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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I’ve been drinking tap water all my life…..still do. Never had a problem. People lost a lot of confidence in “public health” organizations during the exaggerated, fake pandemic.
  2. Gee, I get a red flag if I deposit $10,000.
  3. That’s a smart guy using his common sense and science to fight off the fear mongers. Good for him.
  4. Bingo. The college kids can’t name the ocean on the east side of the US. They don’t even know the US capital, but they can name all the Kardashians.
  5. That was something I had to get off of my chest. I’m just old school, but when the basic fundamentals of a sport are ignored, is it really basketball? I’ll watch Texas play, and I like underdogs like Princeton. Hopefully we’ll match up with Houston to see who reaches the Final Four.
  6. I have just about given up on basketball. They don’t enforce the two most basic rules of the game……double dribbling and traveling. Used to be you tried not to foul. Now intentional fouling is an integral part of the game. Why not get 4 points for a half court shot? Oh well. Yes, I still enjoy March Madness. It’s just that the game has evolved to a point where I wonder why they don’t just wear pads and play it like football. Since the 3-point shot can be the game decider, everyone should worry about Princeton. These guys are for real and played, what I consider, a real clean game.
  7. Big girl, you said you hated Trump because he lies about everything yet you never produced anything he lied about. Go try and find any clips where Trump did about faces or outright lied like your Savior. I know you won’t watch this because you have been programmed to resist factual video clips, but give it a try anyway.
  8. Like the Taliban one best.
  9. Don’t forget……10% to “The Big Guy”
  10. That would be “in spite of” The Biden economy.
  11. baddog


    I assure you i am not obsessed with Obama. It is more about the grand scheme…..what he said and what is happening. Good spin.
  12. I’m sending him a scrub board inscribed “Jill’s New Washing Machine”.
  13. I like the second sentence. Hey, even the fence riders won’t have anything derogatory to say about Hunter.
  14. baddog


    outlining the “Grand Scheme”
  15. [Hidden Content]
  16. Leopards don’t change their spots. lol
  17. Careful, posting stuff like this invites fence riding know-it-alls to attempt a lame counter.
  18. They gave out company bonuses the day they went under.
  19. Have the videos been doctored? Did you see the unarmed woman being shot and killed? Did you witness the fake fire extinguisher attack? Why do you like the fact that she was killed? They are releasing rapists and murderers nowadays. Your boy Obama released Gitmo prisoners who helped mastermind 9/11. Tell me again why it was justified that she be killed?
  20. I’m wondering if this is the same military, aka. “The Woke Military”, that discharges soldiers who refuse Covid Vaccinations? The same military who can’t shoot the enemy for fear of offending them. I can see why they would censor Fox News.
  21. I know you hate the violent blm protests. What a two faced……
  22. Videos back me up. Oh yeah, you hate video evidence. Never mind. …. And it’s baddog.
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