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BS Wildcats

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Everything posted by BS Wildcats

  1. With this regime coming in, why would a lot of people want a job? The party of the working man is now the party for those that want something for nothing!!
  2. $15 minimum wage will do more harm than good!! Why does the left seem that this is some magical figure?
  3. Will never lead me to voting Democrat though. As baddog said, we all have said he needed to talk and tweet less.
  4. Yes, all mail in votes were counted, but why did they change the laws(in several states) requiring matching of signatures? Why were poll observers kept far enough away so they could no oversee the counts? Does this not throw up a red flag to you, or do you turn a blind eye to it? This absolutely led to fraud!!! But you are right, you did some singing in November!!!!
  5. It is 100% the truth, and hopefully a lot more people(74M)realize it by 2024!
  6. I agree about Trump shooting himself in the foot. He let his mouth overload his ass, and it cost the Republicans and the country dearly.
  7. Who do you put above him? I would prefer Jim Jordan.
  8. I guess you’re starting to lighten up on the name calling!
  9. She considers herself black, therefore you are enamored with her. Your agreement with Dove’s statement is strictly based on race, as was his statement. Plain and simple!!
  10. Finally somebody got it!😂😂😂😂Wonder how many times Dove tried dialing it. Hopefully, he won’t lose my number!!!
  11. It’s time for him to go, and it will happen January 20th. Do I wish he would have, yes! But it’s time to start trying to survive these next four years we are in for.
  12. Are you happy, in your mind, that he will replace obama with that title? The way COVID was used to push mail-in balloting had a lot do to do with. After Fauci guaranteed a pandemic would occur during Trump’s presidency, makes one wonder about the fix being in. With that, I have the ability to draw my own conclusions about the fraud that was committed.
  13. The Dems had the master plan in works for the last five years!!
  14. I don’t think you would make the same comment if she were black. That is more proof of your racism. Your comment is as asinine as what biden said about how the situation if the rioters at the capital has been black.
  15. Your attempt at humor fails you!! Maybe your cohorts find it amusing. I really think when you see the shape our country will be in a couple years down the road, you might not find it funny!!
  16. Surely you mean Michelle. That is pure ugliness, if there ever was ugly!!!!
  17. I knew the election wasn’t getting overthrown. Pence is a much better man than to try a stunt like that. But, do I think there was some fraud on election night, absolutely!!!
  18. Maybe so on the last statement, but there are a lot of Republicans that do not like Trump. So, it wouldn’t be a shocker if they were to have taken part in any fraud to keep Trump from being elected.
  19. Why did the Dems push it so hard? Why did they not require signatures to match? Why were the observers required to be so far they couldn’t see what was going on? Really makes you wonder what was going on!
  20. We need to be careful. One will call you out for name calling.
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