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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Here’s some misinformation for the uninformed. Big Girl, here’s your favorite fake news station at its finest. What say you?
  2. True. A better offensive line would have helped tremendously. When the Cowboys went 11-5 in 2009 and had to beat the Eagles 3 times (if my memory serves me correctly) they got stomped by Minnesota’s defense. Romo had absolutely no chance in the game. But, you are correct, defense always wins championships.
  3. And if that fails, guess who?????? Lord, give us strength.
  4. Man, according to that article, I’ve had Alzheimer’s since high school. lol
  5. It would have helped a bit if either one of them weren’t clueless.
  6. Libs have trouble with the 3R’s, but they can name all the Kardashians.
  7. Bama played Texas @ brunch
  8. Imagine…..the sec playing the breakfast game.
  9. You could always try to find a woman like this….. [Hidden Content]
  10. Need to start dumping these illegals at recruiting stations.
  11. Thank you. I am simply having trouble with lawsuits trying to uncover criminal intent. For me it doesn’t follow due process. I have been wrong before.
  12. If I am accused of a crime, shouldn’t I be charged, taken to jail, arraigned, brought to trial, etc….? Then, if convicted, be sentenced to jail time and then the lawsuits follow? TVC could clear this up
  13. Sounds like they want a bunch of thavages in the military.
  14. That’s all you see and want to talk about. Who’s the weird one?
  15. Not if you’re armed like me. Woe is me.
  16. You’ve been saying that for 5 years. Man, that’s a lot of disappointment. Again, what does your Trump hatred have to do with this topic?
  17. What???? Trump being investigated??? Say it isn’t so. You’re pulling my leg. What’s the world coming to?
  18. Let’s see….. where would I go to obtain some nuclear secrets…..CIA…..Pentagon…? Are you suggesting Trump broke into one of these buildings and stole nuclear secrets? You do know that all presidents are privy to the launch codes. Trump having nuclear secrets does not scare me in the least. Biden having access to the launch codes scares the living daylights out of me. Of course they would have to be on a teleprompter. Back to high school football…..
  19. You were there?
  20. I looked at the definition and it says armed. Were they armed? My beheading was reference to French revolters. Remember the guillotine from your history class that you were absent from more than once?
  21. An insurrection is armed. The only armed people I saw was a Capitol policeman who shot an unarmed woman. Had she been a black woman, Big girl would be wanting blm to riot. Remember, nothing was burned to the ground on January 6th.
  22. Was anyone beheaded? I can think of a few who have no use for their head. It’s empty anyway.
  23. Notice how, when a liberal begins a sentence with “SO”, totally clueless thought follows. Perfect example right here.
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