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Everything posted by Bronco94

  1. Meanwhile in Dayton, heard we had some coaching changes, a couple left and had some new additions. So welcome to Dayton, we gotta get where we want to be and whatever it takes to do it, we gonna do it. Go 2017 Dayton Broncos!!!!!!!!
  2. I do think Dayton will be much improved this year all around, unlike Crosby with exception of a healthy rb. Won't be enough.
  3. I know our games of the year are always when we play Crosby and The Barbies Hill. Crosby who only won the past two contest with OT, and the Barbies Hill whom only won last year, won't have the same luck this year. Manny is gone, his OT run got the W last year, and the Hill, I just don't know, I was there and I couldn't believe what I was seeing, for one, a couple ints., one resulting in a TD from a linebacker and the rest is HISTORY!!!!! 2017 Broncos take revenge out on these two teams this year, I once said if we didn't win any games but the Crosby and the Barbies Hill game we'd be fine with it, but this team will be not only doing that, they gonna do way more than that. We are young, but talented. We are young, but determined. We can beat the Coogs. We can, We will, Kill the Hill. We will be a top contender, Again. 2017 Dayton Broncos, a force to reckon with.
  4. That D I'm stressing is Defense my little perverted neighbors from the south and the west. That D will be too much for the hill and Crosby this year. More disciplined and we got a corner outta nowhere this year that will be a QB nightmare.
  5. BRONCO FANS ARE YOU READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW I AM!!!! gotta keep us on the front page, let's go fans help a brother out!!!
  6. What, that I had a 10 day vacation to New Braunfels, well I'll have you know that it's s lot of fun. And I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  7. Finally, someone who sees things about like I do. 

  8. We are good WOSgrad, not getting outta hand at all. I know Bronco Pride outside of this and he knows me. The questions will be answered before too long. This is a disciplined team and that was our problem last year, when you try to do things for your glory, things don't turn out the way they should, and this team is a team, no one player on it is trying to glorify themselves, so I've been told. GO 2017 BRONCOS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Well that's every year. There has been a lot of improvements of the teams in our district. I see us doing well, the hard work started the Monday after school let out, I'm liking the growth I'm seeing in these kiddos, hard work pays off, and I actually thought our secondary looked improved in the 7 on 7 games we played with one particular cornerback picking off the QB 4 times in one game and at least 12 times the rest of the games. That was nice to see as to where our secondary has struggled at times it seemed. So like I said earlier that it's an exciting time to be a Bronco!
  10. I know your son graduated, but maybe talk to some of the boys that are on the 2017 team. That is what I have done, this team is working hard to get back to what we have gotten accustomed to. Dayton is gonna be back in the mix of things, back in the Stuart days, he had the kids bought into the program, and the ones I've talked to are dedicated and bought in as well.
  11. We both know the answer to that. And I just played basketball from 10th on. I migrated to Dayton in High School, but have become a Bronco in the 90's and have stuck with it. We have rivalry's, that just makes it fun, I won't bow down to them. I am a supporter of the Dayton Broncos, even when some stepped down from coaching to be just the AD and through those next 5 years and last year even though we did not make it what 22 years straight in the post season. And I'm still right here with them this season and the next. Just so happens I truly believe this group will do very well. Keep stating your opinions and I'll keep stating mine, and when I'm right(about the Broncos being tough) just get on here and say ole Bronco 94 was right and I was wrong, and if I am wrong I'll get on here and say ole Bronco pride was right. Eventually we will all come together here, when the Broncos are kicking tail, the stands will fill again. Those of us that have only missed a handful of games over the years have seen the stands be less full even in the last several years, so I'd like to see this group of young men start to pack the house again and I think it will happen. As always GO BRONCOS!!!!!
  12. Stuart turned the program around in 96, so playoffs were consistently born there and after. As you know. Coach Sherman was in charge in my days. He then went on and did pretty well I heard.
  13. My comment was meant to go a little deeper than that. Back when I played, we never went into a game defeated. We may have lost the game in the end but never at the beginning. And I've carried that mentality thru life. Our D will be improved this year. We needed that. Our Offense will be looking sharp, I like our chances against every team in our district. Sometimes you have fans fall by the wayside and that's what has happened with some of ours from last years season.
  14. If we would have opted to do the state tourney we would've faired as well as any local teams around here would have, 10-1-2 was how we were looking and it would've been fun, although it would've interfered with my 10 day vacation trip to New Braunfels, Tx.
  15. And a much improved D it'll be.
  16. Your either all or none, and I may not have liked everything about the staff we had in the past but I still supported my Broncos. I always will go with my Broncos I don't care who we are facing. And I for certain will never support or make comments that even sound like I'm supporting a rival. Maybe that's the competitiveness in me, but that's the way it is. As always G O B R O N C O S ! ! ! ! ! !
  17. Just wanted to give a shout out for my Broncos, We got some doubters out there, you notice I didn't quiet say haters, but we got some doubters out there, and with you or without you, this team will do great things, this group of young men are dedicated and are working as hard as any to improve, and will play Bronco Style football this year, that's where we run it down the opponents throats, kill'm with the passing game, and bust'm In the mouth on D. As always Go 2017 Dayton Broncos!!!!!
  18. Well sometimes it takes 5 years, at the rate we were going we might've had 30 kids suit up on varsity and that doubled in the last season, so without change we probably would've had 25 suit up and still no playoffs, so either way you'd be mad because of that, now we suit up 50-60 and will do very well this year, ole Dave has us at 4th this year, and after last season you'd think he'd be with you at 5-5, but nope, he's looking past one or two coaches that you don't like and sees the real picture. 2017 Broncos will be back to playing Bronco style football with all your negativity or with the support you used to have for them. As always GO BRONCOS!!!!!!!!!
  19. There is several saying differently now, maybe not you two, and if anyone out there don't like something about the Dayton Broncos program, just stay at the house when season starts, for sure don't join in when we start celebrating a 180 from last year. Eagle pride, that's a good screen name. I'm not sure but it's probably available.
  20. I think The Broncos will be one of the top two teams in our district, and that has many re-thinking our district top four. That's just me thinking, we lost some good players but we also gained some good ones, and I think the gains outweigh the losses. Come on August, scrimmages or not, I'm ready for some football. Go Broncos!!!!!!!
  21. I'm looking forward to a great season with a great group. August 18 we get started and will show everyone the improvements and how those Broncos refuse to lay down. We start two road scrimmages and then we follow up those two in Channelview with the start of our 2017 season, those in doubt, come on out, and for the rest of us, let's come out in great numbers to support this team who will get us back to the tradition we do love and enjoy. As always, Go Broncos!!!!!!
  22. For a minute there I thought I had the wrong idea about our Number 18, but nope just watched a bunch of highlight reels of him last year, may not be a track star but the kid has good hands and knows the routes and how to get open because he has the film to prove it.
  23. And I understand you are still skeptical, and so be it, if you will go back and read my post I said our top two backs, I'm speaking of this years team, I stated our top two receivers, of 2017, not 2016, I'm looking ahead pride, not backwards, and I'd suggest you do the same, I feel your pain, but we gotta get up, dust ourselves off, and move forward. I missed one 7 on 7 matchup and took a lot of mental notes. I've seen who has the best hands out of our receivers, and who works hard out there. I've known most of this team for at least 8 years, you dang right I'm excited, I like a team that will run the ball down an opponents throats and a team that will kill an opponent with a nice passing game, and that's what I know about this group, and you can cash that at any bank.
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