When are you going to admit that you’re not Big Girl? She cant spell trajectory or meteorologist but she will point out other’s mistakes.
The president comment was the Virgin Isles, not Puerto Rico.
The Colorado comment was in jest just before mentioning Kansas.
The hurricane map……I’ll give you that one.
Where does your “Idoit” term fit in all of this nonsense?
What else you got? Biden commits a gaffe everyday but you NEVER mention any of them. How about Kamala? She’s as dumb as a box of rocks, but I bet you love her. In fact, I give the edge to the box of rocks. Admit that you are a super biased individual.
For your information, I have no problem with RFK’s gruff voice. Will it hurt his chances? Only with picky people such as your self. Instead of looking at policies and results, you follow false accusations and believe them.