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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Funny, when the truth is not what you are looking for, you don’t discover it, even after 2+ years of investigating. Mueller, what a costly joke. Here we are, 5-7 years later. Isn’t this something we all already knew? Simply amazing. Clinton campaign paid to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia: Durham [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  2. I didn’t trust it at all. I thought the number was much higher and even stated it. But even with the 52%, we have to be cutting into that 81,000,000 voters….. another number I dispute. Typical liberal twist on your part.
  3. Forgot to say it was on Fox News.
  4. Who does one place their order to for 3,000,000 crack pipes…. Crack Pipes ‘R Us?
  5. I’ll look and see if there is an article on this, but this morning, I saw a headline that read 52% off Americans can’t come up with one thing that Biden has done good for the country. I would have thought the percentage to be much higher, but that’s just me.
  6. Gotta come up with something when you have used your expired race card.
  7. SHE is the racist, but yes, she said that. An apology is all that is needed. Too bad that didn’t work for Imus.
  8. Do they have to wear masks when smoking crack? Seriously, the communists would like nothing better than to have all of us hooked on dope. Very easily conquered.
  9. ….. and this Stacey Abrams apologizes for maskless photo op at school, says she wouldn't lift mandate for kids [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  10. Needs a size 12 EEE up his bottom side.
  11. Sure does take some people a long time to come to conclusions. I’ve said this all along. But hey, it’s a step in the right direction.
  12. That was the same requirements for that office, and look what it got us…. a woman as dumb as a box of rocks. Hey, but she’s easy.
  13. Actually thought he was still in prison. Hope he shared a cell with a cracker named “Big Russ”. [Hidden Content]
  14. Just like Nagin…. And where is he now?
  15. Such as this…. Susan Sarandon apologizes for sharing meme likening slain NYPD detective's funeral turnout to 'fascism' [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  16. Speaking of California pollution, I have to admit during the pandemic lockdown, one was able to see LA for the first time and the canals of Venice, Italy were clear. It was probably those dang leaf blowers that did it. lol
  17. They will all still pack the freeways with their gas burning cars with loud exhaust and loud music.
  18. Biden will take the credit but he had nothing to do with it. He just happened to be in the Wh when it took place. Dems were outraged when Trump took out Soleamani (sp.). Is there no outrage here? Oh, that’s right, Dems are Iranian kiss ups.
  19. Too bad he didn’t run over a couple of them.
  20. No third option? Just either/or?
  21. The 33% are leftover apparitions from late tabulated ballot boxes. They are simply conjured up. Some are even dead.
  22. After he gets his settlement, we will never hear about his skin color again. Even Kap named his price.
  23. That wasn’t my angle either. I didn’t think Matt Lauer was a fair deal. It’s funny how people can do bad things, even really bad things, apologize and things are smoothed over.
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