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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I also blame the parents. If either of my sons had the look in their eyes that this crazed individual had, I would know there is something wrong with him. If he is an introvert, has no friends to speak of, and looks like that, I would seek help for him. It might not stop it (nothing can), but I at least tried. Maybe his parents are worthless and he had to live with grandma. I’m grasping, I know, but it’s a very possible scenario. Haven’t heard from the parents.
  2. I like your investigative mind. I wonder why they pick on the kids. Is it to make it as heinous as possible? Since they are generally on a suicide mission, why take the kids with you? Just put the gun to your head and make the world a better place.
  3. Cool. I haven’t bought ammo in a while. Didn’t know it was that available again.
  4. This has been mentioned by several, including myself. This evilness can’t be legislated away. [Hidden Content]
  5. There is not a nasty enough word to describe what I think of Beto, even before this.
  6. The people who are saying it is my fault are the ones who claim gun confiscation will disarm the bad guy. Who are they really disarming?
  7. What I want to know is how this guy bought so much ammo.
  8. It was a poor attempt at a joke. I wasn't questioning your post. Lots of people jumped out of windows in ‘29.
  9. Maybe mass suicide in 1929.
  10. Gee, I thought I time lined it.
  11. When, as a society, are we going to realize that we created these monsters. It started with taking prayer out of school, then timeout, then not being able to discipline your child or face jail time, then comes the woke crowd who gets their panties twisted over anything. Now our kids don’t know what sex they are. I mean, how much more can we confuse them? And kids, they can be cruel. This kid was a loner/outcast. Not being accepted by one’s peers can cause people to lash out. Not making excuses for his actions, just trying to figure how stuff like this happens. A child left to figure right from wrong by themself will lean towards evil/wrong 99% of the time. These kids nowadays don’t have the fear of God in them. Gun control is a political battle and will have absolutely no effect on issues like this. I am a law abiding gun owner. Why is it always my fault someone decided to commit mass murder?
  12. If by putting a knife in it is what you call having your back, then you are correct. I can’t believe I even answered a troll.
  13. Two-faced POS…..,
  14. I get texts about wanting to purchase my property. I always say $9,000,000 and you can have it. It’s awhile before I get another one.
  15. I still call it B tch stadium. It’s what it looks like from a distance.
  16. Gotta love this….
  17. A store owner in Houston left four dead. I think one in the shop and three on the sidewalk.
  18. ….by a girl. Smash and Grab wusses. Lmfao Video shows California diamond shop workers fight off smash-and-grab robbers [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  19. Attempting to prey on our fears again. Bill Gates is a POS who I hope gets monkeypox. [Hidden Content]
  20. ….. and the plot thickens. I’d dearly love to see that witch in bracelets. She’d probably tell the cop,”You don’t know who you’re messing with.”
  21. Lmao. They do need to grow a pair.
  22. Here’s a mouthful.
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