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Everything posted by baddog

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. has to go to court? People are sick and tired of this crap and I’m afraid some may end up physically hurt. Colorado families sue school district for encouraging daughters to join 'secret' LGBTQ club [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  3. If a donor wants to pay for your trips, even on the Dems side, I have no problem with it if political favors are not granted in return.
  4. Can’t allow the communists a toe-hold on anything pertaining to guns.
  5. I’d find me a barking dog, unlock and lock my vehicle periodically if the horn honks when doing so, take a crap by the door of their tent, do anything to make their life miserable.
  6. I can’t recall a game we won in which we scored zero runs.
  7. I would think there is something wrong with you if you didn’t bring up the law. lol I’m not an Iran fan by any means, but….. There was a taxi driver in Iran years ago who was going around raping women. He was finally caught, convicted and sentenced to death. The next day (I think), they strung him up from a cherry picker for everyone to see. He didn’t have 20 years to appeal and I would bet there aren’t many rapists in Iran. Heck, today we release rapists on their own recognizance. I’m not saying that there shouldn’t be an appeals process, but 20 years? Of course this probably wouldn’t deter these sick triggered people, but if murderers knew they wouldn’t last even one more year, I could see it being a deterrent.
  8. Good points well taken. I think all murderers are cowards, especially those that would even harm children, much less shoot them in the head. I leave the alcohol out of the equation because it has no bearing on what the law can do to them….never an excuse. Could it have made him feel 10’ tall and bullet-proof? Of course. I am of the mentality that mass murderers are among us waiting on a”trigger”. It can be an instant trigger like road rage (not mass murder but a trigger nonetheless) or one such as this. They can also have time to plan it after being triggered (school shootings and the like). I always feel that these people would rather die than surrender to police. Many do commit suicide, either on themselves or police assisted. You are right, he is a coward and deserves to die. My only wish is that the appeals process didn’t last 20 years. This hinders deterrence.
  9. Never thought he’d be taken alive.
  10. Why wasn’t the guy who supposedly attacked Pelosi’s husband considered the victim? Was it because he attacked a democrat? After all, society is to blame for his shortcomings. I’m sure they exposed themselves to each other.
  11. No matter what my team is doing, I like anyone who beats the Yankees.
  12. The professor on “ Back to the Future”? He’s just angry because he is only a millionaire. What a putz.
  13. Don’t know how old you are, but I can remember not being able to buy Toyota parts @ Hi-Lo. You’re right, most people could throw a part on the counter and any employee could almost tell you what aisle it was on in the back.
  14. I think this sucks. Does anyone truly believe that any extra monies paid by good creditors will really go into the pockets of the bad creditors, or assist with their mortgage? I don’t. The banks will still foreclose on the bad creditors and take in extra interest on the good ones. Biden….. what a dipstick.
  15. That degree for knowing the Kardashian sisters won’t pay the bills?
  16. I’m sick of paying someone else’s way through life. Why have I worked hard all of my life, trying to get “ahead” if all I’m going to do is end up equal?
  17. Haven’t heard anything from the gun control crowd. Probably because they would have to deal with this being an illegal, which is more important than gun control……let as many in as possible. Funny how that works, huh? Like the transgendered mass murderer was the victim. You liberals are a bunch of weirdos. I can’t imagine anyone thinking like that. No one!
  18. Mexican national wanted in deadly Texas shooting of 5 neighbors 'could be anywhere,' sheriff says [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
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