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Everything posted by baddog

  1. A racist black man writes a racist poem calling all white people racists. It just don’t get no better than that….. and we are supposed to feel guilty. Lmfao
  2. May it consume you. Oops, it already has.
  3. For any you ate up with it, that’s grand SON, which is a male.
  4. I’ve got a grandson due in September. Biden….. what a POS.
  5. Right now, the limit is 399, but who’s counting? The Hindenburg could only carry 50+5. I meant for vehicles anyway.
  6. these two yo-yos visited Ukraine? Probably wondering if their Burisma money has been bombed out of existence. [Hidden Content]
  7. I totally agree with the problem of everyone charging their vehicles overnight and collapsing the electrical grids. The thing is, let’s say fossil fuels get phased out. Only the rich could afford electric vehicles. The rest of us would be riding bicycles. We’’d look like Vietnam. Personally, I think fossil fuels are here to stay.
  8. A note to the Choice crowd. Don’t ever refer to the fetus as non-living. The only reason you do is to ease the guilt. 1,260,000 incest, rape, and a mother’s health per year? Who are you trying to BS with that?
  9. Reporter calls for violence against pro-lifers, says they shouldn't have 'peace or safety' until they're dead [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  10. Biggest liar ever…..after Biden
  11. Speaking for my generation…..this is just something else to use to stop up a toilet.
  12. Thanks for that. I have seen that clip before and is the reason I believe all women thinking about having an abortion should have to view that.
  13. True enough, but Biden controls nothing and I don’t think he is a Catholic in good standing.
  14. UPS donated to pro-choice group… [Hidden Content]
  15. I don’t have to adopt a kid to be pro life. Whose rule is that? Trying for higher ground with that sentiment is ridiculous. No one on here knows how abortion has personally affected me. My reasons for being pro-life are my own.
  16. So, (I like starting a sentence with that word. Makes me feel like a lib who’s gonna mistranslate anything someone says) you make it sound as if all the anti-abortion crowd is a bunch of old white men. So, shouldn’t the opposite be true? Actually, there are lots of women in the anti crowd. Just easier to lump into a convenient group. So, why don’t I see minorities in the pro crowd? You should really stop grouping people. It loses any edge you are trying to get with your argument.
  17. If you drive drunk and kill a pregnant woman, you can be charged with the murder of her child. I have never heard of any court saying that it was just a fetus. Do they discuss what trimester she was in?….Nope There, that’s not very lame.
  18. Well, here’s one. I’d bet the house there are a million more has they had a chance to survive, even in low income families. GOP Senate candidate Kathy Barnette reveals she was product of rape in Pennsylvania debate [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  19. I can see it clearly now. Woman goes to the doctor to have her appendix removed because it burst and peritonitis is setting in. Then she tells the doctor that since he is already in the general area, could he kill her baby while he is at it. Might could save a bit on surgical costs. Easy Peasy Japanesey
  20. I’ve never known anything to grow that was not alive. 63,000,000….oops, my bad. Really? In the sex education classes they should show videos of an abortion being performed. Maybe some of the informed women could make better decisions about contraception.
  21. Man…..to what are you referring?
  22. That’s the only thing you gleaned from my post? Teaching gender identity (whatever they call it) to first graders is about sex. Did that put it on your level now? Normal is a comparative term. Need a benchmark.
  23. Sex education is ok for young adults, not freaking pre-K. Plus they push gender identity an BS like that. Limit access to birth control?? I’d rather see the pill handed out than syringes. I think you just like to argue. You never have anything to back it up. Just call people names and put them in groups.
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