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PNG Proud

SETXsports Staff
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Everything posted by PNG Proud

  1. The entire planet has been listening to your smack for the last few weeks, so lets hear that CROW smackin' now...especially you Maverick! Admit it...Hemmings is a hoss...just ask #6 who got run over like a Mac Truck!
  2. thanx, I have my moments :
  3. Nope, can you hear cherokee yet???
  4. [move]We went down to Port Neches and they kicked our fat rear end...[/move]
  5. That's pretty funny right there! 8) More karma coming your way!
  6. What people on here are sick of is all the Slumberton fan spewing at the mouth like they're #1 in the country or something. After Friday, other than a bunch of excuses, you'll see that you guys got a bit carried away on here. just wait...you'll see.
  7. that sounds alot like PATitan! ;D
  8. Good point Penny. I was thinking the same thing. Ned's been rolling all yr., and after 1 loss they're "struggling"? I wish we could "struggle" that well.
  9. A false start on the kicking team makes about as much sense as Delay of game on the defense. ???
  10. I noticed that TH didn't write the article in todays paper. Unusual, since he obviously loves Nederland. Either he wasn't at the game, was sick, or just couldn't bring himself to write an article about Ned getting beat by us.
  11. ;D ;D ;D
  12. PNG by 10 Write it down girls...you'll see. Welcome to the Resevation...it'll be a real pleasure.
  13. Yeah, I heard that too. And Mr.Mosley WAS a bit overzealous on here, wasn't he? Can't wait to watch THAT crow eatin'.
  14. Dayton, by 14 BlowJo just ain't workin for them this year.
  15. Wrong about that last comment. Both players DID NOT catch the ball. PNG had the inside position and caught the ball clean, but as they came down, the defender reached in to try to pull the ball out. The official was in the right place to make the right call and rulled it a catch. After that, the receiver let go of the ball because the call had been made, but since that left only the defender holding the ball, Neuman was livid because he thought it was an INT. Watch the game Wed. night, you'l see that I'm right.
  16. Gotta say, those defensive coaches were just AWESOME tonight. PNG got burned on a few plays right off, but overall, the defense was the difference. They never got the sack (not counting the intentional grounding), but they sure roughed the poor kid up enough to make him hurry his passes and took the scramble out of him. I do have a question though, while I was in the ridiculous line at the concession stand, PNG was called for "delay of game" while on DEFENSE!!! Can someone please explain what happened that can draw that penaly on defense? I didn't know it was possible on D. Overall, a real battle, as expected, with some real excitement in the stands too.
  17. Man, I just LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
  18. Well, it got MY attention for sure. I thought maybe there was a link to the Playboy channel or sumthin'
  19. OH BABY! You can tell MCM is gettin' CLOSE!. Where's my popcorn? (Available from your local Cub Scout group)
  20. And bring your TAZER!!!!
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