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Everything posted by Bronco94

  1. It's gonna be an exciting two more seasons when the whole team reunites next year, great things to come.
  2. Only the worried ones loose sleep igmo, so which are you, the worried, or the one like me that has the setting on my temper- pedic at 65 and sleeps all night long. A lot of people has more than one e-mail accounts now a days, so mr 11 posts, you can't hide forever, we almost have you figured out.
  3. JV game in Dayton tomorrow, freshman play at 4:30 and JV at 6 Go Broncos!!!!!
  4. Nope that's up to y'all and how lucky y'all get on Friday nights, oh look at me, I'm pulling for y'all Friday night, then I'll talk shi#
  5. You could've heard a pin drop when BH stopped and locked the door, givem hell daytonfan9210
  6. We will see how the goes after Friday and that will tell a lot, I did see how y'all fell outta the ranks on max preps after loosing to Manvel, I bet that hurt a lot. Y'all worry about D-1 this and that too much, hope you enjoyed being undefeated last year until the 2nd round because that was then this is now.
  7. We do only have one of the Santee brothers on JV the other has been putting on some good numbers on varsity, so yes sophomores and JV kids do get moved to varsity here as well but with 36 seniors suited up the need for more comes when needed.
  8. Sorry banana boy I have some business to take care of so I'll catch up on your bs later.
  9. Not too convincing there bannapants, but ok.
  10. Time will tell, I guess we will see if y'all pull out a W Friday night against the hill, better hope they don't pull a rabbit outta the hat.
  11. Welcome to Crosby, cougar239, the reason I say that is you must have just moved there or just jumped on their bandwagon. Every time the Mighty Broncos meet up is one hell of a ball game with exception of a couple, everyone with a sound mind know and understand that this matchup between the two teams goes deep. Normally both teams show great sportsmanship and the fans get to see one of the best Friday night lights showdown of the season. These particular match ups can go either way with Dayton still on top of the ratio. So don't jump on other topics trying to poke out your chest because that ain't getting you anywhere. The coogs ain't that good this year, but don't admit it, because that makes it that much more fun on here.
  12. I think this is the only game Friday night, sorry, but is that a banana in your pants or are you just happy to post something.
  13. I agree Jayhawk, we will see Thursday night and then on Friday, who knows what kind of team will walk out on that field to face the Broncos but we really don't care, I know we will be ready.
  14. I could tell by your name on here your ignorant. And it doesn't surprise me that you, like most don't understand the bleeding purple terminology, but I'm glad I pulled your chain welcome to SeTx mr. 6 posts.
  15. That's all I'd like for these hard working young men to receive some support and credit, because they showed up every day during the summer to work out and practice and they are the ones that go up against varsity 1st D every day and varsity 1st O every day, and believe me, they are just waiting for that call, and they will be ready for those Friday night lights. But hey, next year we have a bunch of seniors leaving but you know what, that doesn't bother me and a lot of other BRONCO fans because we know what kind of group we got coming next year if not sooner if needed. So every member on here, if I offend anyone on here because of my love for Bronco Football, tough, I bleed purple, in my book there is Only two kind of people in the world, Bronco fans and want-a-be's.
  16. Well a game like the Broncos had last Friday just shows you that two well coached teams with hard working players, well you never know what will happen.
  17. Splendora and Dayton have had s rivalry ever since little league. We always knew going over there was gonna be an all out brawl. Those that were there remember what I'm talking about, so I know I don't stand alone with my excitement for this game. Although we won the majority of the match ups back then,we knew what kind of game it would be and how the sportsmanship got throwed out the window as the game progressed. So I guess what I'm saying is " been there done that and still got the t-shirt" as always Go Broncos!!!!!
  18. Another reason for the trash talk is we have played Splendora from the little league years and believe me there was some dog fights,so who knows, that's the same kids that played then, that are playing now. Yes we are better coached, but we were well coached then as well, but that didn't stop the brawls as they lost.
  19. Is there something wrong with having a little fun on here and supporting your sons and his friends team a little or are you just cold and sour. Yep I'm guilty, I woke up this morning pumped up a little enjoying my day off and ready for some BRONCOS football, so if it bothers somebody oh well, but this ain't my first rodeo, you don't take no team to lightly in 21-5a. As always go Broncos!!!!!
  20. Where's the sense of humor guys
  21. Where's the sense of humors guys.
  22. Undefeated Broncos with nail, pike, lovely, orebo, and vauter leading the way tame the wildcats Thursday at 6 pm at the new Splendora stadium. Talk is the (wildcat) mascot is being changed to a (puddycat) first thing Friday morning. As always Go Broncos!!!!!
  23. 2-0 Wildcats come to 1-1 Broncos stadium for a old fashioned homecoming beat down.
  24. He had a nice catch and several hard hits and tackles, a sack also
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