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Everything posted by Bronco94

  1. Sometimes you can have s rivalry without even playing a certain team, I've got some of those now, lol.
  2. Y'all will just have to wait and see. And 14.2 your stats well that's just what they are stats, and believe me, you can't take them to the bank. Yalls JV was physical that's for sure but as far as seeing talent and finesse, that wasn't seen. But we are taking the loss and moving on, and tonight we will see and hear how our varsity was better prepared than yours and whatever else you come up with. I do hope and pray for an injury free good sportsmanship ball game, but, that doesn't mean we won't punch back when punched at. As always Go Broncos!!!!!
  3. Womp womp womp womp
  4. They are a good pair, that 21 and 10.
  5. I agree with you bud, it was s good game, of course I would have rather won this one, but we gotta hold our heads up high. My son came home with ice on his right arm and right hand, but other than that we gonna be alright. Got two more ball games, nothing to be ashamed of. Congrats to the Coogs, congrats to the Broncos.
  6. You can't keep s good man down though
  7. It is what it is, I'm still proud of them boys. 7-1 on the season
  8. Don't be so sure, after 9:45 Friday night we will see what you gotta say.
  9. You will get feedback talking like that, I'm with you but I'm just talking from experience
  10. I'm in a good mood, my JV Broncos are ready to take care of business, just talked to a few of them an hour ago, and they are pumped. Gonna be a royal rumble fo sho
  11. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggg
  12. See I have a sense of humor too
  13. Maybe shine all nine split channel
  14. There is a long line of haters towards the Broncos and especially the Jv. Well get in it, hang on, and enjoy the ride.
  15. I hate you feel that way and can't do a thing about, all I can do is support my kids, and that's exactly what I'll continue to do.
  16. I think they just wanted to kick me off of here after I lost my cool, but hey I'm better than that. And I'll never stop supporting my Broncos of all levels.
  17. You ever heard the saying if I were a betting man, well guess what, I'm not but thanks anyway, but I could easily get aggravated if you keep on, you or aggiesweare. Maybe that's what you two want, well guess what it's working somewhat, better be glad I found Jesus because you two are pushing it with me and a while back, well you two have a good day.
  18. I'm not worried about any wager or two idiots that won't take the hint, I've got better things to do than to keep messing with a couple cats that think they are somebody of importance which they are not.
  19. If I didn't what kind of support would that be. Half hearted, that ain't me.
  20. Maybe you can read but maybe you no comprende, I don't care if you like what I post or not, or if anybody else does, you know what, I'm done talking nice. Mind your business and I'll mind mine, you got me, you feel me.
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