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Everything posted by baddog

  1. VACCINATION CARD Hello. -Hi, table for two, please. -Sure, and your name. -Daryl. -Great. And do you and your guest have your vaccination cards? -Hmmm well first..Can you tell us who our server will be? -Um, looks like Brad will be your server tonight. -Great. Can you show us Brad's vaccination card? -Um... -And also, can you provide me with proof that Brad is not a carrier of HIV, Hepatitis A or B, or any other communicable diseases? Same for you and the kitchen staff. -Um... -Also, we would prefer not to be served by someone who is on or uses recreational drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, meth, fentanyl, etc, so if you could provide us with Brad's most recent tox screen, that would be great. Matter of fact, imma need to see all of your employees medical history. -Um... Let me get the manager for you. -That would be great, thanks. Make sure they have their vax card and medical records please. Here’s the thing, nobody needs restaurants, and other places; but they need us. Start standing your ground. Stolen and passing along.
  2. Great post. Did you notice he read from nothing? All of that was from his heart and soul, two things Biden’s administration doesn’t possess. Biden worried about spending $billions in Afghanistan while spending $trillions here. Makes no sense. Can’t put a dollar value on freedom.
  3. Everyone has a plan until they get hit in the mouth.
  4. So you have seen the routine?
  5. George Carlin talked about this in his stand up years ago.
  6. With Buffalo Bore ammo. I feel sorry for the recipient. lol
  7. Yes sir. I have two….. one for each hand. lol
  8. Stop the junk yards from paying for them and it will stop. I have heard of people who had theirs stolen while shopping at Target. A good dust plate would help a lot.
  9. Biden has attempted to reverse everything Trump did for Americans. What has he reversed that was good for Americans? Answer…..NOTHING. Biden admin moved to dismantle protections for citizens trapped overseas months before Kabul’s fall: memo [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  10. It’s what she’s good at….. turning tail.
  11. You won’t see Big Girl post on this thread because she doesn’t care about Americans. She is still worried about Kurds in Syria, and it’s his/her way of balancing things out in her mind with what has happened in Afghanistan. Not even close.
  12. Are you 100% sure on the Mr. and Mrs? I mean, there are so many genders now that Mr. and Mrs. is probably racist or genderphobic.
  13. You will never climb out of being enslaved to the Democratic Party. Trump did it….. feel better?
  14. Another Jussie Smollett……different subject matter but Smollett just the same. I looked up the word dumbass in the dictionary….it had her picture.
  15. But you wanted us to leave, so how can you complain? Trump was doing what the people wanted and would have been very successful with the pullout. Biden, who struggles with knowing his own kinfolk, went against his advisors and pulled the plug, but you just keep right on defending this mental case and blaming Trump for all the bad decisions this administration makes. It’s what you do best because otherwise, you are clueless. Even your own articles contradict you but it really doesn’t surprise me. After all, you are a liberal, which equates.
  16. Quite the contrary. You just reinforced my point……. Yes there are racists, but racism is exaggerated like you said, for ratings, which equals to money, but most importantly to keep the divide. I have seen no one defend this woman, but you will find thousands who defend Sharpton, Obama (divider-in-chief), and more……and like you said, Smollett. What a crock.
  17. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that when Trump was president, anything (just about everything) negative was referenced as “Trump” did it. With Biden, they reference it as “The Biden Administration”. Where is Jim Acosta? Is he accosting someone somewhere?
  18. I don’t know. I have high blood pressure under control with meds. High blood pressure can cause a stroke. If I catch the common cold and die from a stroke, are we going to blame the cold? Colds can weaken your system. I have lived with high blood pressure for years now. Yeah, I know, colds don’t kill people, but it seems that the mentality is what we are trying to do with Covid. Maybe the diabetes did finally cause the death. Who knows? Too easy to blame Covid.
  19. Funny, I never saw you shed a tear for the Kurds that Sadaam Insane murdered with mustard gas. You are a true two-face.
  20. No, what would you have had him do? (you won’t answer). You already stated we should not be over there anyway. You play both sides and talk out both sides of your mouth like a true liberal.
  21. From your own article: "President Biden owns this mess — the blood is on his hands," Inhofe said in a statement on Sunday. "President Biden did not inherit the current withdrawal from President Trump — in fact, he has deviated from the previous administration's plan and set his own disastrous course."
  22. I knew you would take up for your boy Obama. You never fail in my predictions. Post the video. I would love to see what parts you skipped over.
  23. We never learn. The Taliban leader was released from GITMO by……wait for it…..OBAMA I’m sure everyone has seen the same clips over and over of the people trying to leave. My question is WHERE ARE THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN?
  24. Biden kills the Keystone pipeline…..gas prices rise $1.00 per gallon……calls on OPEC to produce more oil….Russia too. Trump would have completed the pipeline here and kept Americans working. Biden opens our southern borders…….realizes he screwed up again….resorts to Trump’s border policy. Biden pulls our troops from Afghanistan……screws it up big time……blames everyone but the Pope……sends back even more troops than Trump had. WHAT A LEADER…..but Big Girl likes his policies…..see how easily defeated she is?
  25. We kept terrorists at bay with our occupation of Afghanistan. I know, the left doesn’t want to believe it, but Obama had eight years to leave had he wanted. Maybe he thought Bush’s policies and strategy were leading to Bin Laden. Only he knows, but if the left disagree with us being there at all, why didn’t Obama retreat? You will begin to see terrorist attacks on our soil in the coming years. Slaughters at night clubs, sporting events, restaurants…..the killing of innocent Americans by these muslims, who hate anyone who don’t believe like they do……yet Christians are bad people. Between the hispanic drug cartels and the muslim extremists, unarmed Americans are fair game…..myself not being one of those.
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