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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I’ll say he looked semi-conscious, which is where he’s at all the time.
  2. I just think it was a setup, why she didn’t wash that dress. Bill has always been a POS. Heck, he raped a black woman in Arkansas.
  3. She didn’t wash that dress for months. What a skank. Old Bill can really pick them.
  4. Does Susan Rice’s self-serving investment show up here? The shutting down of Keystone would increase this pipeline’s value, correct? Minnesota governor's mansion targeted by pipeline protesters; 69 arrested [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  5. Jill and Kamala are birds of a feather….drop their pants for political gain. Must be why Jill told Kamala to go freak herself. Jill had an affair with Joe while she was still married….but let’s talk about Trump and his escapades. The left has no conviction in their lives.
  6. PamFam, THIS is self-serving at its finest….
  7. I bet Biden is taking his presidential paycheck.
  8. Sometimes people can impress you with knowledge, and when they can’t, they baffle you with BS. Trump being called a liar and again, nothing offered as proof. If Biden is performing just like his supposed voters wanted, then they are all communists. I know people who died fighting communism. I believe Covid will go away on its own. Vaccines are what produce mutations…….but there’s another thread for this.
  9. Biden supposedly takes out an isis-(K indergartener) leader and gets praised for it, even though it was weak and still hasn’t been proven. Trump takes out Iran’s General Soleamani, head of their intelligence and military outside of Iran, and everyone calls for Trump’s head on platter. WTF people? Make up your minds. A dead terrorist leader is a dead terrorist leader. Why would it make any difference who ordered them killed? Explain yourselves.
  10. From the article: This exercise fails on at least two counts. Following up an attack that was an international story that took out 33 of your troops with an out-of-the-way attack that maybe killed one person does not say, “don’t do this again.” Rather it is a signal that you are weak, and it is open season on your people with no bag limit and no size restrictions. I can think of nothing weaker than a Biden threat.
  11. 1918….Spanish Flu…..killed 50,000,000 worldwide…. Did nothing…. Virus went away. Imagine that!
  12. That would be Beau Biden, you know, the brother of Hunter who had an affair with his wife/widow.
  13. Still can’t post it here. Those were some sick people, but I bet their crime rates were manageable because all tortures and executions were witnessed by the masses. Lol
  14. Yes, beat him to death like he did to the little girl. I like drawn and quartered, but one comes to mind that I won’t list here, but it is medieval.
  15. Evicting a non paying tenant is not as easy as some believe. My MIL found that out the hard way…… no, it wasn’t me.
  16. How does one file a complaint against something they feel offensive and it makes National news? Where are some faces of these woke people? A story that makes National headlines should have a face with it.
  17. If only Clinton would have taken his shot we might not have had a 9/11. [Hidden Content]
  18. We posted about the same time with similar info. Lol
  19. True enough. However, we have not had a 9/11 type of attack since because we kept our guard up and broke up their “groups” wherever we could. The one sure fire way to create another 9/11 is to open your borders. On a side note: I always thought the killing of Bin Laden was suspicious. I never saw any pics of his dead body and he was dumped at sea…..WHY? We got to see Sadaam Insane hanged, but I also had my suspicions on that too…..shall I say it looked staged? This is simply the skeptic in me, but I can’t apologize for how I feel. Insane was under Bush, Bin Laden was under Obama. I feel that had either of these happened under Trump, he would have displayed their sorry carcasses for the world to see.
  20. What a POS. People actually voted for this guy? No way! From the article: "Absolutely reckless and horrific," Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn tweeted. "The Biden Administration gave the Taliban a kill list while lying to us, saying they didn’t have details on every name and whereabouts. Every single person involved must resign or be impeached." Biden doesn't deny report of US handing over names of Americans to Taliban: 'There may have been' [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  21. They couldn’t care less if you get Covid. It is all about control.
  22. She’s not ignorant. The pictures of the dead are all over the news. She would rather pretend it isn’t happening.
  23. Most chicken shat people I have ever seen. Back fighters and sneak attackers. Beat up and kill women and children. Big Girl’s peeps.
  24. Did he do like Bam Morris, who was busted with around 50 lbs. of weed telling the cops,”That’s not mine”. ?
  25. Reddit - forwardsfromgrandma - Bike helmets are for snowflakes, Charlie Brown
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