Washington is focused on criminals? Since when? Has Trump been charged with anything? You keep saying this just like you always called him a liar and never produced one lie. Of course, the left believes “truth over facts”. Remember who made that statement?
Not completely off topic, but remember the tv reporter who tried to bring some illegals to Pelosi’s house? She was having none of that. SF is a sanctuary city also.
Another poll?????? Only people who would enjoy this are communists. People died fighting communism, now we have people on here celebrating their possible victories. Takes a real pos to do that.
Then this assures me that Biden’s statement was racist. If you agree with Biden’s statement, you’re racist. I think it’s pretty pitiful for you to call anyone a racist…..ever.
Are you a product of “da hood”? If so, why don’t you live there now?
Ah, the workings of a liberal mind. Your post on “Hispanics and Blacks” not owning houses…. You claimed you weren’t being racist and your post proves otherwise.
How can D and R be racist? I’d be willing to bet you could come up with one.
It would be much easier for us to converse if you would let go of the “D” and “R”. I have felt the way I do about things long before I knew what D and R was.
When one begins their post by singling out two races or cultures, that person cannot claim to be non-racist…. it’s a complete contradiction.
So we can’t go really far back in history to complain?……. Interesting concept.
Lots of people rent for tax purposes, too lazy to mow a yard or paint a house, general maintenance…. Insurance….etc…