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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Two things to do when playing against Brady…. You have to get to Brady with a pass rush , and never play a close game and give Brady the ball with 1:00 or less for a final drive. Pretty bad when Dak throws for 400+ yards and only score 29.. some will say 29 is a lot. It is, but 400 yards passing should produce 35-40 points. Zeke carried 11 times. Wtf?
  2. I think this pretty much sums up the forced vaccinations. Communism at its finest. Unvaccinated Americans are a menace to society but criminal invaders are your friends. Biden loves anyone who is not American. He keeps proving that on a daily basis. Biden plan for forced vaccinations doesn't include illegal immigrants [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  3. Costs twice as much to feed a dim, with those two mouths.
  4. Business deal????? Probably dropped them a pallet of money like Obama did.
  5. Your VP is a liar. She makes stuff up. Watch Psaki at the end. She does what democrats do best….. turn and run from the truth.
  6. The left used to call Trump a liar, then produced absolutely no proof, especially on this board. Is this guy a liar? You bet.
  7. Biden has already “proven” he cares nothing about the lives of Americans. Why would I believe that he cares about my health. Biden has been a total failure so far, so I’m guessing he wants his legacy to be “I DEFEATED COVID”. Of course he would have to read that off a teleprompter.
  8. Biden’s vaccine mandates…..nothing more than blackmail. I can’t believe how the Covid unvaccinated are being attacked. It’s all about control, not public safety and health. [Hidden Content]
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. I don’t like the way any of the teams handle pre-season. In the Landry years, the starters played 1/4 in the first pre-season game and added 1/4 every game after. They were physically and mentally ready for game 1. Now they come out flat in game 1 and wonder why. Landry knew what he was doing….I mean, they had injuries back then too.
  11. Nothing will ever convince me that the rope wasn’t planted. NASCAR is a predominantly “white” sport. Must attack by all means. What better way than racism and a rope? Shades of Jussie Smollett. Blacks should be all over his arse, but they simply pat him on the back and say “good try”. They can’t see that it does more harm than good. A rope in a garage for race cars for NASCAR………nah, nobody would ever exploit that. Those silly old white racists.
  12. People on the left should be able to see how they are led by the nose, but communism is ok if the free stuff keeps coming.
  13. How come I keep seeing polls that show Biden’s “approval” ratings are dropping? I haven’t seen a thing yet that showed anyone’s approval of anything he’s done, except for his suckasses. Slippery Slope Kamala’s approval either.
  14. All the “rape survivors” ( surely the ones who didn’t “survive” the rape won’t have to worry about an abortion) have to do is abort before the heartbeat is detected, which averages about 6 weeks. Why wait any longer if one has been raped? We know Kamala can never be the victim of a rape. You can’t rape the willing. Funny, she has nothing good to say about Newsom, so she has to “attack” a governor from another state. Harris accuses Texas Gov. Abbott of 'arrogantly' dismissing rape victims [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  15. A musician using drugs and alcohol? What’s the world coming to? lol Seriously, it doesn’t matter who the celebrity is, they end up being a statistical notation. I believe his story has merit, but not simply due to his being Eric Clapton.
  16. Dems can’t afford to lose their grip on California. What’s a few thousand Americans and allies when there are millions of voters to keep a thumb on.
  17. How can it be suppression? I have to get a license to fish, and it costs money. Is the fishing industry being suppressed?
  18. Obtuse…… Solitary, a month.
  19. She should be proud…. Minnesota man freed by Kamala Harris-supported bail fund now charged with murder [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  20. He had parents?
  21. [Hidden Content]
  22. Maybe there is a chance for our young people after all.
  23. Have no fear, Biden is here…..
  24. I have to say that an enema is used to get rid of stubborn caca. In the case of N.O., it wasn’t effective.
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