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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Full time day care. This is not to slight the teachers. They earn every cent. Schools pick ‘em up, teach them for 8 hours, take ‘em home. Sounds like a day care system to me.
  2. Get a life dude. Trolling is not a profession. Who says I have to be on here waiting for your response. Ever thought I could check in from time to time? Every time I checked, you were on here. You are a legend in your own mind. Your self worth is skewed, to put it mildly there Narcissus. I gave a heartfelt response and all you can do is make fun.
  3. I plan on trying out for the Olympic basketball team. This toe ain’t worth selling. It’s ugly.
  4. Just turning your words back at you to show how you paint with a wide brush. I don’t do Facebook…etc. I can truly say I haven’t seen anyone on this board supporting the Capitol insurrection. Thanks to Hippy for the definition. Learn something everyday.
  5. Good luck with that Hagar. Getting a big toe amputated next week. Gonna have to cancel that Wimbledon walk-on appearance.
  6. I seem to recall that Biden said he would FIRE ANYONE in his administration that was rude to ANYONE. Well, let’s start here…. Kamala Harris staff contending with low morale, internal tensions: reports [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  7. Cosby Show was in a Thursday night lineup that included Cheers and Family Ties. It was great entertainment and Cosby was special. I loved his standup too. Used to watch him and Robert Culp in I Spy. Wow, that was a long time ago.
  8. I’ve seen real people all over social media denouncing the insurrection while loving them some rioters and looters. At first, I thought the insurrection was a carry over of the rioters and looters, but since it was white peoples, it must be denounced. Ain’t that funny. You have never seen anyone praise the insurrection, so stop with the outright lies.
  9. No surprise there. Point out the BS.
  10. I think it’s great. They brought their charges days before the 12 year statute of limitations. How can anyone wait that long to bring charges?
  11. You are a big, fat liar. There is a list of people on the site. You have been on here for hours. I was anxiously awaiting your comment on my honest post and, like the troll you are, decide to act like a little beech and call me names. Your credibility is zero, but what else is new?
  12. What a pitiful answer from a little girl.
  13. What a wimpy answer from a little girl.
  14. Forget you beech. You obviously can’t freakin read. I passed something that resembles you a while ago.
  15. Have said this all along. Now it’s China News Network. Sure am glad I watch Fox. CNN roasted for glowing coverage of Chinese Communist Party’s anniversary: 'This is Xi-N-N' [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  16. You really expect an answer to a problem from the smartest man on the planet? He is here to name-call only. It makes him feel superior.
  17. Answered your question and crickets from you…..typical Answered your question and crickets from you…..typical from a traitor.
  18. Unbelievable…..
  19. You know, at the end of the day, this person (is that the correct terminology?) is still a male. What self respecting male gets a kick out of defeating females? Is that something to brag about?
  20. Kapertwit is the true traitor. Anyone who would turn their back on the flag or kneel for the anthem….that is a traitorous action. Kap even said he wouldn’t kneel anymore if a NFL team picked him up. This makes him a traitor to his “cause”. Of course you will forgive them by saying they have rights guaranteed by the 1st amendment. I can see that to a point and agree they have the right to peaceful protests. But as tvc has pointed out, there are limitations to all of our rights. We don’t have the right “to do anything” and hide behind self expression or freedom of speech. Even you know that, and so does everyone else. You simply want to have your way, like the rioting, looting, and burning that was considered “peaceful protests”. Then you have your future whore of a VP bailing these traitorous felons out of jail. You really think that is right? Really??? Carry a sign, write your congressman, put an add in the paper. Express your concerns without spitting all over rest of us. I notice you make it a white/black thing. How foolish of you. My boss is black and so is the other man I work alongside. We talk about sensitive subjects such as this and neither of them agree with disgracing our flag or anthem. Of course this won’t sway your opinion in any way, shape, or form, but at least I gave an honest answer, which is way more than I have ever heard from you. Ok, you can get back to your pot stirring and choosing of sides……then complain about divisiveness. Such is a troll’s life. You don’t really want answers. You want chaos.
  21. Hey DF. The bottom pic spawned the top one. Get your stuff straight troll.
  22. I wonder if he has read Jalen Rose’s book on picking Olympic basketball teams.
  23. Stirring the pot. It’s what trolls do. Good for absolutely nothing.
  24. Really? What about all the snowflakes who are so easily offended? …..and I think it is far north of SOME being offended.
  25. This is the whole thing in a nutshell. She should not represent this country (you and me) against the world if she feels oppressed. How can someone oppressed be on an Olympic team? Her name was not drawn out of a hat. This country has committed a lot of time, effort, and MONEY for her to be where she is today. I guess if she didn’t make the team, she would cry racism, since the white girls seem to be better. That’s gratitude for you.
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