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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I remember when Phyllis George was the first white female to have a significant spot in commentating in the nationally televised sports world. She was a former miss USA, so she was definitely some fantastic eye candy. Joining the cast of The NFL Today with Brent Musberger and Jimmy “The Greek” (that would be racist in today’s world and he would have to change it) Snyder, she would also have to possess sports intelligence to be accepted. There was a list of applicants and I read where they asked a sports related question to narrow the field. The question was, “ What team runs the flex defense”? Phyllis answered, “The Dallas Cowboys” and got the job. She did very well and the onslaught of women commentators in men’s sports was on. There have been some improvements on the sideline reporters, but the early ones were there for the eye candy effect.
  2. COVID-19 infects about 100 vaccinated crewmembers on HMS Queen Elizabeth: report [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  3. Ill try to watch it hippy. Some people bring out the best in me. I apologize to inmagawetrust and the board.
  4. I got hurt and had a toe amputated. My taxes have already helped those before me with their retirement. Of course you won’t understand that concept because it is your mission not to understand. Poor troll. Your mommy is calling, wuss.
  5. Forget you troll. Run away now little boy.
  6. Thanks DF. At least it’s not like the thread you started that blew up in your face. I’ve seen lots of reposts on here. It’s not uncommon. Hagar won’t mind that I missed his link.
  7. I’m laughing. This is the way to handle cowards. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ROTFLMAO. TEXAS…..GOTTA LOVE IT!!!!!!
  8. to protect yourself at a gas station. [Hidden Content]
  9. Hey DFs. Abbott says the democrats who fled the special session will be arrested upon their return. He who laughs last?????? Texas’ Abbott says Dems who ‘fled’ state over elections bill will be arrested upon return [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  10. We should start an exchange program. If you think American sucks, we exchange you with a Cuban. It’s a win/win!
  11. This could not have been stated any better. This is why I say minorities are not after equality. It’s a big, fat lie.
  12. Dang, don’t they have a pill for that? The people you speak of, who used to be sent to Rusk, are now walking amongst us and we can only hope they took their meds today. Maybe if a few of them forget to take their meds and kill their shrink, the Rusk population will increase.
  13. A question that will not be answered. The answer would kill his argument. Check this out…..
  14. Take the money and run, just like Venezuela.
  15. Oops. Forgot Bernie Sanders who has praised Castro in the past. Bernie Sanders silent on Cuban pro-freedom uprisings after praising Fidel Castro's communist policies [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  16. from AOC? Shouldn’t this peak her interest? As much as she likes to open her trap, one would think she would have already voiced her opinion. Maybe she needs to get prepped for the media first. Video emerges of mass protests against communist dictatorship in Cuba: 'We are not afraid' [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  17. Thanks. I find stuff like this very interesting. I asked about the terrorist threat, which would fall under your #1, because she was stopped by the mob and she could have possibly feared for her life, and this guy being one of them…..and the mob was wreaking terror all around. Thanks for clearing that up.
  18. Wow, look at all of these NUMBSKULLS objecting to the vote counting when Trump won. I didn’t hear one freakin PEEP out of any of the people on this board who think my side is a bunch of NUMBSKULLS for trying to get at the truth with the election audits. It amazes me how they proclaim to be patriots while calling us traitors for these actions, when the audits help ALL OF US. All we have is name calling shat starters who play both sides(so they can always hit you with the “I told you so” and are never wrong) and when they ARE wrong and called on it, they run and hide.
  19. Would it be possible to have him charged with a terroristic threat since he seemed to be part of a terror group? Hiw about a hate crime? Seriously, I like throwing the book at hoodlums like this to show them where they fail to see the difference between “peaceful protests” and criminal assault. Is Kamala posting his bond?
  20. The reason I’m getting a divorce…… I woke up a couple days ago, it was my birthday. My wife made no mention of it, even the kids said nothing. I went to work and none of my co-workers wished me happy birthday. It was frustrating. Later, my boss came up and she wished me happy birthday. I said thanks. She then asked if I would like to get a bite for lunch. I said that sounded great. After lunch, she asked if I would like to go back to her place. Hesitating for a moment, I eventually said yes. We got to her place and she said she wanted to go change clothes. A few minutes later, she came back with my wife, my kids, and several of my co-workers. They wanted to wish me happy birthday with a cake and there I was sitting butt ass naked on the couch.
  21. You are headed down the road of being called a numbskull. Lol
  22. Totally unbelievable…..Big Girl, with all of your wisdom and smarts…….is this a stupid dog?
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