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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Grandkids is Christmas every day.
  2. You can’t compare the percentage killed to the percentage of population. It has to be compared to the percentage committing crimes. I know math is racist, but to arrive at some of these conclusions, it has to be applied.
  3. I had a great Christmas. Hope everyone else’s was good to them.
  4. You can’t be proportionate when the numbers committing crimes is already so disproportionate. We must have equality amongst the criminal elements of society. lol Technically I’m correct but still racist. Gotta love being painted into a corner.
  5. Lake will appeal.
  6. …..and more white people are killed by cops.
  7. She’s trying that racist math again.
  8. I wear big boy pants and accept responsibility for my own failures. Blacks could use a dose of that. Instead, they have so-called educated people, such as yourself, who have attained all their worldly status symbols indicating that you “made it”, and in place of mentoring those who are struggling with “making it”, you beat the tom-tom of oppression. You are a traitor to your own race.
  9. It has to make sense and neither of these do. Reparations will do nothing but pad the pockets of the undeserving.
  10. Read it already, including the article itself. It never says “when committing the same crime”. Since math is now considered racist and you are attempting to use it in your favor, maybe I could sort it out for you. Could it be that blacks are arrested 5-1 due to committing 5 times the crimes? It’s simple multiplication.
  11. You added “when committing the same crimes”. Never in your article do they make such a statement. You don’t even read your own article. How can you be taken seriously. If reparations are granted, will black people stop committing crimes?
  12. Jerry Brown
  13. I saw that. Duh….I guess you are the only one to weather the storm, which really must not be as terrible as you make out, I mean, you made it. Got all the worldly possessions (trophies) to show your status that “you made it”. Good for you.
  14. Barney Fife strikes again. You totally keep disproving your point, whatever that point was. What a total buffoon and a slap in the face to our educational system. I guess higher learning should be free. Who in the heck would pay to be as dumb as you?
  15. A multi- billionaire with a butt-ugly girlfriend…..and Clinton ties. Imagine that!
  16. Trump should be able to, in the very least, bring harassment charges against Pelosi, Shiff, Schumer, the FBI and DOJ.
  17. Isn’t the bulk of Europe socialist? That should explain it for the misinformed in this country.
  18. Sadly, this is all that matters to you. I’ll call you Barney Fife since you constantly shoot yourself in the foot. Your life is nothing more than symbolism.
  19. Big Girl. Watch and learn.
  20. dead at 72. NFL legend Franco Harris, known for Immaculate Reception, dead at 72 [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  21. Mine is worth $350 and I didn’t finish college. Must be racism, white privilege, white supremacy…..whatever we want to call it today. When is an area considered a ghetto? I was wondering what qualifies that term. Will reparations turn things around?
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