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Everything posted by baddog

  1. She claimed murders had come down, which is correct, but scroll down and look at this graph. What a joke she really is. [Hidden Content]
  2. Trump knew where it originated and it didn’t take years to investigate.
  3. Must have voted against her because she is a black woman with power. What else could it be?
  4. Wouldn’t it be great if Trump could flip California? I don’t think he would need any swing states and it would leave the dims screaming at the sky. Lmao
  5. I’ve been discriminated against by Big Girl. Where’s my cut? Does $5 million guarantee that I won’t have to hear about slavery again? I bet Kountzer is saying, “Thank you, Jesus”!
  6. Good to see you’re still condescending, but I still don’t see the formula for calculating “new knowledge”. (Here comes the “stupid name calling”). I did fine in math in my day. We have a plastic garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean twice the size of Texas. Guess they didn’t use the formula.
  7. CCP government 'intentionally released' COVID-19 'all over the world,' Chinese virologist says [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  8. Two weeks ago. Kids being shot. Not a top news story. Dylan Roof made National headlines. I wonder why that is?
  9. Everything on the left is perpetrated on a lie.
  10. They will go to any lengths without shame.
  11. I like what LRF said in the post above. I personally don’t hate people who drive electric vehicles. I have seen some videos of people who are “Tesla Haters”. That’s some weird stuff right there.
  12. Is this a typo? Maybe you need to reread your own post. I know technology has advanced faster in the past 50-60 years than it has in probably the previous 200-300. Thank you baby boomers and before…. and the transistor.
  13. They didn’t call Showtown drive-in “Passion Pit” for nothing. What a normal guy did back in the day to possibly get his face slapped or simply told “no”, is now a jailable offense and carry the sexual predator clause around for the rest of his life.
  14. should be next to have charges filed against her. It would put a stop to such evil ways.
  15. What was stupid? Remember, stupid is a relative term. Like I said, you have no answer.
  16. Why don’t you hum a few bars?
  17. Good answer when you have none.
  18. Roads could have been a factor in that comment, ya think? Solid rubber tires on a muddy horse and buggy trail wouldn’t have seemed workable, but then I’m just guessing. Most people have been skeptical on new technology. Goes all the way back to the wheel.
  19. Ok, I’ll give you another month. What are you going to do with it? Bump your gums even more? You do that all 12 months anyway. You celebrate nothing. It’s all “woe is me”.
  20. That is very sad. Slave labor at its finest, but not a peep.
  21. Do you own one? Why not? What do you drive? The joke is that they will never totally replace gasoline/diesel vehicles. Also the joke part, and this is a knee slapper, the charging stations at the old Entergy building in downtown Beaumont are powered by diesel generators. Hydro-electric accounts for about 7% of total electric power in the US. Where in the heck does everyone think their electricity comes from. Don’t forget, the leftys hate coal too. Not sure how they feel about nuclear…..or nucular as Bush would say.
  22. The last punch on the sidewalk was the best one. Lmao. I bet he don’t ride that bus anymore. He’ll walk home.
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