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Everything posted by baddog

  1. That will be enough to cover almost all of our headstones. Climate Change is nothing more than a money grab and an attempt at global governing. Trump is a genius for getting us out of there faster than a cat can lick its arse.
  2. If we are talking about a zip lock bag full of coke, sales could be added to the possession charge.
  3. I keep hearing bag of coke but have yet to hear how much was found.
  4. Javier should be glad for the no-decisions. His 7-1 record is a bit misleading. Need a lefty in the bullpen. Last one I can recall is Billy Wagner and Joe Sambito before that.
  5. Astros being aired on espn. Not crazy about that because of their woke crap, but I guess I’ll tune in. Guess they couldn’t get a Yankee/Red Sox game. 😂
  6. I have to wonder what type of parent allows anyone to come up and sniff their kid. A punch in the face would be acceptable here.
  7. It would negate most posts.
  8. Great post. Hopefully no one will try to change the wording.
  9. My wife, son, DIL, and I never took the vaccine. Thought about it as our doctor suggested it. Wife and I even came down with Covid. Nothing in my life has ever kept me sick for 11 days. We had faith in our aged, but still very functional, immune systems. Still have never taken the Biden Forced Jab. I believe Trump was persuaded to go along with the vaccine for political purposes, as the election was not far away. Some people are simply ate up with it.
  10. I don’t like gambling with our future and I like Brown and Diaz. They will be good for years to come.
  11. Ohtani will probably end up a Yankee. Seems that’s where they all end up.
  12. Sorry, I don’t want him. This team can win it all when we get healthy. Ain’t doing that bad right now with subs. That’s just me.
  13. We’ve beaten Ohtani twice in a row now.
  14. There always appears to be a whataboutism.
  15. I guess some people require a receipt from the dope dealer to prove possession. Possession is 90% of the law (or so I’ve heard) so to me, this dope belongs to Joe Biden since he is the renter.
  16. I bet if the cops found cocaine at my house and I said it wasn’t mine, it wouldn’t hold up very long. I remember Bam Morris had about 50 pounds of marijuana in the trunk of his car. He said it wasn’t his. The cops didn’t believe him.
  17. What a total embarrassment to our great nation. President of US should have an arrogance about him, instead of deer in the headlights Biden.
  18. Wouldn’t let me edit….. Why aren’t trans men clamoring to enter men’s facilities????
  19. Well, the swimsuit competition should be, shall we say, interesting? Sick of hearing about trans community. WTF is wrong with people? If you are going to identify (already hate that word, mental illness is what it is) as a female, then you need to have the operation or shut your pie hole. Why aren’t trans men
  20. What about criminals who might be identifying as another race?
  21. Just like Don the con, this is my last post in reply to anything you say. I can’t even read his brain washed chatter anymore. You are the sheep being led to slaughter and everyone is a clown who disagrees with your point of view. You are totally ate up with it and it is a waste of my time to try and convince you otherwise. I truly hope that nothing bad is perpetrated on you and the perpetrator gets away with it, even though you know who did it. It will be devastating for you if someone asks “where’s the proof”?
  22. Wow, you couldn’t go back to the 1940s to prove a point? Dude, I’m talking about present day DOJ who goes after parents at school board meetings rather than investigating a coke head who is trading secrets with the Chinese. You act like the guilty party and say prove it. Tells me to condone these corrupt individuals. I won’t call then you because I think that is a playground tactic. Answer the original question. Why do you prefer not to see the election as stolen when Trump was winning, the counting stopped, then magically he lost? Just a stroke of luck huh?
  23. He sure did a lot of talking to have said absolutely nothing. I liked the “I know why, because the guy at the NYT won’t say nice things about you”! That was classic.
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