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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Aren’t you the clever one, but that’s not true.
  2. So easy to be negative. No direction, no gumption. Gutless, some would say.
  3. So easy to be negative. Takes no gumption. Sucker
  4. All the legislating they do is spend money and siphon it off to their personal bank accounts after having it laundered. I don’t recall a “history” of indictments and convictions.
  5. Investigate political enemies….hmmmmm. Who does that describe to a tee?
  6. Trump is like John Wayne toilet paper……Don’t take crap off of anyone. That’s what I liked about him and still do. Rubbing people the wrong way is the only way to crack the deep state. Trump upset their little tea party. Funny how you NEVER hear a lefty say anything that’s good about this administration. All they know is anti-Trump, which takes very little brain power.
  7. Let’s not forget, back in the day, as you say, Hollywood was full of types like John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Jimmy Stewart, Lee Marvin, etc…… I sure don’t think of them as liberal snowflakes. Also, Ronald Reagan was an actor. Remember, conservatives weren’t hated until the communists moved in, disguised as liberals.
  8. Heidi Fleiss’ client list was kept secret for decades. With the Clintons being involved with Epstein, we may never see his list in our lifetime. And like Fleiss’ list, there will be surprises on Epstein’s list. [Hidden Content]
  9. I’d guess Soros. These people need to have shots fired over their head. They would scatter like a covey of quail. This is an invasion of our country and should be treated accordingly.
  10. And the anti-Trumpers will cry “where’s the proof”? while overlooking these traitorous acts. Nothing to see here.
  11. She has to make stuff up because her argument is lame. She’s as two-faced as they come. Deflects with every post.
  12. WHOOSH!!!!!!!! Don’t even have to duck.
  13. Well from this article, he may have been a member of the woman haters club. [Hidden Content]
  14. I’ll go with the last one. There has to be a huge reason for stabbing instead of shooting, of course stealth. Whether motive has bearing on the trial or not, I’d still like to know why anyone would do something so heinous. For me, this was planned more than an ex would do. I have been wrong before.
  15. That really may not be too far off.
  16. Me too, like where they found his DNA and how they matched it in Pennsylvania. Stuff like that. Also motive.
  17. How much money would it take for you to shut up and quit crying about oppression. I’m sure like Kapertwit, you have your price. What guarantees do I have that you will keep your word? Will $20 grand bring your uncle back? Wow! What a shallow person you are.
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. Yes, everyone knows she was guilty. Why would anyone delete over 30,000 emails? There was the “evidence”. And her “ who really cares” should have been enough to make anyone hate her……sadly, not you. Yes, she got a pass. 100% behind every Trump investigation? Wow, you really can’t scold any of us conspiracy theorists. You are batting a big fat zero. On to the next one…….
  20. So do people on this board.
  21. Well, she was one big Girl. Throwing chairs and such probably makes her proud. lol
  22. If she can win this thing, it will start a huge domino effect. Lots of things can change if the libs lose their grip on the vote.
  23. I don’t shut up for anyone, but anywho, you don’t think she got a pass? You were 100% behind all of the Trump investigations? Really????
  24. Yet we have people on this board who will defend these imposters of representing the will of the people, just to take their own lame punch at Trump. My gosh people. Can’t you see the forest for the trees? Do you really back these yahoos? How many $millions have been wasted going after Trump and come up with a big fat ZERO!!!!! I’d sue Congress for harassment.
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