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PNG Proud

SETXsports Staff
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Everything posted by PNG Proud

  1. I want a refund...I paid for a WHOLE YEAR!!!
  2. Sorry man, but I don't HAVE that number 8)
  3. Sunday PM late....spur of the moment decision to make a run and take my daughter fishing.....Good call 19 solid trout 3 nice eatin' sized drum 1 mangrove snapper.......WHAT????? a MANGROVE SNAPPER AT THE JETTIES??? yup...sure nuff We also caught and released about 8 rat reds and a handful of undersized specs. Like I said....Good Call
  4. I really liked Univ. of Houston. Also, Texas Stadium is alot of fun too.
  5. Did I miss something? We played Silsbee there in a game a few yrs ago. It was a beautiful stadium then. What's changed since then?
  6. We went about 42 out. The ling came out from rigs. After getting our snapper limit, we dove for the mangrove, then we started bumping rigs on the way in. Got the biggest ling about 35 out. If ya make it out, let us know how you do.
  7. Had a great trip on Saturday. Seas were down, the temp was down and the fish were bitin'. Ended up with 20 red snapper, 7 mangrove snapper, 1 king and 1 ling (52#). Even got home early, since we caught our 5 man limit of snapper in 45 min. Anyone else go out this weekend?
  8. On a previous post you picked LM and Brenham. Which is it???????????
  9. I guess THAT explains their awesome sports facility.
  10. 20-30 ft deep? That means you were only about 20 miles out?? Not too bad when you can get a limit like that and not burn too much fuel.
  11. Ya know, I've never caught ,or heard of anyone catching, any decent fish on Baso. I think it should be a little farther out. I suppose at times it may hold keeper snapper though. It doesn't look like the wind is going to let me run offshore this weekend. I'll prob. end up at Spindletop again.
  12. hey ETBU, thanx for the invite. Just got in from work. Let me know what else is lined up. I'd love to meet up!.
  13. I've got a lllooonnnggg day ahead of me in Sour Lake tomorrow, so I won't be there. Unless I can make the tail end of it. Where are the games being played??
  14. Has anyone made any? I'm planning my 1st one this Sat., but my son has already gone twice. Caught nice snaps both days. Any more reports out there?
  15. Naturally, I pick PNG in 3
  16. The only report I've heard, and it's a little outdated, is to fish the Louisiana shoreline, around the bayous (Johnson's, etc.). Prefferebly on an outgoing tide. A couple weeks ago they were hammering the big trout. Good Luck. Let us know how it goes. Me, I'm headed to Spindletop in the morn. Gotta get this bass thing out of my head before I concentrate on offshore in earnest.
  17. The weather didn't cooperate. It seems like this time of year is always bad for local tournaments...like the S.A.L.T. Tourney
  18. Me 2. When ya chunk them into the ice chest, the oxygen is PERFECT in there! ;D
  19. The McDonald's Big Bass Tourney , I THINK, is this weekend.
  20. Anyone fishing Saturday's Trout Tournament? If so, let us konw how it went for ya.
  21. Been there Done that! No prob.
  22. Why do you say that? Was PNG ranked #1 or something? with LCM like #4?, so now you expect them to trade places? I wasn't aware that either team was in the top 10, with the exception of the erroneous post of LCM being #7
  23. Believe it or not, I don't even like ling. I'll bring them home, since alot of people ask for them, but I don't eat them myself.
  24. You hit the nail on the head. PNG's Harrington blinked 1st with a balk that ultimately cost PNG 2 runs...the difference in the game. Congrats to LCM, you played great defense tonight.
  25. Yeah, it's kinda hard to have a good time. However, I've become calloused enough over the years to overlook it and FISH!!! At least on my boat, there's not usually more than 1 upchucking at a time (I don't do the party boat thing). It does make for some good chum though!
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