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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Brady doesn’t need the money and I believe they sold their $40,000,000 house. lol
  2. 31 more if you are Obama. lol
  3. It was the largest comeback victory in the history of the championship game.
  4. Hitler had control of the media for his propaganda. With 81,000,000 Biden voters watching the MSM, one would think their ratings would be better….but combined they can’t beat Fox. Makes one wonder.
  5. Sure am glad you ain’t one. Oh yeah, you’re welcome.
  6. They beat Arkansas
  7. So true. I think the federal government is attempting to pave the way for control of the sale and distribution of weed so that they can get their grimy paws wrapped around it and form some type of ridiculous tax. On a side note, I have seen people busted for large amounts of weed where not only were the charges possession and sales, but there was a separate charge for not having a tax stamp. Do people actually apply for their tax stamp for the purpose of selling weed? That kills me.
  8. Stfu….me? Ha ha. Great game. Obviously, the better team won. Coach K, being the face of college basketball, had a fantastic career. Like Bear said, I can’t see him leaving just yet.
  9. Now this is an obvious threat. Can’t even handle losing a freakin basketball game. I would get banned for this obvious threat, but you will get a pass.
  10. And you would say things like this as a mod. Probably why you are not one.
  11. Pretty much the inference when the game winner is considered lucky.
  12. No joke. You’d ban everyone who doesn’t agree with you. Try becoming a Facebook mod.
  13. Is that some kind of threat? What did I say that isn’t true? Sore losers.
  14. Gee, I hope these comments offend somebody.
  15. Xavier throws up a prayer, it goes in, and it’s a lucky shot. A&M throws up a prayer, goes in and out, and they got robbed. Had it gone in, it would have been a super skilled game winning shot. Maybe he should have played glass. Funny how that works.
  16. Her face looks like the north end of a south bound mule.
  17. It’s all a part of the grand scheme. Their object is to have the entire nation confused about gender and sexuality, keeping their thumb pressing the guilt of the white man, poisoning the minds of our youth with false racism claims (CRT), allowing criminals to go unpunished while taking away any rights the victims have to life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and more, having so many people smoking pot that they would care if there were 500 inbound ICBMs. What they will have created is a society unable to defend a total takeover. It’s happening right in front of our eyes and I just hope the mid terms are not too late.
  18. She has to hang a pork chop around her neck just to get the dog to play with her.
  19. And so ugly……when she cries, the tears roll down the back side of her head.
  20. Biden goes into a coma. He can’t even mutter “um”
  21. A guy breaks into a house looking for money and guns and finds a couple in bed. He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair. While tying the girl to the bed, he gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom. While he is in there, the husband tells his wife,” Listen, this guy is an escaped convict, look at his clothes. He probably spent a lot of time in jail and hasn’t seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck. If he wants sex, don’t resist, don’t complain, do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is very dangerous. If he gets angry, he’ll kill us. Be strong honey. I love you. “ To which the wife responds,” He wasn’t kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me he was gay, thought you were cute, and asked me if we had any Vaseline. I told him there was some in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you!”
  22. Hey, when it’s all you got…
  23. Will Smith must be a huge wuss. Threw an uncontested slap at a man and didn’t even make him lose his balance.
  24. Thought the same thing because they are all actors. It’s why they are so tight with D. C. Chris Rock was wrong for what he said, but after all the “F” Trump trash from DeNiro, it’s difficult for me to give a crap. Rock still shouldn’t have been assaulted. The only witnesses were the ones in attendance. lol
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