it's part of their requirements...PERIOD. So all you guys that are trying to portrait that PNG thinks they are holier than thou, just don't get it. It's not because they think they are better than anyone else, it's just a simple requirement. If you folks can't get past that, I feel sorry for ya. If ya'll were inteligent enought to understand all of this, you might be on a school board yourself...but you're not! Didnt buy my book, earned my book through a five year apprenticeship program. Your analogy makes no sense. Companies who hire Union craftsmen are under contracts that state they will hire union craftsmen and the union will supply those craftsmen to do the work. PNG is writing the contract for this position and can put whatever kind of language and hiring stipulations they want in that contract. Having a masters is like saying you are going to make all inteligent post on this board just because you are a moderator. You already proved that wrong. Roughrider, My post may not be as "uninteligent" as you think. In no way am I condeming or critisizing the union (that's a whole different subject), but back when Central mall was being built and I was installing the flooring in a bunch of the stores, the union steward would come by and inform us that we had to be in the union in oreder to work at this job site. When I told him there was no union for my craft, he said that I either fell under the jurisdiction of the carpenters, or the painters (he wasn't sure). When I asked what I had to to join the union, he said I could pay $350 for a book (at the time), and I would be "In the union". Then I asked him if he was going to "test me" to make sure that I knew what I was doing, and he said "no". I replied that "in this case, being a union member didn't make me a better craftsman, that all they wanted was my money", and he didn't disagree at all. I'm sure things are run differently now, but that was I was told back then. I'm totally aware that most people pay the price for the training, and that union label is well earned, but the point I'm trying to make was that, just like the example of Central Mall, the "title" didn't make me better, but it was just one of the rules that people had to play by (incidently, we just started going to work at night, and the stewart never saw us again). And, like posted earlier, in PNGISD, the AD is an administrative position, and in this case, the masters is required.
  3. Don't get me wrong about Long. I have no probs with him. I just said that I wasn't "impressed" with him at Kelly. When he was at PNG, during the succdess yrs., what I really liked about him was the fact that you never knew what he was going to call next. UNPREDICATBLE. He may still be like that, I don't know. I just don't want our school board to get target fixation and focus only on him (or anyone for that matter). Long may very well be the best available option, and if so, I'm behind him all the way. You're also right about the "old" part.
  4. Of course not.....But I pressed the darned space bar anyway. ;D
  5. I like the way you think Ceauxch! Thinking outside the box (or Teepee in this case). I'd go along with that!
  6. Requiring masters is a good thing, that should eliminate a bunch there. Requiring a masters is stupid and ignorant. Are you telling me that if there was a coach/AD without a masters that did a great job at another school as a coach/AD and would be the best fit to come in and get PNG back on track that you think it's a good thing you don't hire him because he doesn't have a masters? Get off your high horse. That's ridiculous! I'm fed up with this kind of talk. Look, a school district has a right, as a representative of the people, to set requirements as they deem important to them at the time. Does a masters make them a better coach? Of course not. But I bet a WHOLE BUNCH of you folks are union members, that perform a craft. Does being a union member make you a better craftsman?...NO it doesn't, regardless of what the union tells you. What that means is that you bought a book, and now you can operate under the union label. I know many very skilled craftsmen, including myself, who have turned down offers to join the union, but they aren't less of a craftsman because of it either. With that being said, there are still companies that will ONLY HIRE UNION CRAFSTMEN...PERIOD. Why? Because it's part of their requirements...PERIOD. So all you guys that are trying to portrait that PNG thinks they are holier than thou, just don't get it. It's not because they think they are better than anyone else, it's just a simple requirement. If you folks can't get past that, I feel sorry for ya. If ya'll were inteligent enought to understand all of this, you might be on a school board yourself...but you're not!
  7. Smitty, Currently, Burnett and Coach Comeaux are CO- AD's. Now, I'm not sure if this is because of the fact that Burnett doesn't have a masters and Comeaux does, or what the thought process is, but that's how it's laid out now. I would imagine that Comeaux will be looking to retire before too long, leaving that AD position upon 1 set of shoulders. So, although MB doesn't have a masters, they injected Comeaux in there to satisfy their own requirments for the AD. Not sure if this answers your question or not. BTW, Stump has his Masters degree. NC
  8. Oh, I think Long is O.K., But I'm looking at what he accomplished at PNG after Dustin was gone, and what he's accomplished at Kelly. So far, I'm just not that impressed. I just believe there are better coaches out there looking for a new home. However, if he does come to PNG, I'll back him 100%.
  9. I wanna see the video!
  10. Normally when things like that happen, those "daddys" just show their backside.
  11. That is correct
  12. You don't know what you're talking about.
  13. FYI, Wikapedia is not totally factual, since anybody and his brother can enter info there. In fact, there's no doubt that a true PNG fan wrote, and posted, that peice. Don't believe everything you read on the internet. (And no, I'm not saying that anything in the article is incorrect)
  14. Oh really? History doesn't indicate that.
  15. Any news on the lake? I went for a few hours last Thurs. Birds were plentiful, but VERY skidish. They wouldn't stay long at all. Anyone else been out lately?
  16. I'm confused, do they wear helmets or not? Good pics tho'
  17. I've coached in the YMCA league for 5 yrs. Last yr., when we were forced to play against a certain un-named city, there were at least 2 times when the parents were coming across the field to take on the other side, because they didn't agree with the game, I suppose. On 1 occaision, a mother met us all out in the middle of the field, griping to the refs, because her little boy was getting knocked down. (playing football no less) What I'm saying is, these times seem to extremely volitile times. This era seems to think that their kids can do no wrong, and they should always come out winners. Even when teams win, I can hear little kids dogging the losing team as they meet at mid field after their games. The idea of being a graceful winner and and not a sore loser seems to be lost. It's sad really, but little wonder, when more and more, you hear parents right in the middle of the trash talking. These kids learn from us, whether we think they're paying attention or not. This sad incident is a prime example of what our kids are picking up from us, (or from the TV footage). Let's hope (& pray) that the environment changes, or kids sports could be in jeapardy of being shut down, and we'll have no one to blame but ourselves....as the kids suffer.
  18. I agree with you. Although I thought the same thing about our 3rd yr. QB. disappointing results, obviously.
  19. Okie Dokie Ladies... No more racial ANYTHING on this thread. If you folks want to get into a big, heated racial conversation, you'll have to start your own thread for that. This one is about...... cartoons,.....I think.
  20. Those poles were taken down, then re-set. They're the same poles from 1979. I woulda painted them when they were down. Nah, we like rust. While the poles were down, they DID measure them though. They already knew how tall they are, but they needed to know how LLLOOONNNNNGGGG they were.
  21. Man, has this thread gone full circle or what? Now we're talking about cartoons. Probably better than talking about a stupid fight though.
  22. Those poles were taken down, then re-set. They're the same poles from 1979.
  23. Penny, I never knew you to use such sarcasm...i love it. And how true!
  24. Stupid answer...uh, SOMEONE has to win!
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