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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I knew that. Point is that if the climate people “control” temps, then it can have an effect on the weather. That would equate with man controlling the weather….. to an extent.
  2. Thanks, but I don’t need to be insulted. I have never been on X, thanks again. It’s a political ploy to accuse people of things when they know nothing more than you do. Post it on the internet and maybe someone will believe it. I know MTG takes things too far, but it’s political for sure. No one can generate a hurricane or steer it. Sometimes, for political purposes, one must risk being silly or even stupid to garner attention for other factors to be brought to light. Being stupid has sure worked for heels up Kamala, Maxine Watters, and barmaid AOC. As for as “controlling the weather”, cloud seeding has been a practice for decades. It is meant to affect the eye wall and somehow weaken the wind strength of the hurricane. I don’t think it has been very effective but it hasn’t stopped man from thinking it can be controlled. Here’s the big question….if man cannot “control” the weather, then what is the Paris Climate accord about? I’ll tell you. It’s about reducing CO2 emissions to lower the earth’s global temp by a degree or two. Now, there is a natural pattern that occurs in the Pacific ocean called El Niño and La Niña. The temp of the ocean greatly affects the “weather”. So, man does think he can control the weather, so how loony is that. The Paris Accord is nothing more than a money grab and global governing. I’m sure you’re all for that….carrying your little sign and worshipping Greta. See how that feels?
  3. Link please?
  4. How about this? This should worry everyone.
  5. Must have something to do with the anti-Christ.
  6. Of course you never respond to the post, you simply give an opinion. Where was your cell phone made?
  7. baddog


    The left/media has been nothing but smoke and mirrors for a while now.
  8. What’s really sad and unbelievable is that it takes 4 years to open some eyes when critical thinkers already saw it coming with Obama and Biden.
  9. That sure sounds good coming from a guy like that with all his previous anti-Trump crap, but I really don’t trust the about-facers.
  10. He’s gotten away from his opinion. He has resorted to outright lying. Seems that’s all the left can do.
  11. Holy crap. Back before the open container laws, that was my favorite place to buy a “cold” beer…..ice on the can. This is crazy.
  12. No sir. That’s down Concord about a block.
  13. Disgusting. Who votes for this POS?
  14. Exactly. Oregon player spat in the face of OSU player. Should be an ejection. This is pitiful.
  15. Does everyone see how the 2.5 point spread is generated?
  16. Oregon make it 7-6 after a “takeaway”
  17. Probably OSU. Doesn’t matter to me. Just keep winning. I took the Ducks and points at home simply because I don’t care for OSU.
  18. Crickets….. Today is football Saturday…..DUH
  19. Yep, I lost that game giving 4.5. I also don’t think Bama is the 7th best team….they should drop even though they won
  20. APC is the largest Bible printing press. Amity is a faith-based organization that works with Christians. The true hypocrisy is that you will find anything trivial like this against Trump, while at the same time say nothing about Walz, Hunter and Joe Biden sleeping with the Chinese. HEYYYYY———that’s a whataboutism!!!!!! You leftys are the true hypocrites.
  21. I think their QB is not very good, but Texas kicked their butt all game.
  22. Great way to lose a 4 teamer. Lol
  23. I know everyone wants to say how OU sucks, and maybe they do, but Texas has been playing like this all year. Slow start, but kicking butt after that. I really like the defensive play. Lots of sacks and tackles for loss. Good wrap up tackling too.
  24. Beat me to it. Lol
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