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PNG Proud

SETXsports Staff
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Everything posted by PNG Proud

  1. hey tvc, that's not a gag reflex...it's a fur ball!
  2. Yeah, we'll hire our own special refs too! PLUS, we won't have to listen to that overly-biased announcer again this yr.
  3. Hey Crazy Cajun, have you been offshore lately? My boat's in the shop right now, but I plan to go out next weekend.
  4. It's been hot and cold. So far, the rain hasn't hurt us. Not really enough to make a difference.
  5. Now c'mon GoDogs...I was there yellin' my head off for the dogs last yr. (I can't beleive I said that) I did refuse to do the childish barking thing though. ;D
  6. Well (getting back to topic) I'd say Vidor, followed closely by Lumberton. JMO
  7. Ever heard of A Salt Weapon??? ;D
  8. You see that all thje time. What kills me is those bass fishermen on TV that hold the fish out of the water for like 1-1 1/2 mi., instead of getting it right back into the water.
  9. I've been saying that for YEARS! We just wanna catch a quick limit and go do other stuff, but the law MAKES us kill many more fish than we want to, and the bigger the size limit, the more we're gonna kill. Not only that, they can pu a moratorium on snapper completely, but we're still gonna catch and kill them while we fish for other stuff. Maybe they'd be smarter to say that you can keep 10 offshore fish, total, including dolphin. That's a fair harvest for the money it takes to go offshore. Because, I'll be honest, when we get into a school of dolphin, our attitude is "we've gotta make up for the screwing we're getting on the snapper regs", and we keep a bunch. The laws (and law makers) are so totally screwed up it's pathetic. I told ya not to get me going on the snapper thing. : BTW Crazy Cajun,.....WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT US?????
  10. The limit's still 4 in Texas though.
  11. Yeah, I've fished there a few times...what ya wanna know?
  12. I also report that the weather was really crappy this past weekend. However, I got a report from East Bay that the trout action is smokin'. Don't know exactly where though, and it's a really big bay.
  13. Anyone going out this weekend? hey, it's Father's Day Weekend...you should be able to do whatever you want! Don't think I'll be heading offshore, but will prob. hit the jetties to see if the trout are still there. ;D Also looking for some of those freshwater hardheads. ???
  14. Don't get me going on the snapper regs! >
  15. Made it out today (Sun). A bit choppy going out but a nice smooth ride coming in. Had 20 snapper (5 limits) A 100# black tip, about a 50# king and an assortment of other goodies. Overall, a good trip, except my new VHF woldn't transmit. >
  16. Uh, I don't think so. We don't "back out" of anything.
  17. We didn't actually ask for it this yr. It was a 2 yr deal when it was set up origionally. The teams and their opponents were determined a couple yrs ago.
  18. Yes, I trailer my boat. It's sitting on the side of my house where I can keep an eye on it. It's only 23'.
  19. Sounds good to me. I can't go this weekend, but plan on going out next weekend 6-09 I'll be looking for that pm.
  20. well, did anyone enter last weekend's tourney?
  21. I could send PLENTY, but since I can't win, it would only make all the others feel bad...haha
  22. That's why there's an "off" button on your puter!
  23. Hey tvc, consider this a standing offer... if you want to go offshore, just let me know and you're in. As far as the SALT tourney goes, they'll have to move it to 4th of July before they'll ever get many people to buy tickets. It used to be a really good tournament. There was an inshore, offshore and scuba division.; with MANY catagories and alot of pay-outs, making it worthwhile to enter. Now it's narrowed down to like specks, reds, snapper, flounder, ling and king ([no scuba] I may be off here, since I didn't see the book for this yrs. tourney). Before there was wahoo, shark, gafftop and more. And memorial Day is historically windy or bad weather (look at this weekend). The weather is just too unstable at this time of year. And what it does is puts the advantage to the really big boats that can go out, regardless of the seas, and only a few boats compete for the money. I like the idea, since it's the only real tournament in our area, but I beleive they're just missing the boat...BIG TIME.
  24. Anyone planning on fishing this yrs. tourney? If so, how about an update on your progress! Good Luck
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