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PNG Proud

SETXsports Staff
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Everything posted by PNG Proud

  1. Usually here, Tx Prep Insider, and the LM board.
  2. Is it true that he didn't require enbalming??????
  3. And I agree. Actually, when I saw yet another Lumberton thread, I came here to see about deleting it, but I do think this one is indeed worthy. Attaboy Hussey!
  4. The Reservation will undergo MAJOR renovations in the off season. You can go to PNG's site for artists renditions. Pretty exciting times at PNG for sure.
  5. Man, what stat I couldn't beleive was ZERO penalties last week. Man, NO team has zero penalties. Boy, I bet THOSE refs were expensive. ;D
  6. He asked me to relay the message that he apologizes for not getting on here sooner, but he's working alot and has very limited pc time, but he will get on here in the next few days (and get what's coming to him). I think he's been looking for a good crow recipe. ;D I think he also has another message too.... Stay Tuned
  7. You may be right about the yardage, I'm not sure, but it's the overall point I'm trying to make.
  8. It happened on both teams last night, so I don't bring this up as an excuse, I just think it's wrong to benefeit from a foul.
  9. Hey Tiger85, thanks for the post, but I have to strongly disagree with you on the LC caoah. They DID NOT pull those kids for the flagrant fouls at the end. In the area we were sitting in, we were all commenting on how players, (esp.#18) was allowed to stay in after the cheap shot on Doty (#6). As a coach I would have jerked him off the field and he would have been through for the night. Some of those shots were potentially life changing, but he allowed them to continue. Shame on him. He's putting winning in front of values and sportsmanship... I pray PNG never resorts to that type of play.
  10. ...the way pass interference is penalized today. Back in the day, if you threw a pass and the defense interfered, the offense got the ball at the spot of the foul + an automatic 1st down. NOW, it's in the best interest of the defense TO FOUL the receiver if he thinks he's going to make a long catch. Because now the defense is penalized 10 yds + 1st down. Small price to pay...much better than the long gain. And in the end zone, you no longer get a 1st and 1 at the one, you only get a 1st down + 10 yds...BAD! I think that at no point, it should be in your best interest to foul someone. Any thoughts?
  11. Too early to even think about it for me. I'd rather stay excited about how much the Indians surprised all those smart people.
  12. Looks highly likely to me at this point. Lamar would be the logical site, but I' sure it would be WAY TOO SMALL. That's why this area needs a really nice, big stadium.
  13. NDNWarrior, the intentional grounding call came from the fact that, even though Tatum WAS outside the tackles, his attempt to throw the ball away didn't make it as far as the line of scrimmage. In fact the ball fell about 5 yds short of the line. That's the second time this season that he did that. I guess it didn't sink in on the 1st one. Good Call.
  14. Thanx Mike, and I agree. We were in the red zone on 2 occaisions and came up empty...ouch. One, right before half, was just a bad decision by Tatum, by not throwing the ball away (far enough). That killed the drive that would have put us back into the lead and we wouldn't have had to play catch up the remainder of the game. Rogers is a good back, obviously, and there were times when he would make a move, that it did indeed look like Barry Sanders. Thanks for your support. Thanks Indians...It was lotsa fun.
  15. You already know the excuses... the refs gave ya'll the game.
  16. I've got the truck loaded and will soon be heading out too! Couldn't find a purple ANYTHING waterproof...oh well...got my Frog Togs though.
  17. let me guess, it was like 1/2 price now, since the value has greatly diminished?
  18. I think I woud fwd this to LMs superintendant. I wouldnt play around with it.
  19. Bad Dog! Go to your kenel....where's my rolled up newspaper???
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