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Everything posted by baddog

  1. You have it all wrong. Trayvon Martin was skipping along eating some Skittles and minding his own business when Zimmerman (an Hispanic), pulled up in his vehicle, jumped out and shot Trayvon because he was black. lol Actually, he was on the phone with his supposed girlfriend. Surely he was explaining to her exactly what was going on and what he was about to do to Zimmerman. I don’t recall her being interrogated. Seems she would know something. Back on topic, Rittenhouse was found not guilty, like it or not. The same people who are against this verdict probably rejoiced when OJ won, and that was premeditated murder.
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. Not Guilty [Hidden Content]
  4. Some people who might not believe there are people who would eat that worm, need to watch Urban Cowboy. My wife thinks it’s sick. She asked if he really ate that, and I said he had it in his mouth for sure……so yeah. lol
  5. That would be Mescal and I have eaten the worm. That was a long time ago and I was very, shall we say, Happy? lol I said I would try a Daiquiri.
  6. Any stat Fauci or the CDC can produce going against their claims would be phenomenal and believable.
  7. Yes sir, but I want a stat, not simply an I know of this person and that person. Needs to be a bit more scientific.
  8. It’s what I believe in. According to the statistics, I should be dead. They have a stat for everything. I would like to see the numbers on people who had Covid, survived, and did not get Covid again. I know it’s an ongoing stat, but so are the rest of them.
  9. Anything associated with Alec Baldwin has to be near the bottom. I know all about metaphors. Do you really think I thought he put the gun to his head? No, he was reckless with a loaded gun. “Always treat a gun as if it were loaded”. “Don’t point a gun at anything you don’t intend to shoot”.
  10. Well, it appears that I may not have been that far off with my “crazy” Baldwin assessment. Alec Baldwin accused of playing 'Russian roulette' on 'Rust' set by Gloria Allred as she announces new lawsuit [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  11. is in full swing…. GOP defeats Obama-endorsed candidate in deep blue city that Biden won handily in 2020 [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  12. Daiquiri is not my drink of choice, although I would certainly drink one. I’m a Tequila man and like straight shots or Margaritas. Do they have other drinks or is it Daiquiris only?
  13. Wasn’t tying it to workplace violence. Workplace violence is simply another situation that I can see how it happens, whether it’s wrong or not.
  14. I am not disagreeing with you. The police may have been dead wrong on this one, but I can see how it happened. That’s all I am saying. I don’t agree with workplace violence/shootings, but I can see how they happen.
  15. In Abbott’s defense bullets ( and I respect your opinion greatly) I know of no leader who handled Covid any better. I think the ice storm caught everyone with their pants down, but we have to blame someone……how about the energy companies? Actually, no one is to blame. That was a freak storm just like Harvey. Harvey flooded people who had never been flooded in their lives, so goes this ice storm. It reminds me of New Orleans blaming Bush for Katrina.
  16. Beto will come for your guns….. no doubt in my peanut brain. Hope he sets foot on my front porch. That could get interesting.
  17. Kenosha has called in the national guard to squash any riots after the verdict. Funny, had they done this during the actual riots, we wouldn’t have this trial.
  18. I’ll never figure that one out. Rittenhouse is white and he shot 3 white guys. Methinks someone has their eye on a new big screen tv, I mean, with Christmas around the corner and all.
  19. Kenoshans bracing for riots ahead of verdict. Who the heck is going to riot and why?
  20. They’re good at bringing knives to gun fights. I mean, if that’s all you got, you have to play it. It helped O. J. get away with murder.
  21. Ain’t it weird what a humbling loss can do to a great team? Best team in the NFL. Nobody can stop that offense when they play up to their potential.
  22. Of course
  23. Funny how the childish aggie mind works. Their loss yesterday iced the fact of no possible football playoff appearance. Oh yeah, they beat Alabama which they will hang their hat on for years to come. It will simply go down as a win and have no other effect on positioning. Just adds to their case of the big head. In the absence of a reality check, they are again happy to make a bowl appearance (6 win minimum). Texas fans, however, know their team has seen bright spots this year and seen the lowest spots in a long time. We have lots of work to do. I recall aggie being in roughly the same position some years back with Franchione and Sherman. Their mindset then was that everyone should wait until “their recruits” hit the field, meaning give them a chance to get things going their way. Well, we all know how that played out. If the mentality is to always look over their shoulder and see if they somehow bested Texas, then there will never be any inspiration beyond that. If Texas lost every game and aggie won only one, they would be happy to be better than Texas while totally overlooking the fact that they suck.
  24. Biden has nothing to do with this. He has nothing to do with anything. Everything used to be Trump this and Trump that. Now everything is the Biden “Administration”. Never lose sight of that fact.
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