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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I’ve got a stash of incandescent light bulbs already, waiting to sell on the black market for a handsome sum.
  2. Aka…. Fence rider. You play both sides. What could be more convenient and safe?
  3. How everything the left has to say includes Trump in some shape or form, but when asked about the Trump indictment, they say, “No comment”? That should tell you all you need to know.
  4. Good spin. Make excuses for one and condemn the other. The hypocrisy of the left never disappoints.
  5. They were coming into contact with the state police. Guess they should have picked out an unarmed woman and shot her dead. Who would care? They should all be arrested and held in solitary confinement for as long as need be.
  6. from the left talking about these insurrections? CB, this coming from the left and being incited by democrats, aren’t you disgusted with all of this? Oh yeah, you’re one of those fence riders who only opposes demonstrations from the right. I get it. Really not opposed to insurrections, just those where Trump may be involved. What a stance. Trans activists march on state capitols nationwide as cloud of Nashville Christian school shooting looms [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  7. It was settled out of court. Monies paid to drop a lawsuit. I see no difference. Also, this was a sexual harassment case.
  8. Zambia’s President is so much smarter than out VP it ain’t funny. Listen to this man being honest. Kamala Harris declines to comment on Trump indictment – then Zambia's president weighs in [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  9. Didn’t Clinton pay off Monica?
  10. Please show where paying a blackmailer is illegal.
  11. Did Michael Jackson settle out of court?
  12. Actually, Daniels lost a defamation suit and owes Trump. Can it get any better?
  13. Again, no one seems to want to answer….. if you had the goods on Trump and considered blackmail ( a crime), would you settle for a mere $130,000? Trump sued her and won. Explain that Her lawyer is in prison. Explain that The rat Cohen was thrown in prison. No revenge factor for him, huh? Trump has been under investigation more than anyone I can name for the past 7-8 years. You name it, he has been investigated for it. Does anyone think this has been overlooked? These payments have already been investigated.
  14. What’s the criminal misdeed, snatch? Whenever the conversation is about anyone else, the left and fence riders bring up Trump. Don’t deny your feminine side there.
  15. Let me get this straight. Fence riders (who can never be wrong) are ok with Clinton having sex in the “Oval Office” and both Kennedys having an affair with Marilyn Monroe, but Trump has an affair with a porn star and he should be indicted. See how easy that is? The thing here, that you keep avoiding, is due process, and Trump is being denied his. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?
  16. Democrat’s motivation has never been “what’s best for the country”.
  17. The whole “ Stormy Daniels” situation wreaks of misinformation and doubt. Think about it. You’re in a position to blackmail Trump with an affair and you settle out of court (sounds better than payoff) for $130,000?????? Trump sues her and she has to pay him (that’s a fact, Jack) Nothing at all smells right about this.
  18. What crime was committed? Why wait this long to indict? “If” He used campaign funds to pay her off ( you and I both know he did not) it would be a federal crime. A state DA has no right to indict or prosecute a federal crime. The DOJ wouldn’t touch it. When this slides off Trump’s back, where will you be?…. Looking for something else to try and pin on him? You know his rights have been violated. You simply don’t care…. But you should.
  19. If somebody railroaded you like Trump has been, you’d be the first to cry about your rights being violated. This is all bs and you know it. That’s the killing part. Sitting up on your little perch screaming “I told you so”. You’re never about Justice. Trump’s rights being violated will have a trickle down effect to you and me. I hope I never have to say, “I told you so”.
  20. Who said that part about a right to trial to prove innocence….Pelosi? Of course she has it bas awkwards. The burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove guilt. Don’t surprise me really.
  21. Sure am glad dims have never claimed they were cheated….really? How many things has Trump been accused of and nothing ever stuck. Good lawyers? Really? How come you can’t see the forest for the trees? This is another in a long list of made up accusations from the left. Unbelievable how you cannot see it, especially against a man you voted for twice. Like I have said before, you’re like the man who is watching his son performing in a marching band. Your son is the only one out of step in the hundred piece band and you exclaim “Look, there is 99 people out of step.”
  22. baddog

    I, Robot

  23. Palming the ball (double dribble) and traveling (changed pivot foot and picked up pivot foot) on same play with no call. He couldn’t make that play by the rules. [Hidden Content] Another “great” play…
  24. Someone needs to inform the drivers. lol. I can’t tell you how often people pull up to a four way blinking red signal and have no clue who is next.
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