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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Ever wonder why the opposite of “pro”gress is “con”gress?
  2. Kinda like you took the term “threat” to mean a personal attack. Glad to see you keep your dictionary handy. I think lots of people mistake the word cult for occult.
  3. Has anyone noticed on any thread where a democrat is being investigated, the conversation turns to Trump? Heck, that’s with any thread. Can’t wait to see Hillary in bracelets and her threatening whoever is arresting her. You know, anyone convicted of what she is accused of, in any other country, would probably be marched out into a field and executed for treason.
  4. I liked the meme below your video. It said, “If we make abortion illegal, abortions will happen illegally. If we make guns illegal, we will all be safe.”
  5. But, you said what did I expect them to do, keep getting sick. Apparently you can still get sick, so why block the truckers. If you are vaccinated, then you will supposedly have a mild case, but let’s shut the entire country down because everything that comes here goes through that port. That’s what caused the supply chain issues and it was all calculated. Part of Biden’s plan to destroy America before he croaks.
  6. Not a personal threat. A threat to someone’s future, predicting mayhem. Is a Hurricane a threat? Check your dictionary from time to time so you can keep up.
  7. Who the heck are you? Threatening law-abiding citizens just because they don’t agree with the BS you post.
  8. Oh, no sir. Ever heard of .45 long Colt?
  9. You really have a warped sense of values. Your analogies fall flat most of the time. I wonder why teens didn’t shoot up schools in the old west?
  10. I don’t laugh at all. Ruger SP101 .327 Federal Mag. Sweet and it is very deadly.
  11. The left doesn’t even want a police presence, so they need to point that proverbial finger at themselves. The left always looks for someone else to blame.
  12. You just contradicted yourself. Saying not 100% accurate and following with “what did I expect them to do?” According to the Covid scare police, all they needed was a mask. Kamala Harris claimed one could not get sick if vaccinated. She was vaccinated four times. Guess what…..she got Covid anyway. So there’s that. Didn’t CNN cover that?
  13. This is exactly what makes this the issue it has become. No one can tread on other’s rights for any reason. If you truly feel that way, then there can be no compromise. You claim to be center, but you bark from the left. All of your so-called compromise is aimed at the right. Not really center now are you?
  14. That would go back to my post about the parents being responsible.
  15. I guess I’ll be unreasonable. We are still talking guns and it’s not a gun issue, but here we are. I own an AR but I haven’t killed anyone with it. Anyone who can’t see that difference, well, I feel sorry that they have lost the ability to reason. It’s what separates us from the animal world. I have already offered up some things I think may have prevented this or, in the least, make it a possibility. I get no response and it goes back to discussing guns.
  16. If this guy had committed this heinous crime in LA, he would be out on bond with an ankle bracelet. A segment of society wants less police presence and defund whoever is left. Then, they are the first to question why the police did not stop this from happening. Talk about a”Catch 22”.
  17. Of course not everyone is armed. I agree with your post. It’s what makes this such a delicate subject. No one on here wants any more dead kids.
  18. You watch too much Perry Mason.
  19. If you are armed, you can fight back also.
  20. Wasn’t silly at all. If someone wants you dead, they will figure out a way to get it done, guns be damned.
  21. Well, there you go then.
  22. So, (I love beginning a sentence with the word “so”, if I pushed someone out a window to murder them, you’d feel better than if I used a firearm?
  23. Supply chain issues are mainly from not allowing unvaccinated truckers to unload ships at the super port in LA. Those vaccine mandates did nothing more than shut this country down, and that’s exactly what the Biden zoo handlers wanted.
  24. Would it make you feel any better if they were pushed out of windows?
  25. Won’t the under-privileged be discriminated against due to the inability to read and write? And since math is racist, isn’t ballot counting?
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