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BS Wildcats

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Everything posted by BS Wildcats

  1. All conservatives would be labeled racist and card carrying members of the KKK. Oh, wait a minute, we already are.
  2. More reason that California should secede!!
  3. It is becoming more and more apparent that liberals are the biggest bunch of idiots going. Liberals and dems were screaming that if crooked Hillary won, conservatives and pubs need to accept the results. How about their bunch of idiots. Democrats, a party to be proud of. Good job Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, and Reid to name a few of the enablers. Hopefully Trump will strip their funding.
  4. I don't agree with you on hardly anything, but I think you are on to something with what u said about the Pope.
  5. Buck the boss and this will happen. Bet he couldn't resist telling her this, You're Fired!
  6. The lefties, including the libtards on here, want no part of the truth. This goes against the narrative that the left, along with most media outlets, are trying to get people to believe.
  7. Do you know 5GallonBucket? If the answer is no, you have no clue if he is a bigoted buffoon. Sounds like you're profiling.
  8. What they don't know is this is not a Muslim ban? There are around 40 Muslim countries, I don't think the seven he banned add up to 40. The left are just a bunch of lunatics. Let's see how they spin that.
  9. Wonder if they used any of the prayer rugs Hussein had in the WH.
  10. Facts: something the libtards want no part of. Explain this one away, Kountzer.
  11. You are right, we have no common ground. Life begins at conception. What about late term abortions after a heartbeat is detected? Makes null your argument of "gills and tails". Keep up your stupid argument that it is not murder.
  12. What does the size of a crowd have to do with policy? Hillary started the birth certificate mess, Trump just ran with it.
  13. Do they think the majority of America gives a rat's arse what they think or do? They need to help Cali secede, and elect George Clooney their prez and Rosie O'Donnell VP.
  14. Trump has done what he said he was going to do so far. Where are the lies? You seem to think the liberal left are truth tellers. Delusional?
  15. Good for him. But in today's society, it will probably cost him his job.
  16. So it is dumb that more black babies are murdered than born. Planned Parenthood is behind most of these and they are supported by the same groups you support, libs and Dems. So by saying it is a dumb post, you have no qualms about murdering babies? It does not matter what the race is, it should be viewed by all as despicable.
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