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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Israeli kids are born in a camo suit with an Uzi.
  2. Didn’t see your post before I posted.
  3. Killing the insurance industry and driving prices so high that most people couldn’t afford it. Dealing with terrorist nations like Iran. Starting the anti-police movement. Encouraging riots in Missouri. Scaling back or military. DIVISIVENESS. What did he do for anyone?
  4. I hate that this man is dead. I hate even more that I am somehow responsible. Oh well, I have big shoulders.
  5. School lunch program
  6. I’d like to revisit Heidi Fleiss’ list for a minute. Her list had all the weirdos on it. You know, men who liked having sex with women and such as that. Epstein’s list….. one can only imagine! It’s really why it hasn’t been released. Bug eyed Shiff is crying about losing his position….boo hoo.
  7. It was sarcasm. Rachel Maddow didn’t show the video so it doesn’t exist.
  8. Watch out. She’s an expert on truth media. She watches cnn and msnbc. Rachel Maddow is her favorite.
  9. Heidi Fleiss’ list was released and lots of people from all walks of life were exposed. She wasn’t involved in sexual predation of minors, so that list was probably safe enough to release. Back on topic….Shiff is one huge POS
  10. "'It's just semantics' is a common retort people use when arguing their point. What they mean is that their argument or opinion is more valid than the other person's. It's a way to be dismissive of language itself as carrier for ideas.Oct 30, 2019
  11. The sad thing in all of this is the only secure document in D. C. is Epstein’s client list.
  12. Duh, would reading the article clear anything up?
  13. Yes, my wife works with a woman who gets back $8500+ each year. She works but doesn’t make enough. I think she is satisfied with that. Not sure where they draw the line for poverty. I’m sure some get less/more. It’s the reason I said $1000s.
  14. I was sitting in a bar one night, talking to the bar maid and having a good time. She was about 55 but didn’t even look her age. I kept drinking and talking to her and was hitting it off pretty well. I kept thinking how good looking she was and how she probably had a hot daughter. We kept talking and drinking and out of the clear blue she asked me if I would be interested in a tripsie. I wasn’t sure so I asked what that was. She said a mother/daughter threesome. I thought for a second and realized this might be the best night of me life. I followed her home, went inside and everything was going perfectly until she hollered up the stairs…..”Hey Mom”?
  15. Pays to be poor sometimes if you play the system right.
  16. I think that if you live below the poverty level, you get earned income tax credits and claim head of household. It’s in the $1000s for sure.
  17. Lmao…couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Rep. Matt Gaetz introduces 'PENCIL' resolution barring Adam Schiff from accessing classified information [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  18. They looked really clean cut in their uniform pic, but looked like a bunch of things in their mug shot. Of course, mug shots do that to everyone.
  19. I think Lovey knew he was gone so he went for two. Love had them playing some ball. Their last few games were close ones, except for the Jags. I was impressed with the Texans safety, Pitre.
  20. There are a lot of players who decline after getting big money. I know Dak threw INTs, but one hit the receiver in the gut and it deflected to the defender. Cowboys could have had two INTs of their own that were dropped. These are game changing plays. Not making excuses, just saying that very easily things could have come out the other way around. For the haters, where was your team?
  21. That’s so much better than being immersed in the woke crapola. Believe what you want Yogi.
  22. If the gay man had ordered anything besides a gay wedding cake, he wouldn’t have been refused service. This man was kicked out. If you can’t see that difference, then it’s just because you don’t want to.
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