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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I don’t intentionally post lies. There is so much info and it’s difficult to know what is and isn’t 100% factual. I’ll just leave this with my last post.
  2. I thought you were libertarian….able to see points from both sides. Guess I was wrong. You mods have a way of having each other’s back too. Live your Covid vaccinated life and I’ll live my non-vaccinated Covid life. It’s the American thing to do.
  3. Have 330,000,000 people tested positive for Covid. Remember the false positives.
  4. So, I guess that since you are on a social media platform, I can discredit your opinion…..and it didn’t say Facebook.
  5. Gee, that would be if everyone catches covid. There’s a good number to throw out there.
  6. Hypothetical? I see no problem with the reference to social media users. What the heck are we? Does this invalidate yours and my opinions? What it comes down to is acceptable death numbers. As long as a person’s death to disease is considered acceptable, then the agenda has been met. It all depends on where the lines are drawn.
  7. That should bring about a lot of he said/she said
  8. From the article: Social media users have questioned why a COVID-19 vaccine found to be 90% efficient has been hailed as a breakthrough, when the disease itself has a survival rate of 99% Did you read it? That’s the first paragraph
  9. Like I said before, we can’t mix and match the math. Hey, and I stand corrected. It’s a 99% survival rate. [Hidden Content]
  10. Always a next wave. What happened to flu deaths? Worldwide Covid cases have declined and we know the rest of the world is not vaccinated, not anywhere near the numbers in the U.S. [Hidden Content]
  11. I can see plea bargaining to get life without parole as opposed to the death penalty. He committed aggravated robbery at the movie theater…..20 years for that. He then committed murder while committing a felony (car theft) which is a capital offense. I can’t see him being able to plea deal to a sentence that includes parole. Of course, I’m not an expert.
  12. Well, I figured I’d get labeled sooner or later.
  13. Man, we need to work on our math. You can’t mix and match with math. Before any vaccine came out everyone was unvaccinated and had a 98% survival rate. We are not doing any better now.
  14. These numbers were good even while we were being lied to about the number of covid cases and deaths. Especially since the rapid tests are being recalled for “FALSE POSITIVES”. One can really skew some numbers real quick with false positives. No wonder some people say their case was hardly anything. They didn’t have it, but they got a check mark in the positive column for the data centers.
  15. Some people wear a mask while riding in their own vehicle. I think, “Dude, just stay home!”.
  16. I’ve got it figured out…. These vaccinations will alter a persons DNA. Since everyone’s DNA will be altered, we won’t be considered human and therefore will have no human rights. lol
  17. Since this disease is so contagious and deadly, shouldn’t there be Bio-Hazard waste bins at every store, restaurant, gym, place of work, etc. to dispose of these mandated masks?
  18. Gee, how ironic. Jefferson county cases are dropping as is the entire Great State of Texas.
  19. Yeah, for what it’s worth, there was a 98% survival rate without a vaccine before they even came out with one.
  20. I can’t believe he was out with four felonies.
  21. How could you lol about Biden? You voted for Trump twice….. or so you say
  22. Death panels going to decide who lives or dies.
  23. I’ll put this here…….Never in my whole life have I ever seen a sitting president visit states that he supposedly won in the election, have negative crowds lining the streets, flipping him the bird as he passes, holding signs that say “F” him, and actually turn out in droves to show their dislike of him. This is everywhere he goes. Never, I repeat, NEVER have I witnessed this in all my born days. Where the heck are the 80,000,000+ Biden lovers?
  24. Thought so, and I agree. Sad part is, the whole isn’t deep enough to hold them all, but we could make a huge dent. Lol
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