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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Doesn’t DNA work that way?……100% exclusion and only 99% positive identity? Something like that. If you can’t exclude him, then…..
  2. Can’t rule him out. lol. Can’t rule you out either.
  3. Man, some people just can’t pass up the chance to wrongly accuse Trump. It’s a character trait. What could possibly be more American, right?
  4. What makes you think he was a Trump supporter……such as yourself?
  5. Badsanta, here’s your great American president in action. He’s been a liar his entire life and people like you swallow it hook, line, and sinker…..
  6. Excellent….. This is a part of the nwo..
  7. Detrumpification…. Lmao
  8. But if she identifies as a man, where do we put her/him? lol Does he/she still go to menstruating prison?
  9. Biden to send $800 million more to Ukraine along with weaponry. Tell the Ukrainians to go to Afghanistan and kick the Taliban’s butt and take those weapons.
  10. No one should be able to tap in to our reserves. Hillary sold 1/4 of our Uranium to Putin, but people tend to overlook that (collusion and named HER price). Can’t we stop Biden?
  11. If she is a woman’s woman, she will be happy anyway. lol
  12. ….. but we need the tissues.
  13. So…………you’d rather see communism and the money grabbers take over? You mean the porn star Avennati (sp.) represented? If you can’t figure that angle, I feel sorry for you, especially where Avennati ended up and his case with stormy had no merit.
  14. You seem to revel in the demise of this country. Why is that?
  15. If Trump threw a Molotov cocktail, Big Girl would call it a peaceful protest.
  16. I thought she was a goner when they put her on suicide watch…..like Epstein.
  17. Never mind. I just found it. People really watch that crap? What a waste of time. I know it makes Big Girl all fuzzy inside. Just goes to show what intelligence level watches dog poop like this.
  18. Did I miss something?
  19. baddog


    Doing a little research and saw where the SC can declare an executive order unconstitutional. Personally, I think the president forcing anything on an unwilling public should be unconstitutional….. such as electric cars and Covid shots.
  20. baddog


    I wasn’t aware it takes 2/3 in both houses. Thanks
  21. Can you put Kamala in her place trying to cover this? lol. There is something invigorating about an intelligent woman.
  22. Should the Republicans win the house and senate (I’d like 66/34) in November, would it be possible to overturn Biden’s executive orders shutting down pipeline construction and drilling permits? Border would be next, but oil industry first. Anybody?
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