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PNG Proud

SETXsports Staff
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Everything posted by PNG Proud

  1. And don't cut corners on your water seperator. I like the one that has the clear bowl on the bottom. that way, when it does plug up, you can just unscrew it and clean it out. The replacement filter runs about $50 though.
  2. I LIKE where this is heading!!!!!
  3. Pretty Kewl. Do you have a schedule worked out as to where you'll be each week?
  4. I was wondering how long it would take for friendly competition to make it to the "Outdoors" Forum. ::dd
  5. 180-200 ft.????? I'm SOL then. I'd have to run 100 miles or more out of Sabine. Guess I'll have to catch babies. :cry:
  6. Let me know how that goes. I'd be interested in kowing how deep I'll have to run.
  7. Those snapper looked kinda small to me. I'm planning a trip soon and hope they're( big ones) not all gone.
  8. Mine??? Spindletop!
  9. Amen to that Joe!
  10. I hadn't heard about that one. Tell me more.
  11. I've heard the same thing froma reliable source.
  12. It's interesting to see how, over the years, the dominance changes. I.E. where's Stephensville, Ennis,...see how far down LaMarque is. BTW, The #1 pick, Texas High, Are they from the Houston/Pasadena area??
  13. Is dayton really that good or is he basing that on their previous districts competition. I can't see them competing that well in 22-4A. Let's hang onto this thread so we can compare notes at the end of the season. I just don't seee them finishing ahead of PN-G.
  14. 200 FEET????? Man, they were either 160 miles out of Sabine, or, they went out of Freeport or something. Man. we live on the absolute WORST place in the country as far as good, deep water is concerned. That's o.k. though, cuz this weekend, we gonna SLAUGHTER the dolphin. With the light winds all week, the weed-lines are gonna be thick and I'm gonna be right in the middle of it!!!!! '''fa
  15. Not me baby! I'll be out of the country! As in OFFSHORE! I located some nice snapper last weekend and the dolphin should be HOT too! I'll let ya now how it goes.
  16. ok...I think I'll start Saturday!!!! :thumbsup
  17. Sounds pretty good to me too. Tell me more! :iag
  18. Anyone on here planning on fishing on this weekend's S.A.L.T. Tornament? I'm thinking about the offshore division, but not sure if I will.
  19. FYI If you can get out there, Sabine is red-hot w/ trout around mid-day. They're feeding on shrimp and ribbonfish, so throw Texas Trout killers. Trust me on this one :cheers
  20. I haven't hit anything, but I did notice a huge sand bar near the ship channel, not far from Stewts Island, where that shrimp boat is grounded. I rode out there in my big boat and almost got stuck. That wasn't there before Rita and no telling how many more there are out there. I'd run slower for a while.
  21. I like the nice job you've done on this. It's got to be really hard to pick, when you factor in ALL levels of schools, i.e. 4-A, 5-A etc. It's still hard to pick say, Newton against Memorial. In it's own class, Newton is leagues ahead of Memorial, but head to head, Memorial would demolish them...tuff to pick. Good Job
  22. Paid my debt to society today...$161.00 Man, I'm gonna eat those snapper real slow!
  23. Yep, I did! After fishing for all of my life, and playing strictly by the rules, we were checked by the game wardens today and we had 1 snapper too many. Did he cut me any slack??? NO!. So now, as the boat owner and captain, and since I assumed responsibility for the oversight, I get to appear before the judge and fork over the ol' moola. Ouch! This sux. Especially after hearing over the past few weeks about all of the big snapper that have been taken unlawfuly, before the season opened, fileted, and smuggled to the docks. Why don't THOSE guys ever get caught?????
  24. I went today to check out the ramps in Sabine. I went to the old Coast Guard station like Supertilly suggested. That IS a good area. I'm not sure about the depth, so I'm a bit concerned about that. Also, the ramps aren't used too much and they're REALLY slimy and steep and could pose a problem for those with big boats. I also checked out the County ramp. It actually looks pretty decent, with a "ramp closed" sign however, so I called Pct.3 road and bridge dept. and talked to a man there. He said that on a real low tide, they went down and hauled out all of the concrete and debrise that they could find. Looking at the ramps, he said that the one to the extreme left is silted in pretty bad, the middle is questionable, but the one to the right seems to be good, with no complaints. He said that the ramp "is open", but it's launch at your own risk. The "ramp closed" sign is intended for the left ramp only. Hope this helps.
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