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Everything posted by baddog

  1. 45/46. Remember what I said about DeSantis? Give it time…. DeSantis' new Gadsden flag Florida license plate 'symbolizes a dangerous far-right extremist ideology:' NPR [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  2. You won’t condemn Muslims for the actions of a few murderers (Isis), but you will condemn all Trump supporters for this one guy. You’re a real pip. It must be terrible to be you.
  3. Sounds as if you want that. The fools aren’t wearing the red caps, they follow a red bird.
  4. Funny how Obama never showed his tax return and no one said anything. Deep state has been after Trump since forever wanting him to show his tax return. Must have forgotten he has been a millionaire/billionaire all of his life. Why don’t we audit the multi-million dollar congressmen and women who got rich while in office? A few well-known names roll off the tip of my tongue. Those are your real tax evaders and thieves.
  5. People are concerned about Trump having nuclear codes? All presidents have them. I would worry more about Biden, but hey, that’s just me.
  6. One would think after all of these years of crawling up Trump’s rear end, the deep state would have found something illegal. Speaks volumes on the thoroughness of our elite investigators. They can’t even make their fabricated evidence stick. What sorry POS.
  7. You, talking about illegality. Must have opened that blind eye. You are never about justice….. just a hater.
  8. Someone put them there. The laws of physics are baffling.
  9. Typical liberal remark. As long as it doesn’t affect you, then you’re ok with it. Shouldn’t you be concerned for the people who do make that much money? That’s what’s wrong with the country right there.
  10. Give it time. Some witch will come out of the woodwork with a sexual assault claim. Remember this post.
  11. Typical liberal response. Ship New Yorkers to Texas instead of realizing our plight and offering to help remedy the situation.
  12. You’re dumber than a box of rocks. Tell me genius, when was the last time Trump wasn’t under some kind of investigation by the brainless and their followers? You worship at the feet of stupidity.
  13. Gone look? WTF is that? Here’s your two-faced dims, who remind me of the anti-Trump posters on here. FLASHBACK: Some Democrats who praised Mar-a-Lago raid previously slammed Trump for trying to 'weaponize' DOJ [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  14. They don’t care about stuff like that. It has to happen to them before they care. Kinda like the court system being soft on sexual predators. Wait till one of their family members is sexually assaulted and watch what happens to that guy.
  15. If Trump had a laptop, they would hold it for years without revealing the contents. Or, Trump could have borrowed the deletion app from Hillary. Poof, nothing to see here. Funny how the Trump haters screaming about Justice, turn a blind eye to Hunter Biden and Hillary. They don’t seek Justice, just blowhards who hate Trump. Simple as that.
  16. They will have egg on their face just like Geraldo Rivera.
  17. They took lots of items to be opened later. I wonder what kind of documents they can conjure up this time.
  18. I sure do miss Trump.
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