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PNG Proud

SETXsports Staff
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Everything posted by PNG Proud

  1. I think they do. You can practice against your own squad all year, but nothing compares to "real time" action and plays you haven't seen yet.
  2. Uh, that was back in JUNE!!!! What can I say?
  3. Man, that thing's MONSTROUS! I wish the concession stand was that big!
  4. Sorry to hear that. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
  5. Was this Crystal Beach, Sea Rim or what? A Triple Tail in the surf...who'da thunk it?
  6. A reliable source say that the TX side of the TX jetties are decent right now.
  7. We dove (scuba) yesterday (11th). Was disapointed in the mangrove. I couldn't find my stringer so I wasn't going to shoot anything unless it was big. that didn't happen. It felt great to get down to the cool water. I went to about 60 ft. the water was beautiful about 50 miles out. Overal we had a great day w/ decent snapper, 1 king, 1 dolhin and 1 ling about 45#s.
  8. It's really so sad that some kids pass up the oportunity of a lifetime, for a few bucks now. In the future he'll kick his own self in the butt for this.
  9. We'll probably hit blue this Sat. We want to dive, so we'll probably run a bit deeper. Going after some mangrove too.
  10. yep, caught several black-tips. Didn't keep any though.
  11. I don't know about the galveston Bay thing. A friend of mine has been guiding out of there and hauling in 30 trout and a handful of reds on every charter!
  12. I never saw blue water, but it was a gorgeous aqua. Again, didn't get past 40 miles.
  13. Who's got the popcorn?
  14. Might be able to do that. You may already have them though, since the fish I caught were on a popular place in the Springtime. But, normally one would expect to have to run much deeper at this time of year.
  15. Ended up being a really good day, weather-wise and fish-wise. We caught really nice snapper much closer in than I would have imagined. Nice trip.
  16. What do you mean? I'm all for ANYTHING that will keep the players as safe as possible, under the circumstances.
  17. tell me about it. The same thing has happened to me too. I'd be out there, getting the snot beat out of me, but the weather bouy was reporting 1 ft. seas every 8 second. If I could have found it and it wasn't against the law, I woulda destroyed that thing!
  18. I saw that pic on that site. man, that thing was awesome.
  19. I have 2. The 1st in 1975 when PNG defeated South Houston. Because SH was the ONLY team to beat PNG that year (by 1 pt. Pre season), it was redeeming to beat them so handily in the play-offs. 2nd would have to be the win against LaMarque in 99'. They have such an awesome program and history that beating them is quite an accomplishment...especially in the play-offs.
  20. I wish they would really enforce it. Give 1 warning, then start hitting them with yards (only 5 at a time though). I'm tired of those coaches all over the field...including Burnett.
  21. Seemingly unbiased...I like that...alot. Kudos WOS87
  22. I'm countin' on that 2 ft. seas. we usually run about 50 miles.
  23. I'm glad to see where they put PNG. I'd much rather go in this way than to have a target on my back. Now we have nothing to lose.
  24. Anyone planning on running offshore this sat.? Man, it's been a long time.
  25. Voted PANews best Weather Guru! Nice Job.
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