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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Guess I need a sign beside my gun sign…..”Come and Take It”. Let’s see how many names can be drummed up for me.
  2. The United Nations….. what an oxymoron. I guess it’s true since they are United against America.
  3. and use it to build a border wall. Suits me fine. The U. N. needs to headquarter elsewhere anyway. Freedom Caucus bill takes billions from UN to finish the US border wall [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  4. That would be my guess. Went to high school with his niece. Ain’t I special?
  5. Funny he mentioned InMagaweTrust when you didn’t.
  6. Don’t have to think just like someone, but how can one always think exactly opposite, except for argument’s sake?
  7. I think that it is not so funny that these sensitive documents are in the hands of an incompetent fool.
  8. Let’s see…..Trump had classified documents (which is ok) and gets raided. Whatever happened about that? Biden has classified documents (which VPs don’t have near the security clearance as the President) and the left backs him and makes excuses. You see, the left is never about what is legal, just what they can get away with.
  9. Big Girl and company had a field day with “lock him up” on the Trump raid thread. Where is that chant for Biden now?
  10. Last post to you, I promise. Your definition sucks just like the rest of your posts. I recall a phrase that says “Never argue with an imbecile”. Cya
  11. I’m done with you. Catch up on this.
  12. I’ve never said anything about uniparty. You’re also a liar, but I guess that goes hand in hand. But that was a good retort.
  13. So align with no party…. You have no right to complain either way. Just sit there on your high horse and watch the communists take over. Of course that won’t affect someone like you.
  14. Of course this keeps you in the clear….. coward.
  15. We get it dude. You’re right and everyone else is a Trumptard.
  16. Typical comeback from someone who doesn’t care about right and wrong, just cares about getting Trump. What a mindset.
  17. What a lame post.
  18. You read stuff in there that just isn’t there. I condemned them all. Stop reaching.
  19. No comment from the left…..typical two-faced morons.
  20. WHERE’S THE FBI???????? Classified documents from Biden's time as vice president discovered at Penn Biden Center, White House says [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  21. You’re against big spending but defend democrats. Only a turd thinks like that.
  22. Don has To be “The Enlightened One” Taking a side means one can be shot down. Playing the field and being negative is the safe route.
  23. And you worship yourself. Putz king deluxe.
  24. Typical liberal….say it then deny it.
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