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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Funny (not comical) how everything Trump implemented and Biden reversed has blown up in his face.
  2. That must sting a whole lot, having to reinstate a TRUMP POLICY. Lmao
  3. Big Girl thinks he’s done a fantastic job, and she’s a nurse, no less. Kinda scary….. brings up images of Annie Wilkes in “Misery”.
  4. I compare the Covid vaccine/mask (mandate) with laws governing wearing motorcycle helmets. They change from year to year and can’t guarantee survival even if worn. Chances are greater that you won’t die in an accident, but not by much. Also, years that allow you to be free of wearing a helmet, there is still an option to wear one of one so chooses. Of course, most laws concerning the operation of motor vehicles are governed by insurance. As for the global warming….. maybe the earth is warming a tad by natural means, but man, with his conceited attitude of being able to control everything, including nature, has thrown $trillions at this project and accomplished absolutely nothing. The entire program is geared toward global government and the lining of pockets. On either front, how is the general population supposed to prove any of this? The science is there but it changes. Then we have to get our info from the media, and who on here trusts that to not be skewed or politically reported with a slant? To say which one has stymied our trust the most is a tough one, Englebert.
  5. Of course I know Biden has done nothing. He just takes credit for things he doesn’t do. Like keeping the country shut down, then taking credit for an economic upswing. Which other way could it go? Lmao
  6. Pfizer probably urged (paid) the FDA for early approval which will go hand in hand with Biden being able to stake claim that he defeated Covid.
  7. A 125 Penton used to kick my butt. It wasn’t mine though. My bike was a Kawasaki 1000. Got rid of it before I killed myself. You ride as a ghost. The second you assume someone sees you, you made a huge mistake. In town riding was the pits.
  8. Neither does wearing a mask until you are seated in a restaurant. Was the Covid present from the door to your seat?
  9. I see the point of your thread and it is a point well taken. The only reason for my questioning guilt or innocence was Mr. West producing receipts for evening. I would like more proof than a field sobriety test. I failed one in Vegas years ago. I explained to the officer that I had worked a double shift and was exhausted. It was the truth and he believed me and sent me on my way.
  10. We get body cam footage of everything else, where is any footage of this arrest?
  11. She is so good at stating the obvious. She offers no solutions. Why is she involved anyway?
  12. I’m sure TVC will have the answer, but even though she failed a field sobriety test, don’t they still have to administer a BAC test for the record? If she indeed was driving while intoxicated with her grandchild, she should also be charged with child endangerment, which is a serious offense.
  13. I didn’t know him personally. Seemed like a good and fair individual. Prayers to his family and friends.
  14. Sorry, I got rid of mine years ago.
  15. You and Buddy are buds. He warned you on several occasions about these setex people, you know, PEOPLE LIKE ME. It would be inexcusable for you to disagree with him or see the angle of his post. Remember, we still live in the 60’s…..or is it him? My post needed no explanation really.
  16. Of course you didn’t. I expected nothing less.
  17. Man, you would have to shut me up. I won’t do it for you or anyone else. Remember, you’re the one who opened up this can of worms that is literally eating you from within. Go back and read your first post. It is riddled with hatred and innuendo.
  18. Really? I have to point it out. You made it very obvious, especially with the second post I have seen warning Soulja about this place. The innocence is insulting.
  19. Yep PAISD and BISD are the top districts in Setex. What a terrible thing to say about the other districts here.
  20. I believe the Biden string pullers wanted to arm the Taliban all along. The left has been dealing favorably with muslims since the Obama administration began.
  21. Yes, I forgot my little island countries. How fast was the Afghanistan takeover? Days too, I suspect.
  22. Was behind a car the other day that had a “Do not text and drive” sticker in her back window. Pulled along side of her and she was texting. I guess that sticker only applies to those who are reading it.
  23. That would be the rapid test with results in minutes. It is not accurate, however, giving false positives. I didn’t have a problem with a sore, but I am now left-handed. The other, more accurate test, can’t remember the name, they only swab barely inside the nose. No discomfort at all. Mine took a couple days for results.
  24. This has to be to fastest takeover of a country in history. Faster than Blitzkrieg of Poland.
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