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Everything posted by Bronco94

  1. I couldn't agree with you more whattheheck, 100%. I don't understand people, they love the coaches and players in a win but question their every decision in a loss, well I support coach nations and trust him coaching my son and I know that we will recover and be alright. As always Go Broncos.
  2. And don't forget it
  3. Don't make to many predictions bud unless you just like being wrong, Dayton will get back into the groove you can't predict injuries but you do have to adjust. Maybe y'all worry about Crosby and we will worry about Dayton.
  4. The Broncos will take a licking and keep on ticking, we alright.
  5. Broncos JV is still undefeated
  6. I dish it and I can take it, by the way our JV is undefeated.
  7. Speechless.....................................well what'd you do just fold up, hell no you gotta figure out what the hell happened and make adjustments where you need to and move on to the next week. I still hate Crosby and BH and as always, go Broncos!!!!!
  8. Id like to be the fly on the wall
  9. How much time is left I'm on nights and couldn't make this one
  10. You know we won 29-0 come on I posted it for yall
  11. We see that you don't know everything.
  12. Dayton Jv - 29 Splendors - 00 Dayton 9th - 38 Splendora - 16 Sorry couldn't resist after your last post.
  13. Silly eagle, football is for real men, better stick to round ball sports
  14. Not the best in the world but good enough to go undefeated in our district. And that's with another key player moved up to the varsity squad.
  15. GO BRONCOS!!!!! 2016 Homecoming good luck to all participants and to the Broncos, go take care of business and keep all the Broncos undefeated this week.
  16. To be determined, hmmmmmmm.
  17. Heard he will be playing tonight due to a couple players with injuries, but he has had a great year so far and works very hard so I wish him luck tonight.
  18. Dayton Freshman 38 Splendora Freshman 16 Dayton JV 29 Splendora JV 0
  19. Freshman 38-16 Jv 29-0
  20. Hope you enjoyed yourself, they kept the plays simple and tried to take it easy on them 29-0 Broncos stay undefeated.
  21. Kinda funny how this is s Crosby and BH thread yet the JV Broncos are getting some attention, I smell fear, B.O. And fear. And bullshi+.
  22. You'll find out soon enough how good the Broncos JV is, can't wait to say I told you so.
  23. Splendora 9 vs Dayton 9 _________ - ________ Splendora JV vs Dayton jv _________ - ________
  24. We actually agree on something, wow, but yes it's going to be a herd of Broncos running and throwing and hitting tonight at 6 pm at the Bronco Stadium.
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