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  1. Does anyone know if the game is being broadcasted on the radio?
  2. Hello, I'll give you a little advice. Be careful with the term SELECT. Many of these so called programs are run by guys who don't have a clue about the game. At this age, the kids need Fundamentals sprinkled in with a few games. Most of these games could/should be Local. The past 6-7 yrs most Rec League Teams started running to so called Select teams and our Rec leagues have suffered because of this trend. Many of the kids that joined these teams aren't playing the sport anymore, heck most never got an offer to play in College. When I think SELECT Team, that means my child has aspirations of playing on Scholarship; that's why you're paying the money for right?? Not trying to scare  you away from teams, just making you aware of how this is a Billion Dollar Industry & the Billions aren't being spent on the kids. I've run the same program for nearly 12 yrs now. My program doesn't hold tryouts, but we compete fairly well. The group I started with are Sophs in College. 3 of them are on Full ride Athletic Scholarships for Football(I trained them in that as well). My Son plays Cornerback for Lamar, he's been a starter since  his Freshman year. Just giving you a little background on how things can materialize without all the hoopla and  just to say it shouldn't cost a lot of money to play a kid's game. There's no way I'm driving my kid All over the Country for a sport he/she can play in their own Community. There are still a few guys around who think as I do. We are currently playing in a Rec League in Beaumont every Saturday morning. God Bless

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    1. Bigcam2903


      There are a few teams playing Rec ball now through the Salvation Army. The so called select clubs don't do as much travel because of the age of the kids. Send me your name & number & we can talk. I'll make some calls to a few guys to see what their spring/summer plans are.

      Ronald Campbell 

      Beaumont Bees 409 550-5292

  3. Is there any club/select basketball teams for youth boys in setx? My son is 11 and very interested in playing club.
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